September Stars

Hey ladies, how are we doing?

That's great news that baby is head down now SC and growing nicely!

It's my LAST DAY AT WORK today!! :yipee: Can't believe the time has come. Really ready for it mind you. So, so tired and uncomfortable. I am going out with the girls at work for lunch which will be nice. Spending most of the working day tidying up as all my handover stuff is done.
Hi Poshie, congratulations on your last day at work! How exciting! Enjoy your lunch - and putting your feet up for the next few weeks.

If I knew how I would be feeling at this stage I'd definitely be finishing up today. However, I have a week to go and then I have to do an extra day the following week to give the girl who is taking over my job a handover. Booooo.

Good news Shadowcat - you're all set!

Everything is fine with me. I had a little party on Sunday afternoon with all my female rellies and a few friends. I'd said no presents but i still got some! It was really fun, we had a very good laugh.

I'm going out shopping today with my mum. I've got a few things to pick up for my hospital bag in case I go to hospital and also a couple of boring things for Sugarlump. I can't believe how close everything is getting!

I'm loving the fact that we had the Tour de France and now the Olympics to take our minds off things. It's really helping the time go by.

Hope everyone is well.
Good to hear from you TT, your party sounds fab! Hope your last week at work goes smoothly.

I really enjoyed watching the Tour and I am also looking forward to being able to watch some 'live' athletics on TV during my maternity leave.
Happy last day of work, Poshie! :thumbup:

I wish I could watch the Olympics. We don't have TV at the moment. My life is very dull, lol. I am getting a lot of reading done, though!

TT, I can't wait to hear all about your home birth experience. It'll be here before we know it!
been a nightmare on our front since wednesday.

tuesday morning i started getting period pains i actually forgot on waking up that i was actually pregnant. on wednesday still had them, went for a nap in the afternoon and woke up soaked... so had to go into hospital, they threw me on trace and checked me over, because they couldn't tell for sure if my waters had broke or not they decided to keep me in. i wasn't dilated so that was good news bad news was if i did have the baby then there was only one baby bed left in SCBU and 3 babies fighting to get out into it. so they said i might end up getting transfered. they gave me steriods and antibiotics and kept an eye on me, well they put me on a ward, i had a bit of a hormonal breakdown as they sent my OH away and i hate hospitals and hate being without him or someone i know at night, anyways managed to some what settle myself that night and slept for few hours...

was woke at 3am by the staff checking on another lady, and enevr managed to get back to sleep so had got about 2.5hours sleep that night, i got out of bed at about 6am and cleaned the whole of my side of the ward i as i am little fearful of germs as when i am in hospital i always end up picking something up, and was straving as had been in maternity assessment most of the day before without food then send up to the ward at about 10:30 without food so was dying for food, when breakfast finally came after 8am i am ready to chew off my own arm lol. didn't see any medical staff or midwife until about 10:30 when i was told i was to go for a scan, i went for my scan and baby and waters both looked good, so that was great news, was told she was def a girl and shown her little girlie parts very clearly on the screen :D and was told that she was currently sitting at at least 4lb 8oz. so was 50.4th on centile so perfect. all organs and heart and movement all good, was put on a trace when i went back up to the ward, the trace machine was left on for 1.5hours when was only meant to be on 20mins and the paper ran out after 3mins being on it they never even checked it and left the tiny sheet that the trace had given them... the doctors were on the morning rounds and my OH finally was allowed back onto the ward so sat with him hoping doctors wouldn't be long and we'd get some answers, morning went, then 1,2,3,4pm still doctors hadn't gotten to us, after 4pm doctors turned up said they have no idea whats going on did i have swabs done in maternity assessment etc and asked lots of questions before saying that they have no idea what it is or that, i don't look like my waters have went and that i wasn't in labour. was told after i got my 2nd steriod injection i could go home, i asked about the swab that was done last week as had been in for bleeding and they said they didn't know noone had been checking my results of bloods or swabs etc, my pulse had been really high too so they were little worried about that but i kept telling them that was normal at the moment as both times i had been at the clinic my heartrate had been at 120+bpm so i didn't see the issue, i managed to get the pulse down a little and then fnally the girls on night shift listened and said no wonder my pulse was high. after me asking about swabs they finally checked them and turned out i am Group B Strep which they wouldn't have known if i hadn't asked so wasn't happy about that. night shift came on about 8:30 midwife came into me straight away and asked how i was checked me over and then said instead of waiting till 9:30pm to get my steriod did i want it now then go straight home so took it then OH and MIL came and got me so had a hectic few days.... because of the GBS i have to watch out for any sign of labour or waters now. OH is mega worried about it as am i but sure everything will be fine...

hope everyone else's week is gonig a bit better?
Oh my goodness Lynne! You've certainly been through the mill haven't you :hugs: You've reminded me that I had swab taken when I went in for my bleed the other day, but haven't heard back. I had been assuming no news is good news but now I might ask mw to check. Positive thing for you is that baby and waters are ok, but I do feel for you and OH with all these scares you are having. :hug:
Lynne, how awful!!!! I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that. Is this the same hospital where you'll be delivering? How are you doing now?
Hey folks, how is everyone? I am super, super tired now all the time. Am I alone there? I've only been up for an hour and I'm ready for a nap already, lol.
i am mega tired too all the time, but not really sleeping that well at the moment

i am been soo unsettled with any mess in the house so thats making me worse lol.... wish i had some suggestions on the tired front but sadly don't i have been having sooo many baths.
Ladies, tiredness is a killer! I could easily spend hours and hours just vegging out, dozing, doing not alot. It's difficult to explain to non preggos how it can wipe you out. It's my 1st week of leave and today I dropped my son at childminder, went to my 36 week mw appt (all good) and spent a few hours on the sofa, it was bliss! X
ah i wish i could do that but if i am not moving i am sooo uncomfortable so i am always walking around and such plus james would never ever let me rest so no luck, i actually dread bedtime now as can't get comfortable or sleep
Glad to hear you're making good use of your mat leave, Poshie!

I had my 36 week appointment too today. All was well. I'm going to get the gas & air delivery early next week so as of then I'm good to give birth at home! So exciting, can't believe we're here!

The MW tried to take blood from me four times and totally failed. Ouch! I'm pretty sure I'm not anaemic though!

Had a holiday from work yesterday and I so wasn't into it today. Everything seems really pointless. Only 2 and a half days and I'm off! Can't wait!
hey everyone! not long now!! getting soo nervous! :wacko: am i the only one? well, have been having killer heartburn at night so getting no sleep, saw the midwife today and got a prescription for gaviscon, when she feeling my tum she actually said i cant find the top of your uterus, no wonder you are getting heartburn! :haha: also been having LOADS of pressure down below :blush: and period pains, she told me this because the head is right down and engaged, which is great, but bad news baby is back to back which i know can make labour longer and more painful. :cry: so she has given me some some tips to get baby moving.
hope everyone is doing ok, cant wait to see who will be first to pop!!
Hi Jen, you sound excited! Nerves are healthy, I guess. I think I've got some crazy hormones coursing through my veins as I have never been so mellow.

I'm with you on th heartburn though. Hideous. People keep telling me it means a hairy baby, which is nice...

Have you seen the spinning babies website? That's got lots of tips in it for getting bubba into a good position. You've got a few weeks so hopefully she'll spin round.
TT, is today your last day at work? If so, congrats!

I'm having a little bit of a freakout today. I noticed that my ticker says "29 days to go" - and that's counting to my actual due date of the 8th, not the 31st!!!! It could happen anytime between now and then, too! To add to that, I got a call from my son's elementary school today telling me that they've scheduled "meet the teacher day" for the 31st at noon. That either means that he can't go or that I most likely won't be able to take him. It'd be the first time since preschool that I won't be totally present for all of their back to school activities, and it's making me really sad. :cry:

It's just all gotten so REAL over the last couple of days. Ack!

On a positive note, we're going to purchase our stroller and car seat today (we were going to get it weeks ago but found out that they'll be on sale starting today) as soon as DH gets home from work, and that's the very last of the baby items that we need. After that, we're all set!
Thanks Shadowcat! Yes it was, it was good. We went out for lunch and my colleagues gave me a hundred pounds in vouchers to spend on my bicycle. They know how much I've missed cycling and figured I'd have body moisturiser and baby clothes coming out my ears. So thoughtful! Lots of the comments on the card made me well up too.

Remind me, are you being induced on the 31st? Can you maybe do the meet the teacher thing earlier? Or visit the school with him in advance so when he goes with someone else he'll already have been with you?
Yep, the last I talked to her she said we'd do an induction on the 31st. Hoping to firm that up at my next appointment on Tuesday.

He's going into the fourth grade, and this isn't a new school for him, so it isn't really a huge deal. I'm just usually very involved in my kids' school lives and activities, so it'll be really weird for me. As soon as we find out who the teacher is, I'll probably email her/him and see what we can do.

Sounds like you had a great last day! You have some generous coworkers - that's so nice. :) You plan to start biking after your LO comes, then?
Ah, that's cool. Will you be getting re-involved with school soon after the birth?

Yes to cycling! I'm hoping to get back on my bike when I get my medical ok at 6 weeks postpartum. I've missed it so badly. Shame it'll be autumn by then.
Well today I am 21 I was feeling very upset that I couldn't get drunk but baby will be here in 5 or so weeks and I have had some lovely presents off everyone

But to start my birthday with a bang I was in hospital at half 1 this morning, yipeeeee.

Had sex with OH and then had bright red bleeding so they wanted to check, put me on the monitor and baby was super excited!!! His hear rate was in the 170-190 range so I was on the monitor for an hour and a half as she needed to find out was his baseline was, finally got him to calm down after he had got hiccups lol, you could hear them It was around 140. She asked me if i was having any pains as was having some noticeabele tightenings every 5 or so minutes, I could feel them but they weren't sore so she said probably Braxton Hicks andsaid everything was fine because they don't know where the bleed came from (it was quite a lot aswell)!! She said I have a graze there which is probably because I've just had pessaries or thrush (again)!!! So other than that baby is 3/5ths engaged and is fine and dandy, got to bed at 4am! Have to go back if any more blood but I also have to not have sex until 37 weeks.


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