Hello ladies, hope everyone is well...
Poshie, just for comedy I have attached a suitable onion picture...
Cookies - I am totally wishing my life away too! I have booked the same week off and I cannot wait! I have my 20 week scan during the week though, which makes it even more exciting!
Smile - great bump pic, although I was expecting a cheesy grin on your face
I gave my official letter about pregnancy/leave into work today. Said I would be taking maternity leave from 20th August (I'm due 30th since dating scan) following 4 weeks' holiday I have already booked (so actually leaving work on 20th July). We also put our plans for me to return after 9 months and DH to have the final three months off (we have the same boss!). My boss was quite confused though as he has July in his head for me leaving, so I had to remind him about the annual leave! I think he was concerned as he is about to recruit my maternity cover. The assessment centre for the candidates is tomorrow and he should have interviewed and decided by the end of next week
Anyway, I don't know why I went into such detail there!! Except I'm quite excited for my maternity cover to start, I'm want to make sure I have them all set up before handing over my lovely team (the maternity secondment will be a development role for someone who isn't already a team leader). Although I can't wait to be off with beanie, I will miss my team and the random stuff they say...
What will other people miss about work? (if anything of course!)