@tdog definitely darker!
@CakeBaby I see that too I wonder whats going on! I hope it isn't just an indent for you.
So this evenings opk is also what I would call a positive for me lol. I dunno what's going on I never get a surge this long, I'm hoping it means its a nice strong ov! I've been super crampy all day and having loads of cm, I've had loads of cm since Sunday.
Now this is going to sound like a weird one but it does worry me, I started having the cramping this morning whilst going to the loo (tmi) and whilst I know it can't really be this yet as I'm only just about to ov, has anyone else experienced very early mc or chemical etc as a result of straining too hard on the loo?
When we were ttc number 1 I'm sure I one month felt it 'pop' out and started bleeding right away.. When we concieved the second we weren't trying but I knew I had concieved literally the moment after we had sex.. About a, week later the same thing happened when I was straining I felt a pop but I fortunately didn't bleed, I just had major cramping immediately and I felt I knew what was going on so I lay down flat on my back for the next few hours. The cramping eased off whilst lay down and he must have burrowed back in cos sure enough a week later I took a test and found out I was pregnant.
My friend irl thinks I'm mental lol and that it can't possibly cause a miscarriage or affect implantation but I feel like I definitely know it did!!
Has anyone else ever felt anything similar? Basically I wanted to say I had cramping since this feeling this morning but had to go into detail to describe what I meant... I know I sound mental sorry..
Here's this eves opk anyway that's 2 days of positives now
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