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September Stars

No haven't actually been sick touch wood, just feel sick right now - hoping it stays that way!
Oh gosh yes I'm not sure how well I'm going to cope with morning sickness and work. I work from home around 50% of the time and the other 50% is travelling to meetings all over the place. I just hope it hits when I'm home-based!!! I somehow had loads of leave left over that I had to take before end March, so I'm doing quite a few 4day weeks from now until then. Yippee! :)
Yep, six weeks is the key, I think, Mirm! Just before six weeks (a few days back)I started feeling really sick. I threw up last night for the third time. Is anyone else getting most of their illness at night? The smell of my son's dinner made me look like this. :sick: I ended up having toast for dinner at 10pm.

We haven't told many people either so it's really hard when you feel like garbage!
I've felt sick all day today, which is unusual. Before now, I've felt sick before I got out of bed but it passed quite quickly. No running from it now!
Hello ladies. Feeling particuarly shite today actually. Couldn't wait for 1pm so I could go and get some lunch. I stupidly didn't have any breakfast because I was running late, which doesn't help matters. Having eaten now though, I am disappointed to say I actually feel just as bad as I did earlier :( I tend to feel ill from morning til evening :cry:
This is exactly me Poshie!
No actual sickness, but feel terrible!

Today was the worst, felt so awful this morning I went back to bed.
Then my left breast started to hurt like hell, so I got up and got ready for work.
Then the sicky feeling hung around until lunch!

I was working customer facing today, so I was quite short with a few customers today. But they were bloody annoying me! :haha:

Hope everyone is well xx

Oh are you actually throwing up then? I haven't done so at all and I'm hoping it stays that way. It's hard enough just feeling crap and pretending you're fine.
The only thing I've eaten today is crackers and mashed potatoes. It's not helping, I still feel horrible.

So glad I can come here and complain to you all...and that you completely understand how I'm feeling! So sorry that we're all feeling yucky, though.
Off for 1st midwife appt today.
DH is very excited - more so than me.
Think ms has something to do with my lack of enthusiasm right now!!
Ooh good luck Milly!!

I managed to choke down some porridge for breakfast this morning, but it hasn't made a blind bit of difference - still feel sick lol
Good Milly! Let us know how you get on.

I survived my marathon work day yesterday! It was hard but actually I was a bit hyper and it got me through the long day. Luckily the flights were on time and that helps!

This morning tho, I'm exhausted and feeling really sick. However I invented a 'dental appointment' so I could have a lie-in. Mwahaha!

The crazy dreams seem to be here to stay. I rather enjoy them!

Spent a lot of time yesterday daydreaming about the baby. I like doing that. Makes it all seem more real.

Hope everyone else is ok today.
I have crazy dreams too :haha:

The other night, I dreamt that my little brother (Well, not so little, he's 19!) was back in the army, and his regiment had to put on a dance show :rofl: I text him when I woke up and he was like 'weirdo.' :saywhat:

Nice job with the dentist appt :ninja:!
hiya ladies....just popping in to cheer you all on :hugs:

anyway....if any of you wanted an update click on my journal link.....

good luck today milly xxx
Morning ladies :) How are we today? Good luck at your appt Milly ! Let us know how it goes.

Well done tinytabby on getting through the day yesterday. I had my worst day so far yesterday. Felt terrible all afternoon and evening. Feeling ok this morning, but I can now feel the illness creeping up on me :( I seriously contemplated dropping my son off at childminder and just lieing in bed for the rest of the day, but I've made it into work.

My gp initially offered me an early scan but this has now been withdrawn! So I have had to book a private scan which I have on Sat 28 Jan and I will be 8w 4d.
How much was your private scan poshie? I want one! :haha:

I'm feeling worse each day :( Had to stop answering the phones yday afternoon cause I was on the verge of being sick the whole time! Very difficult to hide this pregnancy at the moment!!

Happy 7 weeks though :D xx
Ooo yes, 7 weeks, so I am with a blueberry!

The nausea is horrid isn't it. I must look really miserable at my desk! It is definitely getting worse so I can see myself having to be off work at this rate. I'm sure I wasn't this ill with my son. The thought of having to deal with at least another 4 weeks of this is really not nice.
Haha I know I look miserable. Someone said to me yesterday 'are you awake Clo' and I was like 'not really -_-' :haha:

I haven't even hit 6 weeks yet :dohh: I really hope I don't throw up lol x
Sorry, forgot to say, my private scan (with cd of pics) is £90 so not cheap. I need to have it though.

That's the thing isn't it, its still early and we are feeling so shite already. It's only going to get worse before it gets better! :shock:

I just googled private scans and the one closest to me is babybond and is £99 lol may have a word with OH but doubt he'll agree! Damn :haha:

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