September Stars

Well I'm due tomorrow and still here. Cervix was checked yesterday and I'm not dilated at all, cervix is short soft and thinning out though so hopefully something will happen soon. I'm going to go for a nice long walk somewhere today to try and get him moving xx
Well my due date is today!! I went for my 40 week appointment yesterday and had my first internal check and was 2-3 cms and 70% effaced...I know it could still be another week or so but it's hard not to get your hopes up when something's happening...was really hoping to go into labor last night, but alas...still here!!

The midwife also kind of agitated things down there (not sure if she did a full stretch/sweep) and I have had a decent bit of bleeding, which she did tell me to kind of makes me nervous though. I felt a little weird after about letting her do the stretch, even though I know a lot of people get it and it's not supposed to be a big deal. Everything makes me nervous though....I just want to be holding a healthy baby already!!!

Best wishes to all of you still waiting with is quite difficult to be patient...trying not to get too cranky and discouraged!
Poshie, so sorry to hear that your experience was traumatic. At least your LO is here and you're both safe and sound.

Best of luck to those of you who are still waiting, I can't wait to see your updates!
Hi everyone

How is everyone doing? Hope all those still waiting are comfortable and not waiting to much longer.

I feel so much better this morning after hitting rock bottom a few days ago. Amelie slept in her carrycot without any fuss last night and I slept for 6 hours! I never thought 6 hours would feel so good! Breastfeeding is now going well after lots of initial latch issues because of her section. Going to the walk in breastfeeding clinic this morning to get her weighed again. She only lost 4% of her birth weight but hasn't started regaining yet.

How are all the other Mummies doing?
Well i am 40+3 today, and baby seems uber snug. Not even a twinge let alone a pain (well, SPD and awful back pain but that doesn't count!). Go mw coming tomorrow for my '41 week' check (the scan made me due last Weds but i knew it was wrong so stuck to LMP date myself!)
Only 11 days maximum till baby is here though, (when i will be 42 weeks). Earlier would be nice but hey ho. Almost back in single figures again! :haha:
I can't believe they let you go that far past your due date!!! :wacko: Hope all goes well.

Is anyone else not sleeping? Cookies, what did you do to get six hours? My LO is now up every 1.5 to two hours, day or night. DH has gone back to work now, so he takes the bedtime feeding and the first late night feeding, but that still leaves me to get up at least four times, and I'm generally up for the day at 5:30. I'm averaging 3-5 hours of sleep per night, and that's broken up. SOOOOO tired. :sleep::coffee:
Hey, sc, in the uk you go 12 days past 40 weeks before they induce you! (So glad Lucy came early!)

I'm sleeping ok... Lucy feeds every 3-4 hours and sleeps pretty well between most feeds. So I'm getting about 6 hours in the night and then sometimes a nap in the day. It works like this most days... Some days she cries a lot!
I can't believe they let you go that far past your due date!!! :wacko: Hope all goes well.

Is anyone else not sleeping? Cookies, what did you do to get six hours? My LO is now up every 1.5 to two hours, day or night. DH has gone back to work now, so he takes the bedtime feeding and the first late night feeding, but that still leaves me to get up at least four times, and I'm generally up for the day at 5:30. I'm averaging 3-5 hours of sleep per night, and that's broken up. SOOOOO tired. :sleep::coffee:

SC, was that reply for me? If so i'm only just scratching the 'over due' surface lol.
DS was induced due to pre e at 40+4 and i'm quite happy to let this one just come whenever. I'm not going to go for sweeps/induction if i can help it. Happy to get to at least 41 weeks before thinking about that. IF baby is not here before then anyway. Tomorrow seems a popular prediction for most of my friends, but i'm not confident. :haha:

Hope LO lets you sleep more soon, trust me that first night you get 3-4 hours of unbroken sleep you will feel AMAZING. Hopefully that's not too far away. :hugs:
He was doing 4 hours, even 5 sometimes, and my ped was concerned about his weight gain, and told me to wake him for feedings. Now she says it's ok to let him sleep, and he won't anymore. :rolleyes:

I remember my other two not sleeping well too, but it has been so many years, I totally forgot what it was like.

Darkest, I hope your LO comes soon! I couldn't imagine getting all the way to 40+12, so hopefully you won't have to! Yikes.
Oh it's horrible having to wake them for feedings! I still wake Lucy for some of hers, partly to keep her gaIning weight but also because my boobs get so uncomfortable!
Is anyone else not sleeping? Cookies, what did you do to get six hours? My LO is now up every 1.5 to two hours, day or night. DH has gone back to work now, so he takes the bedtime feeding and the first late night feeding, but that still leaves me to get up at least four times, and I'm generally up for the day at 5:30. I'm averaging 3-5 hours of sleep per night, and that's broken up. SOOOOO tired. :sleep::coffee:

Before last night I was only getting a max of 3 hours, usually less than 2. She started cluster feeding during the evening which seems to be the key to her settling to sleep. It might have been a fluke though as it's currently 12:40am and both me and DH are sat on the sofa. Amelie has been howling in pain after we were told to feed her a bottle of expressed milk (much like you SC to help her gain weight) after her last feed of the day. She took it all
(60ml, we did question the amount with the maternity care assistant who said it would be fine), but has either overeaten or has trapped wind which we can't get her to bring up. I think tomorrow we will just stick to the midwifes advice which worked yesterday to make sure she feeds for at least 20 minutes and if she falls asleep during a feed we are to stimulate her and wake her up (before this she would only feed for 5-10 minutes, which meant she was then crying for feeds more regularly.) We will let her gain weight in her own time I think, rather than force the issue so someone somewhere can tick a box!
I don't think 60ml is too much - mine is still under 8 pounds and takes up to 100ml at a feeding.
Im still pregnant!!!!!!!!! Arghhh! :cry: had my 2nd sweep yesterday where the midwife told me there was no change from last week. my cervix is still long and thick apparantly! and she said she doesnt see me going into labour by myself. :nope: so booked in for induction on monday, still another 5 days away. 12 days overdue. never dreamed i would be pregnant for this long.
I'm also still pregnant and starting to go a little crazy!! I thought my water had broken on Monday night (tmi but went to the bathroom without having to pee badly and got a gush I couldn't stop), so we ended up at the hospital in triage a few hours later when nothing picked up just to rule it out...didn't get out until 3am fun!

I got my hopes up so I was kind of miserable yesterday...trying to stay calm and not panic about an induction, which they'll set for next Friday :wacko:.

Hope it happens soon for all of us still waiting!!!
Jen and NicMar, hang in there. Fingers crossed that things get moving for you SOON!
Hey girls. How are you doing? I feel sorry for you overdue ladies, hope your bubs come soon ;)

On the feeding girl isn't a great feeder. I wanted to exclusively bf, as i did my son, but I havent been able to yet. Lois lost too much weight early on so I had to top with ff. I'm pleased to say she has been improving at bf and this morning has been the best effort she's ever made. She weighs around 7lbs now (she went down to 5lbs 8zs) and doing well. I really hope we can master the bf and ditch the bottles at some point soon. I hate Pumping and struggle to find the time these days. So atm, she's getting ebm, ff and bf...bit of everything. I'd say she drinks between 80 and 120ml per feed now. LC, Lois also suffers from trapped wind, not very nice and means she won't always settle immediately after a feed. Still, it's all new and we are all still getting to know our babies. I have posted some pics in my journal, at the bottom of my birth story post, if anyone would like to see baby Lois :) Good luck everyone and enjoy! X
Shadowcat Louis was constantly breastfeeding at first, it was a rough first 4 days, then it stabilized, now at week three he is having a few days where he is constantly feeding again... it might also be a comfort thing? Louis doesnt even like the co-sleeper, if we have him in our bed with us he sleeps 5 hours straight. if he sleeps in the co-sleeper he wakes up and cries every hour or two. i prefer him in the co-sleeper but we get desperate for sleep sometimes. He got nappy rash and he was constantly feeding i think because he needed the comfort. It will probably fluctuate up and down how much LO breastfeeds.

Our secret weapon to get Louis sleeping in his co-sleeper crib is to lie him down and then when he wakes up again i dangle my boob in there and he will suckle a bit more then nod off... its an art definitely
Hi all i had my baby on the 21st of august by emsc 2 days before the planned induction:dohh: she weighed 5lb 13.
She's still in the nicu and is waiting for surgery at the childrens hospital to fix the holes in her heart as she now has heart failure.
So sorry for the crappy update, i am really hoping everyone is having a better time of it than me.
How many of you have had your babies? and how much did they weigh?
Oh Vixxen, so sorry to hear your little girl needs surgery :( you have been through the mill that's for sure. Hope it all goes as well as possible and she comes out of nicu ASAP. My little girl was also born by emergency section, due to me having a haemorrhage, at 39 weeks. (28 Aug). She was also on the small side, 6lbs 6ozs, and she went down to 5lbs 8ozs after feeding issues. Doing well now though. Best of luck x

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