Hi, everyone. How are we all doing? NicMar and Cookies, good to "see" you.
Ok, I have a confession to make - I am SO done with being pregnant. I swore in the beginning when I snuck over to third tri to snoop around that I'd "never" be one of those women who got to 37 weeks and started trying all kinds of baby eviction techniques...well, let me tell you, none of them work.

I am just miserable now! It's uncomfortable to walk, to sit, to lay down...I'm back to not being able to find anything I want to eat, or taking only a few bites when I do and then being super full. I have heartburn and pelvic pain and back pain. I'm having all kinds of uncomfortable BH. I'm a mess.
Whew, it feels good to get that out, lol.
On the other hand, this is my last baby, so I know that I should be enjoying these precious last days with my LO inside me rolling and kicking away. Once he's here he'll grow SOOOO fast, and before I know it I'll be sending another one off to school - it happens in the blink of an eye. I'm trying to tell myself that every day and not whine too much.
Anyone else feel like me, or am I alone?