September Stars

Sorry Shadowcat! I was halfway through posting a reply back yesterday, but I got distracted (I was supposed to be working at the time!)

Hi Harmony :)

I'm finding pregnancy to be going both fast and slow at the same time! That sounds wierd doesn't it. It doesn't feel like its taken anytime at all to get here, but it seems to take ages to get to my next week? I think it's because I'm always focused on getting to my next week.

How is everyone else keeping this week? Heartburn has kicked in for me now, and I go from feeling overful to painfully hungry when the bump moves. The joy of having a baby in a breech position I suppose. Other than that all is good here. We finally ordered our pushchair and car seat at the weekend, and I'm currently looking at ordering the furniture for the nursery in the next week or so.

I keep getting fixated on starting to buy things for my hospital bag at the moment. Work has been frustrating and stressful the last couple of weeks, but I seem to be channelling it into my hospital bag! I don't think the midwife telling me that because Beany isn't moving enough I might need to go into hopsital for monitoring last week has helped matters either!

For us UK ladies, I ordered a pair of maternity yoga pants (£10) and some cropped maternity leggings (£6) in the Dorothy Perkins sale last night. I got them delivered to my local store instead of paying £4 for delivery.

Is anyone else struggling to find reasonably priced maternity nightwear? It all seems to be quite expensive, and I'll get upset if I ruin it in hospital. I know lots of people seem to be buying normal stuff in the Asda sale in a bigger size, but I can't really get my head around how much bigger I will need to buy it.
how is everyone? i am 28weeks today :D had GTT today too

alot been going on not all great but we're getting there.
Hi Ladies!

How'd your GTT go, Lynne? Any news yet?

I had my growth scan today - baby boy is growing perfectly with an estimated weight of 3lb, 10oz. They're going to check again in four weeks just to be sure, but the Dr. says that everything looks spot on. What a relief!
sorry forgot to update, i called for the results yesterday afternoon and they said i don't have GD but my blood glucose was mega low so to keep an eye on it and also that my iron levels were rock bottom so started on iron tablets today....

but today has been utter hell.

Long story but James was at his great grandma's this week to give me a rest. I got a text today from my mum saying that he and his greatgrandma were going out of the country. His great grandma was taking him on holiday without asking me so i got upset and asked why she never asked me first she never said much and i expressed i was upset about it. Then by mistake i got this text " About Lynne about taking James fuck her. If she wants to be a bitch about it" from my cousin. so i got upset still am keep crying, I treked the 30miles to his great grandma's to bring him home which we of course now are. He's upset as he was meant to be there all week now this drama. he's in bed now but keeps crying in his sleep and waking up i feel awful. to top it all off before we went down he told me his greatgrandma called me a shit mother and that i was very bad mummy for taking him away from her and for wreaking their holiday plans.

I wasn't mad about the holiday i would have liked to have been at least asked if he could go but to get a text like that after only saying i was upset they had not asked me first i thought it was just unfair and highly disrespectful. so he's home and unlikely to be seeing them again. what a utter mess!
Lynne, how awful!!! I think you did the right thing, and your actions prove that you're a GOOD mother, not a bad one. You were acting in your son's best interest, and he'll forget. Plus, isn't it illegal to take someone else's child out of the country without permission? It is in the US. :hugs:
yes i belive it is illegal but i guess i would have had to report it. but got him back now. he spent the night crying which was horrible but he's settled a little now. hopefully in the coming weeks because i will have him 24/7 and in a completely routine that things will calm down.
Hi everyone! Thanks forechecking in shadowcat...all is good but it's been so busy the last week or so that I haven't been able to post. I went for a Sono today to check growth bc I was measuring a few weeks ahead, and all looks good! So relieved! Baby is measuring about a week ahead (3 lbs 11 oz) but fluid levels are normal. Still breech though, but they said I don't need to worry about that yet.

How is everyone else doing? Lynne, sorry to hear about the situation with your son...hope he's calmed down!
Hi, NicMar!

Mine is breech too. My Dr. said not to worry as well, but that's easier said than done! I've been checking out the spinning babies website - thinking I'll try some of that.
he's fine now thankfully really been trying to stay positive and upbeat with him.

i am sorry if my post about what happened with him upset or offended anyone as its come to my attension on the other september pregnacy thread that my thread pissed alot of people off so would like to say sorry if it did the same here.
he's fine now thankfully really been trying to stay positive and upbeat with him.

i am sorry if my post about what happened with him upset or offended anyone as its come to my attension on the other september pregnacy thread that my thread pissed alot of people off so would like to say sorry if it did the same here.

I'm sorry about what's happening as far as I'm aware this forum is for support on all fronts and I for one is not offended by anything you post.

It's ok to vent and we all have personal struggles and sometimes it's nice to find someone to listen. I hope all goes well here forth and your James is ok x
he's fine now thankfully really been trying to stay positive and upbeat with him.

i am sorry if my post about what happened with him upset or offended anyone as its come to my attension on the other september pregnacy thread that my thread pissed alot of people off so would like to say sorry if it did the same here.

I'm sorry about what's happening as far as I'm aware this forum is for support on all fronts and I for one is not offended by anything you post.

It's ok to vent and we all have personal struggles and sometimes it's nice to find someone to listen. I hope all goes well here forth and your James is ok x

thanks hun thats why i posted because was just looking to vent and also make sure i wasn't being too hormonal lol i worry about my son being pregnant it great but my son is my child too and i'd like to be allowed to talk about him. i just wanted to make sure i had not upset or annoyed anyone on here because of what had been said i just felt safe speaking about it here
Helllllooooooo :D It's been a while, how are we all doing?

I have been on leave for a week and not on my pc. When I'm at work I can pop on throughout the day, but when I'm not, I don't have the time ;) We didn't go anywhere, but spent some quality family time together and did some activities with my son (he has so much energy these days) and MIL came to stay for a few days to help out.

Sorry to hear about that situation with your son Lynne, that was awful. No offence taken here. Just glad it all turned out okay.

I think everything is okay with Pud. She's moving about alot still but also, I think room is getting tighter now. Still tired and struggling to get to sleep at night, but could quite easily sleep for a few hours at lunchtime. Not really possible at work though ;) 4.5 weeks til I finish up at work, can't wait! Waddling alot and it's very uncomfortable to bend over, I mean I really don't like it.

I have a midwife appt tomorrow - just standard checks plus results of my 28 week bloods I guess. Time is ticking ladies, just about 8 weeks til I meet my little girl! :shock:

What's the latest with you all?
thanks poshie, things are looking up with james my MIL has come back for holiday and is doing alot for us which i am beyond grateful.

I had my routine anti-d today which left me with a sore arm today lol :p anyone else had appointments this week or got anything on up coming? i have my next scan on thursday :D

its safe to say that UK isn't looking like it will get a summer..... whats it like where everyone is?
It's hotter than three hells here, Lynne - I'll give you some of my summer if you want it! For the last two weeks it's been hovering between 100-105 degrees F (about 37-40 celcius). We're having a record breaking hot season. It's even too hot to swim in the pool - the water isn't refreshing when it's really warm. I've been spending a great deal of time at home in the air conditioning in the dark with a fan pointed at me, haha. :haha:

Poshie, good to see you! Glad everything is going well.
Hi Shadow :) As Lynne says, we have had no summer to speak of. It's mild but it's cloudy and rainy most of the time. As we are heavily pregnant, in some ways it's a good thing but it's no good for our vitamin D ration or the feel good factor of having sun on your skin. I'm assuming summer will turn up late for us, right when we least want it, ie. birth week! ;)

Had a midwife appt today. All okay. Iron level has dropped a bit but not enough to warrant tablets. Fetal heart beat hard and movements felt by midwife! I now see my midwife every 2 weeks up until birth. Reminds me how time is flying.....:shock:
Hi Everyone,

I have mixed feelings about the lack of summer. I like to see and be out in the sun I guess like everyone else, but I'm not missing the heat of summer. Although, like you Poshie, I think this will mean that it gets really warm when the schools go back, just at the wrong time for us ladies!

I had to see my midwife last week because she wasn't 100% happy when I saw her at my 28 week appointment. She was happier last week though and I'm next going back 2 weeks today. Hopefully after that I will see her every 2 weeks.

When the midwife checked last week the baby was oblique breech. Head under my right ribs with its bum bottom left. It was exactly where I though it was which was kind of reassuring, but this is one stubborn baby who doesn't like to change positions! Been in this same position for almost 3 weeks now. The baby does a fair amount of kicking and rolling about, so at least I have no concerns there. I kinda liked my midwifes attitude to it really very matter of fact and wasn't trying to go down the whole you have plenty of time yet for it to move. She said the baby cant stay oblique because it will run out of space and will be forced to move into the more natural vertical position, and it will either stay breech or flip the head down when it moves. Unfortunately over the last couple of days it feels like the baby has run out of room, but it is dealing with this by pushing it's head out under my ribs, so I have a fairly permanent hard lump sticking out! It means I might have to change my maternity leave plans and bring it forward because I'm struggling to breathe a lot of the time, and sitting at my desk is making it worse! I really don't want to bring my leave forward because I'd much rather have it after the baby is here. :(

I can't believe how quiet this thread has become! Has everyone signed up for the September Babies thread in 3rd Tri?
I'm still here :)

I can totally sympathise with the rib thing cookies as I'm sure I have a head/bum sticking in mine! Working in the office really does make it worse, cause he doesn't do it when I'm standing! I brought my maternity leave forward 2 weeks to the 20th July but I'm still really struggling :( I feel like I should be 38 weeks, not 31 lol xx
Hi ladies! We've had record breaking heat here as well, although we have had a little respite the last few days.

I had my surprise baby shower this past was really beautiful. My mom, sis, and mil really did such a wonderful job and I was so thankful. My sister went all out and was totally obsessed and added so many awesome touches.

Ironically enough, I had one of the worst nights of the pregnancy the night before!! I went to a rock concert (open air at a stadium) after asking my midwives and being reassured it was safe on Friday night. Well, of course I started smelling the pot as soon as I sat down so I freaked and left my seat. Hubby followed me and ended up paying a worker to give me a padded folding chair by a cop where there really wasn't any smoke. Problem is, I still couldn't enjoy the concert because it was loud (duh, I know) and I spent the whole time panicking that I was damaging the baby's hearing. I spent more that half of the concert standing as far back in the stadium as possible to get away from the noise. It was horrible, and the I sobbed hysterically for about 2 hours after coming home. I was still hysterical the next morning, and called my mom who was much sterner than usual (which I found out was bc she was on the way to set up for my shower and didn't want me to be so upset!!). I finally calmed down, although I had a headache for 2 days after. At least I was able to enjoy the shower...

I still feel SO guilty for going to the concert though....I feel like such a bad mom. Anybody else go to a loud event and everything was ok? I'm still freaking out about it!! Lol I am a whole bag of crazy!!
Aw hugs NicMar!

Baby is very well protected in there! So it would be very unlikely that you did any damage. She/he maybe enjoyed the vibrations, you can never tell.

I am jealous of anyone who has nice weather (altho I don't want it to be hot!) We are thinking of building an ark here in Glasgow!

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