September Sweet Peas- Join Here

Hi everyone

I'm so sorry for all those girls who have had to leave us recently. :hugs:

momandpeanut - it seems you've been having a really difficult time, you poor girl! :hugs: I'm so glad that your little one is holding on strongly though and I hope the sickness and tiredness reduce soon. I understand how crazy it can be when you have a two year old to care for along with heavy pregnancy symptoms, so don't fret if this thread isn't updated regularly. Your health and your babies (both inside and out) are your priority!

I had my scan last Wednesday and saw our little bubba waving and jigging about: there s/he is chilling out as my new avatar. My due date has shifted slightly to 3rd September. It feels great to be able to tell the world and be past the 'critical' stage; 2nd trimester is just round the corner... My son kisses my belly, calling it 'baby tummy'.

Minky X
hey pisces have u noticed out our tickers that they are a day different mine is the same?! but why?! xx
i just found my babys heart beat for the first time after trying a million times all week with a cheap doppler...! WOW
Good luck, Sam!! I will have mine soon!! :D
Hi everyone....

I haven't posted much in the september sweet peas but I have been reading a lot. I'm so sorry about all of the angel babies in the group - it is so sad that not every story has a happy ending and my hugs go out to everyone who is sad!

I have finally got the courage to join in after having my dating scan yesterday and everything was okay. NT measurement was 1mm although they had to scan me three times to get it, naughty baby wouldn't sit still! My EDD has changed slightly to September 3rd so I'm now 12+3, yay.

I'm excited to tell the world now - first hurdle is the boss, wish me luck!

Hello all, me got a little september sweet pea here, due 14th September (according to LMP)... have my 1st scan on friday....

I am getting alot less worried as days go on, I had a m/c this time last year, but that was at around 6/7 weeks, and they (my midwife) say once you get past 8 weeks mark the risk is much reduced. I had a panic the other week as my nausea suddenly stopped completely and I felt brilliant and very awake! this lasted for about 2 days, in this time I did loads of research and found that actually about 27% of women who have nausea (30% dont at all) it stops suddenly between 7-10 weeks and this is normal, phew. (if anyone wants to see the research link let me know and I can post it up, if its not already here somewhere)

Then my nausea came back tenfold and I feel soooo sick and it seems to be getting worse now almost in my 11th week... madly, though I look forward to it stopping, I am now very happy to feel sick.... other symptoms, yes blocked nose/mini nosebleeds, bigger breasts again, though not sore at all (i wonder if this is because I have had 2 babies already and so my breasts are used to it?), insomnia, vivid dreams

tiredeness seems to come in waves, and I am always hungry, not got any major cravings as yet.... with my girl I ate about 7 apples a day and my boy, lots of doughnuts and cherry tomoatoes!!!

not going to have a gender scan, but love trying to guess from all the symptoms and old wives tales etc... chinese gender predicter says a boy (it was right for both my other cheeky children), my nausea says a girl!

happy days everyone xx
All was well, I even let out a tear lol! Put me back 5 days, which I can cope with, they put me back 3 weeks with LO! Measurements were 43mm, bles still so tiny!
Aw, congrats - glad your scan went well.

I have mine tomorrow afternoon, and I'm getting nervous now xxx
You have to go and make a new one, re enter your due date ;)

Oh and momandpeanut, can you move me to the 12th now from 7th Sep pleaseee :)
hellooooooooooo :wave:

how are we all ladies??

my laptops been getting fixed so i havent been on for aaaaaaaaaages. dont think i will get through all these pages of new messages! well its been an eventful few weeks.

firstly, got our genetic test results, im a carrier of the sma gene but hubbys not, so baby will be fine. :thumbup:

secondly i had a car accident where i was hit in my driver door. i started having back pain and cramps so went to a&e, they found blood in my urine. thought i was losing the baby. got a scan the next day, and there he/she was kicking and waving. they put me forward a few days, so my ticker is wrong i am actually 12 weeks tomorrow wooo hoo. same due date tho?!? :happydance:

thirdly, i bought a doppler and i heard babys heartbeat at 11 weeks. it was amazing, and around 165bpm.

next scan is monday, and weve got a sexing scan booked for 16 weeks.....

phew, starting to feel real now. starting to show, although its pretty much bloat that doesnt go away. morning sickness is easing, but back pain is starting!! looking forward to the next trimester
GOd glad to hear all is ok after that! How can you have same due date 4 days apart lol! These people baffle me!
Im getting so excited.. My scan is next week on wednsday when I should be 12 weeks and 6 days!! Fingers crossed :) Hope everyone is ok... my morning sickness is finally starting to pass! x x x
hey all :wave:

List has been updated please let me know if ive missed anyone !

Well im doing a little better my bleeding has stopped and the sickness has started to die down to just the daytime so ive managed to get some sleep the last few nights.

I have hired a doppler but have had no luck finding bubbs heartbeat yet , i think this one is just going to keep me on my toes right through the pregnancy :dohh:

hope everyone is well and im looking forward to seeing all the scan pics over the next few weeks :happydance:
hey all :wave:

List has been updated please let me know if ive missed anyone !

Well im doing a little better my bleeding has stopped and the sickness has started to die down to just the daytime so ive managed to get some sleep the last few nights.

I have hired a doppler but have had no luck finding bubbs heartbeat yet , i think this one is just going to keep me on my toes right through the pregnancy :dohh:

hope everyone is well and im looking forward to seeing all the scan pics over the next few weeks :happydance:

Looks like we're due on the same day momandpeanut! Thanks for updating the list :) Glad the bleeding has stopped! I had the same happen at 6 weeks 6 days and had to go for an early scan but all was fine too, it can just be a really worrying/stressful time cant it! Here's hoping to no more scary times for the rest of this journey!
hey all :wave:

List has been updated please let me know if ive missed anyone !

Well im doing a little better my bleeding has stopped and the sickness has started to die down to just the daytime so ive managed to get some sleep the last few nights.

I have hired a doppler but have had no luck finding bubbs heartbeat yet , i think this one is just going to keep me on my toes right through the pregnancy :dohh:

hope everyone is well and im looking forward to seeing all the scan pics over the next few weeks :happydance:

Glad to hear you're doing OK :flower:

Please can you move me to 8th I got moved forward a bit :)
Wahoo! I got my date for my scan - 11th March 10.40am!!!
CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll be 11+6 by then xxx
Hi Momandpeanut...
Can you move me from the 1st to the 3rd September - a few days behind LMP by my scan....thanks!
im 19, soon to be 20, and have been dating the potential daddy for two years whom i plan to marry as soon as i am done with school. so yes i am young, but in a stable relationship where a child would be welcomed, just not expected this soon! i would be just hitting 9 weeks if i was one of the rare cases of the late false negative results... i would love to hear your stories of when you found out you were or similar symptoms to what i am having. feel free to be brutally honest!

i have been taking birth control pills faithfully for several months for contraception, as my periods have always been like clockwork. there was no change in regularity after starting my birth control. anyways, i was on antibiotics for a couple weeks and the only backup method used was withdrawal (if you even consider that a backup! lol) i am sure that we had sex during my most fertile days because we had sex every day the whole month with the exception of a day here and there. i started bleeding a few days after my period would have came, but it was heavier and only 3 days long when mine normally is 5-7 days long with only one day of heavy bleeding on the second day (its pretty similar each month)

i temporarily thought i was pregnant because it was a couple days late but disregarded it because i didnt miss a period. i carried on my merry way when a week after my "period" ended, i started getting terrible stomach aches along with diarrhea. sorry, im going to get detailed so that you know everything! i thought i had food poisoning i was so miserable for about two weeks. this has continued until now, about a total of three weeks. around this time (would be 6-7 weeks) i noticed i had lost a few pounds, likely from dehydration and the stomach trouble, yet my stomach was very bloated. along the way i have become increasingly tired, noticed lower abdominal pressure which isnt painful just slightly uncomfortable, extremely turned off by all food unless i see a picture of it (which sucks because i am not hungry until i watch the food network or see an ad on tv!!) smells do not disgust me but i have noticed a huge increase in smelling things from long distances away. i tracked down the smell of bleach from rooms away from the bathroom that had been cleaned the day before. its not bothersome just very different from my typical non-existant sense of smell! last week, i started becoming extremely dizzy every time i stood up or was standing for long periods of time, and it is much worse when it is even remotely warm in the room. i have tried changing my diet to relieve this but nothing has helped. my nipples have become noticeably lighter and puffy, which i thought was odd. just a few days ago (now going on would be 9 weeks) i noticed that the veins in my hips, lower back, and lower legs have become very dark and in small sections look very close to the surface. dizziness also seemed to subside slightly. i also started bleeding at my would-be second period but the bleeding was very strange. it was again three days long but this time it was brown with a couple hours of bleeding then it would stop, and a few hours later it would repeat. it was not enough to fill a pad or tampon but enough that i needed to wear one. again, sorry for details.

after my mom noticed i had been urinating almost every hour, she made me go to the doctor to be tested for a uti. i was told that there was no blood present in my urine, but there was one strain of bacteria that she could not detect the reason for, but all in all she came to the conclusion that it was not a uti that i was suffering from, but gave me antibiotics anyway to clear up the strange bacteria. she also suggested i take a pregnancy test. by the way, the medicine is now finished and hasnt helped my frequent urination or abdominal pressure at all!

which i had done several times! starting at would-be 6 weeks, i have taken a total of 8 HPTs and 2 in clinic urine tests. after my last clinical test, the nurse said it was negative but suggested that i go to get a blood sample since i had so many symptoms. she also told me that my urine "smelled pregnant" and was surprised when it read negative. first of all, i thought that was really weird, and i had NEVER heard anyone say hcg can make your urine smell. but anyway, this freaked me out enough that i went to take a qual blood test, which came up negative, when i would be 9 weeks.

so i dont know what is going on with my body. i have had no nausea and my breasts are only slightlyy tender. everything seems to be pointing to one thing, but then again there are so many suggesting that there is absolutely no way. i know that everyone thinks they can be that "one rare case" but i guess i just want some opinions. have any of you tested negative on blood and urine tests and later found out you were pregnant?? i know that i am not making up my symptoms because i already thought that i wasnt pregnant cause of the bleeding. only a few weeks ago did i really think that i could be. i would not be upset if i was or wasnt....i just want to know!! it is so hard not knowing, especially when everyone tells you youre crazy!

thanks to those who actually took the time to read this book!

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