Lynne, hopefully you're not in pain (or not too much anyway) and will hold on as long as possible! How was the first day of school?
Poshie, from what I've seen on BnB, that sounds like an interesting show. I wish we had TV. I'm ordering it for next month though, so I'll have it once LO arrives. I probably won't be interested in a birthing show by then, though, haha.
TT, really, no internals until labor? In the US they start checking at 36 weeks - also the same point at which I start going in every week. She'll do an exam now every time.
I'm continuing to have BH and a lot of pressure - hoping that things are gearing up - but not too fast, I still have a couple of things I want to get done.

Hoping to take care of a lot of my to-do list today.
There are a lot of ladies who used to post here that aren't anymore - you all doing ok? I check in to the Sept. babies thread now and again and see some of you. Hope all is well!