TT, congrats on a good appointment - sounds like everything went well.
I haven't gotten my 20 week appt scheduled yet - I won't know when that is until the 27th of this month when I have my 16 week checkup.
I really, really, really, REALLY want to know the sex, like yesterday. We have two boys already and absolutely everyone swears that this one is a girl, but I remain unconvinced. A girl would be fantastic, but we already know what to do with boys, so either way I'm thrilled.
You all are making me really glad that I work at home (no offense meant, it's just easier). I'm sure I've told you all of this before, but I am a private nanny and I had to tell my family around 8 weeks because I'd be taking the baby to my Dr.'s, I looked like death and I was afraid they'd think I was really sick with some kind of disease.

My childcare family is a teacher family, so I'll stop working in June and won't pick it up again until January. I won't have any income from September to January, which scares me, but I'm really looking forward to the time off!
What do you all do for a living?
I'm due on the 8th, which is also the Saturday after school starts here. I'll have a middle schooler (6th grade), a 4th grader, and a newborn...scary thought! The boys will be 9 and 11.5 when this baby arrives.