September Stars

Just got back home from my appointment. (Didn't fancy going back to work!)

I got my scan date! 18th April! The letter was sent ages ago, so it must have got lost. So only 2 weeks and I will be exactly 20 weeks! Yay!

I also heard Sugarlump's heartbeat for the first time. I was overwhelmed! So exciting.

Everything seems fine. The MW is encouraging me to go for a home birth do after the 20 week scan I will probably switch teams to the home birth midwives.
Oh that's great news TT - Your scan is day before mine! :dance:

Very brave on the home birth option, I am sort of considering that m,yself now too actually ;-)
Yay! I'm pretty excited. :happydance: can't wait for the scan!

Reserving judgement till after the 20 week scan about the home birth as they said my placenta was sitting very low but weren't sure if it was going to be a problem.

I'm really keen on a home birth though - I like the idea of having my own food and getting into my own bed (with OH) after the baby is born.

The MWs are so positive about it - are they encouraging in your area?
Hey ladies...

TT and Poshie - like the sound of the home birth! I suspect they wouldn't let me do it but I'm not quite brave enough anyway - maybe next time. One Born Every Minute has me convinced I want to try water though... those ones always seem to go well!!

Smile - I have been having cracking headaches, particularly last week - every afternoon! Haven't had one since Friday though so fingers crossed... I'm just worried that everyone around me, including DH, seems to have a cold at the moment - the one I've had so far whilst pg has made me paranoid about getting another one. The prenatal vitamins seem to have given me a boost though!

Is anyone else getting lots of pains in their lower abdomen? I'm getting the sharp ones in various places, which seem to be classic round ligament pains, and I had a really weird experience today - I had a dull ache similar to period pain since last night, and it was getting worse, then I suddenly got a really strange sensation like the bottom of my stomach had fallen out, and felt a huge wave of nausea wash over me. It lasted for a bit, with the nausea improving, and now it's gone (including the initial ache).

I've also had lots of jointy-type aching pains in my pelvis, hips and pubic area - only time it seems to definitely not happen is when I'm walking around.

And - sorry for this big list but I'm hoping some other people have had some or all of these! - my tummy has changed shape/size over the last week, and today I was back in my normal work trousers. I just don't look pregnant anymore (well, not to the same degree). I went to Boots today to check my weight, and I haven't gained anything since becoming pregnant (which is my goal since I am already huge and the consultant said it would be best). Anyway, it's not worrying me, I just figure it's my body continuing to rearrange itself to accommodate his lordship (he already knows he's boss, had a fun time earlier moving around when Daddy was trying to measure his heartbeat!)...

Anyway, I shall shut up now!! I have my 20 week scan in just over a week, am so excited and can't wait to have the gender confirmed!! Although I secretly wanted a girl, I am now used to the idea of this baby being a boy and keep reassuring myself that it's rare that they get it wrong at 16 weeks!!!

Hope everyone else is doing really well!! Has anyone felt any really definite movement yet, other than bubbles/flutters? :kiss:
Good morning :D

TT - My MW suggested a homebirth right from my booking in appt but at the time, I thought I had definitely decided on birthing centre. However, because my neighbour had her baby at home (with a pool) in February, she was very pro so I am reconsidering. Maybe I could borrow her pool, as I definitely want to use water again.

Good to hear from you Fran. I get all sorts of stretchy, achey, weird pains in the tummy area. As you say, round ligament pain no doubt. It's all part and parcel of being pregnant and your growing baby changing your body shape (scary really!) I even had a hard tummy the other day but I think that might have been trapped wind :blush: I would always say if you are at all worried, to contact your midwife.

As for weight gain. I was weighed by my gp at 6 weeks and again at 12 week scan and I had actually lost a few pounds :shrug: I weighed myself yesterday and it appears I've put on 5kg in the past 6 weeks (although different scales of course). Sometimes you might put none on, sometimes more. I wouldn't worry too much, as it should all balance out in the end.

As for movement, I haven't really felt much at all. Thought I would feel it earlier this time around but it's not the case. I have maybe felt the odd flutter and when I listen with my doppler I can hear that distinctive plop bubbly noise which is baby moving. No proper kicks or anything though.
TT and Poshie - I think i'm a little nervous to try home birth, but if I as much suggested I'd like a home birth in front of my MIL she'd freak. I think the 2nd thing she said to me after we told her I was pregnant was "you are planning on giving birth in a hospital, yes?" The first being about breastfeeding. Anyway being in hospital gives us an excuse to get rid of her - visiting hours! I do like the idea of a water birth too - although I really don't know much about it. The midwifery led unit at our local hospital is supposed to be really good anyway, big rooms, double beds and no restrictions no the father staying etc.

Smile - I've not really had any headaches as such. I get occasional moments of quite intense pain in my forehead, but it disappears as quickly as it arrives.

Fran - My little bump is shrunk this morning too - I think the baby has moved! I've had a sensation like something is touching my cervix quite a lot over the last 72 hours or so. I'm not sure if that could be baby or not, but if might explain why my belly has changed. I've also been getting the odd sharp pains in my lower abdomen the last couple of days, but I'm not sure whether my UTI has returned. I've had some pain in the very bottom of my back on the right hand side and a little in my hips if I'm doing a lot of walking, but nothing to concerning.

Myself and my husband went to 'bump' class yesterday. It was quite dull and didn't teach us anything we didn't already know. I think 16 weeks is a bit late to be teaching people what food to avoid during pregnancy!! I'm seeing my midwife this afternoon, hopefully we will get to listen to the heartbeat, it's the one thing i'm actually looking forward to!
Hello Cookies. I can totally understand your reasons. I gave birth to my son in our midwifery led birthing centre and it was a great experience (hence it's my initial choice this time around). I didn't give birth in the pool but it was a great way of getting some relaxation in between contractions. I'd be happy to give birth there again this time around. Also the centre and hospital here are very quiet ,so chances of me having to fight for a big room with a pool, are very slim.

I forgot to say before that I think my bump is smaller today too! Bit weird, but I'm sure our bumps will get big again soon enough and we'll be wishing for our smaller ones back ;)
Hi Ladies, sorry that I haven't been around for a while...I've been feeling rotten - I think I have a cold. I've had a headache ALL day, every day, for the last few days, and I feel like every ounce of energy has been zapped. I more than likely got it from the baby that I care for. We're both sitting around like zombies this week.

Yay for your scan date, TT! Will you find out what you're having? I can't remember what your preference was.

Fran, I have a lot of low aches and pains as well, especially when I exercise or if I've been walking a lot.

All of you considering home births are SO brave. I couldn't do it. I want the drugs! :haha: I have large babies though (my other two were 8lbs,8oz and 8lbs,10oz).

Hope everyone is having a good day!
im glad im not the only one who thinks their bump seems smaller! mine definitely does compared to last week! how strange that a few of us have thought the same thing at roughly the same stage!! i wonder why? :shrug:
Hi everyone!

Can I join the shrinking bump gang? I dunno if it's shrunk or if it's kind of changing from bloaty bump to proper bump? Anyway I'm wearing stuff that was too tight last week, who knows if it will fit next week!

I don't think the home birth thing is brave... I don't have any idea what labour is going to be like, so I'm just going into it thinking it will be fine! I had a broken elbow last year and that was the most pain I have ever been in my life - I couldn't be bothered going to get prescription painkillers so I just kind of suffered and it was all right. I know that if anything looks wrong they'll haul me straight into hospital anyway (10 mins by car) so I'll feel quite safe. As I live in a big city I've been told I couldn't be guaranteed a hospital water birth so I'll take my chances at home!

Hey Shadowcat - sorry youve not been well. I will find out the gender as I'm really curious about who's rummaging around inside me! Also it might make me feel more confident about what to buy. Clothes all seem to be either boys or girls! Even the 'neutral' stuff is in one section or the other.
im with you on the neutral clothes tabby. i went baby shopping last week, and as im not finding out the sex i can only buy neutral and there was absolutely NOTHING i liked! :dohh: i dont remember having this problem last time, maybe its because its more common to find out than not now?
im with you on the neutral clothes tabby. i went baby shopping last week, and as im not finding out the sex i can only buy neutral and there was absolutely NOTHING i liked! :dohh: i dont remember having this problem last time, maybe its because its more common to find out than not now?

You might be right about that! There is so little choice!
Hi ladies,
My name is Nicky, i'm 29 and my DH and I are expecting baby #2. We already have a DS who will turn 3 just before this baby is due, my due date is Sept 19th :)
I'm looking forward to chatting to mums to be who are due about the same time as me, like how we are all feeling at certain times during pregnancy etc
Hi Nicky :wave:

My midwife appointment on Tuesday afternoon was really dull. Took my blood pressure which was a new low of 100 over 60 - go me! Filled out the paperwork with my blood results which haven't made it to my GP's surgery yet, so she had to ring the hospital, and even then they couldn't find my blood group on file! And that was about it. No listening to the heartbeat or anything :growlmad:

But I'm excited this morning as it's my last day in work for like 10 days, and I'm a new vegetable! :thumbup:
Morning Stars :)

Welcome to the group Nicky :wave: I am also expecing no. 2 and have a son of 20 mths. Life is going to get a whole lot busier for us (if that's possible!) ;)

Cookies - Congrats on being an onion! oh, bit of an anti-climax on the midwife appt then. Hope they find that paperwork, else you'll have to have your bloods done again :shock:

I am glad it's the Easter break tomorrow. I also have tuesday off so have a slightly extended holiday. 2 weeks today til scan! :dance:
I know I can't wait - though it still feels like a lifetime away!

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