September Stars

Hello Shadow :happydance: for appt tomorrow! Hope it goes okay with asking for the other hospital. You can get the maxi cosi type car seat that clicks into the pram chassis over here as well, they are popular. I have personally got the carry cot type (which can lie flat) which doubles as a car seat so very handy. Oh and I’m sure your bump is lovely ;)
Mumof9 - Yay! Hopefully I'll fall naturally with the second x

Poshie - did your boss suspect? It's good that your boss is so supportive x

Smile - you have a lovely bump. V jealous! X

I hope everyone's mw appointments go well xxx
Morning all :)

17 Weeks today / Onion

Now, I'm sure onions are smaller than avacados, yet was an avacado at 16 weeks? :shrug: Hmmm.

Anyway, hello Carhar, yes there have been rumours circulating in the office about whether or not I am pg. I just need to get around to telling my colleagues as and when as there is no mistaking my bump today! ;)

Good luck with your appt Shadowcat x
I think onions are smaller than avocados, and I also think that avocados are smaller than oranges. The ticker is weird. :wacko:
Agreed Shadowcat ;) What time is it with you? It's 14.10 here. I'm jus wondering how long until your appt?
I just got finished!

It was a quick appointment, but everything went well. Baby's heart was beating away, and she found it really easily this time. :cloud9:

She did say that if I preferred the other hospital, that she'd have to transfer my care to her partners over there. I don't want to leave this office and I love my Dr., so I definitely have some things to think about.

My 20 week scan is scheduled for April 24th! :happydance:

ps - It's 10:34 in the morning here right now.
My scan is April 24th too. 4 weeks today! :)

I have some appointments coming up too! Thursday morning I'm having my blood taken for Down's screening. Next Monday I have 'bump' class for 2 hours in the afternoon, and then next Tuesday I have my next midwife appointment.

I was looking at my calendar in work earlier, and I think the next couple of weeks are going to go past quite speedily for me, yay! My next full day in work is next Wednesday. I've taken the 4 days after Easter Monday off. So my next full week in work will be the the week before scan week. :)

Is anyone else wishing their life away like me?
ladies i agree i find the fruit ticker a bit weird!!
hurray for your 20 week scan date shadow! 2 days before mine!! :happydance: cant believe we are all nearly half way!!!!!! :wohoo:
smile, your bump is just soooo cute!! ill try and post one up this week, i think i have also "popped" over the weekend, as my friend at work commented today how much "baby G is sticking out!!"
Hello ladies, hope everyone is well...

Poshie, just for comedy I have attached a suitable onion picture...

Cookies - I am totally wishing my life away too! I have booked the same week off and I cannot wait! I have my 20 week scan during the week though, which makes it even more exciting!

Smile - great bump pic, although I was expecting a cheesy grin on your face :winkwink:

I gave my official letter about pregnancy/leave into work today. Said I would be taking maternity leave from 20th August (I'm due 30th since dating scan) following 4 weeks' holiday I have already booked (so actually leaving work on 20th July). We also put our plans for me to return after 9 months and DH to have the final three months off (we have the same boss!). My boss was quite confused though as he has July in his head for me leaving, so I had to remind him about the annual leave! I think he was concerned as he is about to recruit my maternity cover. The assessment centre for the candidates is tomorrow and he should have interviewed and decided by the end of next week :happydance:

Anyway, I don't know why I went into such detail there!! Except I'm quite excited for my maternity cover to start, I'm want to make sure I have them all set up before handing over my lovely team (the maternity secondment will be a development role for someone who isn't already a team leader). Although I can't wait to be off with beanie, I will miss my team and the random stuff they say...

What will other people miss about work? (if anything of course!)


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I won't miss work, because I'll be doing exactly what I already do...take care of a baby. :winkwink: I will have two months off during the summer, though, to enjoy my older kids for a bit before our baby arrives.
LOL that's a good point Shadowcat!!

I was a bit discombobulated when I found out we were having a boy, as I used to be a boarding school housemistress! I've always pictured myself with a baby girl, and thought that experience of looking after 59 teenage girls would come in handy one day!!!

I guess I can share insider knowledge with my son one day...!
Morning all :)

Good to hear from you Fran and LC. Love the onion Fran and the idea of sharing your secrets with your son one day! :D

I believe it's your 16 week appt this morning Smile, hope it's going well!

LC - Time is flying by for me.....3 weeks tomorrow til 20 week scan which means 3 weeks til half way through this pregnancy!:shock: In some ways it's good it's going fast, but in others it's scary ;)

The only thing I'll miss about work to be honest is the money!
Fran, that sounds like an interesting job! You'll be ok though - boys are easy (I have two). Everyone that I know that has girls says that girls are FAR harder. Of course, that doesn't stop me from hoping for one, just a little....:blush:

I'm exhausted today - I only got about 4 hours' sleep last night. It's going to be a looooooong day too, taking care of the baby. :sleep:
Hi everyone. Can't believe the weather. We've had a cloudless 7 day stretch, temperatures far exceeding the usual! Unheard of in a place with something like 3 times the average rainfall. So there are a lot of happy looking people around, and I'm feeling good that Sugarlump is finally getting some proper vitamin D!

Good luck to everyone with appointments this week. My next one is on Monday, it should be my 16 week MW appointment (I'll be just about 18 weeks!) I don't really have any issues at the moment so hopefully it will be quite a quick one.

Shadowcat - I'd secretly like a girl too, as I already have 2 nephews. But a boy would be wonderful too. Not sure what my instinct about it is - it keeps changing.

Does everyone else (who hasn't found out gender) have a (secret) preference?
Hello all :)

4 hours sleep SC?? How come? That's not enough!

TT - the weather is fantastic isn't it! I really look forward to my day off (although this week it's Friday rather than my usual Weds) when it's sunny. I think everyone is in a good mood when the sun hits their skin.

In all honesty, I don't mind what I have gender wise this time. I really wanted a boy first time around and we were blessed (we weren't prepared for just how cute he would be!) I think a little brother or a little sister would be just fine. Having had a boy I kind of know what to do and the thought of another little K is lovely. Also, a cute little girl to do girly things with would also be a gift. As long as Pud is healthy, we'll be happy :D

So another question for you all - have you decided yet whether you want to give breastfeeding a try or not?
Oh yes - healthy is the best priority, plus I do love the idea of a wee boy. But there's just something that says 'girl' to me, I can't really explain it.

I'll definitely be giving breast feeding the best chance I can. I wasn't breastfed and I have asthma and allergies and psoriasis, and I often wonder whether it would have been different if I hadn't. I also like the sound of something for baby that is actually free and portable - very little else seems to be!
My husband really wants a boy because he really wants to play football in the park with him. I have explained that you can do this with a girl too, but apparently it wouldn't be the same. I think it's because this is something his Dad never did with him when he was young. I don't really mind which gender we have, if i'm really pushed though I would vote girl. I don't have a gut feeling on LO's gender and I have no idea how to gender guess from scans, so unless we are accidently let in on the gender secret at 20 weeks it shall remain a mystery to me!

I want to give breastfeeding a go because of the benefits etc, but I have no strong views either way (I was never breastfed as a baby) so I won't be heartbroken if it doesn't work out.
Thanks for your thoughts ladies. It is definitely my intention to breastfeed again. In fact I'm looking forward to it!

Off topic but: I just had a call from Radio 5 Live to ask me to take part in a live piece on the radio about the toddler developmental checks! Bit random eh?! They have contacted me previously about some comments I made on the BBC website and asked me to participate in Question Time. I also rang up once when I was on maternity, so think they have still got my number ;)
Nah, I didn't in the end SC....two reasons a) they wanted to do it in 15 mins time (I'd need at least a day to prepare myself!) b) I was about to go into a meeting so couldn't anyway. ;)

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