Hey ladies...
TT and Poshie - like the sound of the home birth! I suspect they wouldn't let me do it but I'm not quite brave enough anyway - maybe next time. One Born Every Minute has me convinced I want to try water though... those ones always seem to go well!!
Smile - I have been having cracking headaches, particularly last week - every afternoon! Haven't had one since Friday though so fingers crossed... I'm just worried that everyone around me, including DH, seems to have a cold at the moment - the one I've had so far whilst pg has made me paranoid about getting another one. The prenatal vitamins seem to have given me a boost though!
Is anyone else getting lots of pains in their lower abdomen? I'm getting the sharp ones in various places, which seem to be classic round ligament pains, and I had a really weird experience today - I had a dull ache similar to period pain since last night, and it was getting worse, then I suddenly got a really strange sensation like the bottom of my stomach had fallen out, and felt a huge wave of nausea wash over me. It lasted for a bit, with the nausea improving, and now it's gone (including the initial ache).
I've also had lots of jointy-type aching pains in my pelvis, hips and pubic area - only time it seems to definitely not happen is when I'm walking around.
And - sorry for this big list but I'm hoping some other people have had some or all of these! - my tummy has changed shape/size over the last week, and today I was back in my normal work trousers. I just don't look pregnant anymore (well, not to the same degree). I went to Boots today to check my weight, and I haven't gained anything since becoming pregnant (which is my goal since I am already huge and the consultant said it would be best). Anyway, it's not worrying me, I just figure it's my body continuing to rearrange itself to accommodate his lordship (he already knows he's boss, had a fun time earlier moving around when Daddy was trying to measure his heartbeat!)...
Anyway, I shall shut up now!! I have my 20 week scan in just over a week, am so excited and can't wait to have the gender confirmed!! Although I secretly wanted a girl, I am now used to the idea of this baby being a boy and keep reassuring myself that it's rare that they get it wrong at 16 weeks!!!
Hope everyone else is doing really well!! Has anyone felt any really definite movement yet, other than bubbles/flutters?