Good luck tomorrow cutie!
MrsR - I agree with the other ladies. Hang in there, you should know soon!
Also, I constantly freak out about stuff like that too. We're moving to our new home in less than 2 weeks and I've smelled the paint and similar chemicals they've used more than once (but for very brief periods of time) when hubby and I have gone to inspect the contractors' work. I've worried too, but I think babies can only be harmed if you inhale bad stuff for prolonged periods of time, and I also think it's riskier in the 1st trimester when organs are still forming. I wouldn't worry too much, plus you wore a mask (something I've never done, I just cover my nose and mouth with my hand every time I smell something that can be bad, and walk away as soon as I can). At the end of the day though, babies are probably more resilient than we think, otherwise nobody would be born

Think of all the babies born in war zones etc.
AFM - I went in this morning and had my blood drawn. The nurse said it takes between 1-1.5 weeks for the results, which may coincide with my next check-up on 4/9. They weighed me and I only weighed 109.5lbs (I started my pregnancy at 107lbs), so I was a little worried about my small weight gain - though apparently most of it happens in the 3rd trimester. As for a bump, I do have a small one, but it's still quite low down, it hasn't expanded to my upper stomach yet. It does look more pronounced when I wear tight clothes too

In other news, I can't wait for my next appointment (10 days feel like forever away) and I'm yet to book my anatomy scan which I'm supposed to have around the end of April on week 20 or 21 (also feels forever away). I've been feeling something bubbling in my tummy in the last few days when I lie down and concentrate (and not every time), but like others have said, it could be gas, not sure if it could be the baby yet

Also, in the past 2 weeks or so I've been able to find the heart beat with the doppler almost immediately, which hopefully means the baby has grown in size

Next week or the week after I'm going to pick up a stethoscope (or I may order a fetoscope online, if I find an affordable one), and plan to start using that instead of the doppler. They say you should be able to pick up a hb with those from 18-20 weeks, so hopefully not too long for that

Hopefully I'll start feeling some real movement in the coming weeks as well, and that will be the most reassuring thing and will practically eliminate the need for the doppler.