September Stars

contractions have chilled a bit thank god, wee man been at school two days now :D hopefully get another few weeks at least out this pregnancy as don't think little miss is in any rush lol :p glad though that the contractions have become less painful, but hopefully after 36-39weeks they will pick up again :D
Glad to hear it, Lynne.

Is anyone else experiencing increased BH at night? I've found myself going to bed several nights thinking "this is it" and then having things calm right down after I lie still for an hour or so.

I guess it doesn't help that I've been super busy. I meant to take this week to relax, and I've hardly sat still the entire time. Today I have to take my boys to get school clothes, grocery shop, and pick up bulk items at a different store. It'll probably involve about four hours of walking, so we'll see what that does! :dohh:
thanks hun :D how is everyone today whats everyone up to? i am getting a new phone so sitting watching the door lol
SC, they say it's good to be busy like that. Sounds like you're ready to have this baby.

I don't think I get braxton hicks. I've never felt anything that I thought was one. What are they like?
Hi Everyone :)

Sorry I've been awol, since I finished work last week I'm not on the computer very much. Everything is all good here except I keep freaking out because I haven't bought everything I need for mine and the baby's hospital bag yet, and everytime I think I've finished I find something I've missed! Baby was starting to engage on my last midwife visit, but part of the baby (I'm not sure which part) is sitting on my hip, which is slightly uncomfortable.

I don't think I've had any braxton hicks either TT.

Hope everyone is doing well :)
TT, to me it feels like my whole bump getting really tight - it doesn't hurt yet, but is uncomfortable and makes me have to shift positions. They generally last about thirty seconds or so (at least in my case). I know they're not the real ones yet, because those aren't uncomfortable - they HURT.
Hello ladies :) nice to read your updates. I've had braxton hicks since about 22 weeks. Tummy tightens, no pain. Difference is when you're in labour it hurts!

Hospital bag packed. Pretty much ready to go. Just counting down the days and hoping I don't get much bigger ;)
i got the short straw on this one my BH hurt been getting them sinc eweek 15 :(
My braxton hicks are definitely getting worse:dohh:

Well todays scan was bad :wacko:and baby failed the ctg!
SO my induction date is set for next wed when i will be 37 weeks unless of course mondays scan and trace is worse.

Hopefully things are moving for you ladies nearer your due dates and we all start popping soon!
Hello ladies! Haven't posted in a while so I thought I'd say hello...we've been doing lots of little projects around the house to try to organize ourselves better before the baby comes. Glad to see we've all made it this far! It's so exciting that the babies will start coming soon!

I work in an elementary school so have been off for the summer, and was supposed to go back to work September 4th until I deliver (due date is the 15th). I'm rethinking it though, since there is a whooping cough epidemic around here and I'm in very close contact with a lot of (adorable but germy) kids in my job. In fact, the school psychologist that I work very closely has it, and her whole family. I'm thinking about not going back, as the midwives said they can write me out after 37 wks (I'll be 38 at that point)...I'll lose 2 weeks pay though, and then I can't set myself up for the year. Not sure what to do, although I know how neurotic I am and I'll be anxious about being exposed to illnesses right before delivery...
Hi NicMar, good to hear from you, glad you've had a good summer. It wouldn't be worth going back to work if you caught whooping cough. Is it something you can get a test to see if you are immune?

Thanks for the description of Braxton Hicks, guys. If I get that I don't notice it! Sometimes I think Sugarlump might be a bit too comfy in here and I worry that I will always be pregnant. (Getting quite cranky these days. I don't think I'm adjusting to maternity leave all that well!)
Hi, everyone. How are we all doing? NicMar and Cookies, good to "see" you.

Ok, I have a confession to make - I am SO done with being pregnant. I swore in the beginning when I snuck over to third tri to snoop around that I'd "never" be one of those women who got to 37 weeks and started trying all kinds of baby eviction techniques...well, let me tell you, none of them work. :blush: I am just miserable now! It's uncomfortable to walk, to sit, to lay down...I'm back to not being able to find anything I want to eat, or taking only a few bites when I do and then being super full. I have heartburn and pelvic pain and back pain. I'm having all kinds of uncomfortable BH. I'm a mess.

Whew, it feels good to get that out, lol.

On the other hand, this is my last baby, so I know that I should be enjoying these precious last days with my LO inside me rolling and kicking away. Once he's here he'll grow SOOOO fast, and before I know it I'll be sending another one off to school - it happens in the blink of an eye. I'm trying to tell myself that every day and not whine too much.

Anyone else feel like me, or am I alone?
Haha, Shadowcat, I don't blame you trying the eviction techniques. I've been eating pineapple and drinking raspberry leaf tea and bouncing up and down on my birth ball all week!

My problem is that women in my family tend to go a week or two before their due dates, so I'm kind of on a state of high alert and nothing seems to be happening! I also don't really know what to do with myself on maternity leave. I keep seeing housework things to do but I can't be bothered! It is quite dull.

Oh, except I ended up in hospital in the early hours of Monday morning. I was in a lot of pain and I knew it wasn't labour. Turns out I've got suspected gallstones so I have an appointment next week for a scan to see what is going on in there. They aren't sure yet because I don't fit the profile for gallstones (I'm fit, not overweight, not middle aged quite yet...) but you never know, these things happen. I'm just glad it isn't something wrong with the baby.

Hope everyone else is OK.
Oh no! I've heard that gallbladder problems can be quite common in pregnancy, and I've also heard that it's extremely painful. I've had two friends have that happen during pregnancy - both under 30, slim, and fit (when not pregnant, lol). Sorry you're going through that, TT. If they find that that's what it is, will they remove it after your LO comes?
Ah, my midwife said it wasn't a pregnancy thing - but then someone else said it was a complication of pregnancy as well as you, so maybe my MW is wrong!

I think that they will decide what to do next week with the scan. If the stones are small they may decide they can be passed on their own, if they're a bit bigger they can break them down with ultrasound, and if they are huge they will remove the gallbladder. But none of this would happen till I have Sugarlump as it's so close to my due date.

I think it might help to explain why my sickness and heartburn has been so bad...
Waah! I am so bored! I can't believe I was wanting to be on maternity leave for so long! I can't be bothered doing anything, I just want to go into labour!

Edited to say: sorry, just had to get that off my chest!
Haha, TT, I've felt that way today too. It's the first day in awhile that I don't have a to-do list a mile long, and it was a very boring day.

Here's a slightly gross/TMI question, but I have to ask... is anyone losing or has anyone lost their mucus plug yet? I think maybe I did, or am starting to.
I've been losing my plug for a bit now but could be a sign things are starting :D
I just went for a long walk to see if it would kick start anything, lol.
hope it helps shadowcat, i was up all night, with contraction pains, they are every 10mins and been getting them since 2pm yesterday but got worse during the night, started bleeding this morning, feeling sorry for myself and had enough :( good thing is i have the clinic and scan this afternoon.

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