Anti D is for rhesus negative blood, right?
Glad the MW appointment went well, Smile. Mine didn't tell me what way Sugarlump was lying either, but they move around a lot at this stage, it can change. I still get kicked in the bladder a lot though, so either she likes being upright a lot or I just can't really feel anything when she's standing on her head!
I'm feeling better thanks SC. I had a bad cough and felt dizzy for a few days but it seems to finally be clearing up. I went back to work on Monday, which was great. I was going mad at home. This doesn't bode well for maternity leave!
We've got our first NCT class tonight. Neither of us are sure why we need 8 2-hour classes, but we will see!
What's everyone doing to make the most of this heat wave? I'm so hot its horrible! But the sun makes me feel great!