Short Luteal Phase?

I'm waiting to report about the B complex still. So far so good! No BDing this month due to medical procedure :( so I should definitely be able to tell you ladies what happens.
Hi Ladies. For those who've tried Vit B6, did you just start taking it or did you see your Doc first?
I've only been charting a couple of months, but I appear to have a short luteal phase (7 days last month, 9 this month). Went to GP this morning to ask about taking vit B6 and she'd never heard of it - said she thought it sounded more like an old wives tale! She also didn't seem to be aware that a short luteal phase is a problem. Got an appt next week with another doc in the practice who is more of a expert in family planning matters.
I'm worried that if 2nd Doc is equally dismissive, then if I start taking B6 I'll be going against their advice - so wondering whether to just cancel the appointment and start taking it anyway. What do you reckon?!
I know 2 months isn't long to come to a conclusion about LP length, but at age 37, who's got time to hang around and "wait and see" - if there is something I can do that might help and won't harm, I want to try it!
(P.S. This is my first post on BnB. How do you get those pretty pictures when you post your FF chart? Have people created a pic themselves?)
Ooops, ignore my P.S. about the FF thing. Have found the answer myself! :dohh:
Hi Ladies. For those who've tried Vit B6, did you just start taking it or did you see your Doc first?
I've only been charting a couple of months, but I appear to have a short luteal phase (7 days last month, 9 this month). Went to GP this morning to ask about taking vit B6 and she'd never heard of it - said she thought it sounded more like an old wives tale! She also didn't seem to be aware that a short luteal phase is a problem. Got an appt next week with another doc in the practice who is more of a expert in family planning matters.
I'm worried that if 2nd Doc is equally dismissive, then if I start taking B6 I'll be going against their advice - so wondering whether to just cancel the appointment and start taking it anyway. What do you reckon?!
I know 2 months isn't long to come to a conclusion about LP length, but at age 37, who's got time to hang around and "wait and see" - if there is something I can do that might help and won't harm, I want to try it!
(P.S. This is my first post on BnB. How do you get those pretty pictures when you post your FF chart? Have people created a pic themselves?)

Hi LancyLass! Sounds like a similar experience to a lot of us here... some GPs unfortunately don't have a clue (mine claimed all women's LPs were 14 days -- whatevs!) It would definitely be worth trying to see another doc - or more until you get one who knows what they're taking about. The second one I went to was much better...

With regard to the B6/B-complex - it's perfectly safe to take - loads and loads of women on this thread alone have been taking it, many with lots of success in lengthening their LPs. You do sometimes have to do a bit of trial and error on the dosage - 50mg is fine for some, others are better on 100 or 150. I take 100mg. But yeah, from what I understand it's hard to actually 'overdose' on it, because you pee out whatever you don't use/need - hence the luminous wee some people get!!

Good luck with it anyway! My LP is only 9 days too... I might have gone as far as I can with B-complex now :-\ might need something a bit stronger.
Can anyone tell me... is having a short luteal phase ALWAYS a problem, or only sometimes? I've read some people posting that their temps dropped during the luteal phase so indicating progesterone dropping. Mine stays high until AF comes and then it drops. Is that a good sign? Or a bad sign because it means it's something more serious causing it??
Hi Ladies, I jus wanted to give a progress report on my LP and vitamin B6. My past two LPs were 7 days and 10 days so I was worried and started looking for help. As I have posted before (I'm not sure where) I read that LP defect is linked by some to the BCP. The info I found claimed that BCP caused the body to become vitamin B deficient. I had just come off of BCP, so I decided to supplement vitamin B and see how it goes.
This month I'm 12 dpo and still no AF. As I posted earlier in the thread no BDing this month due to a medical procedure, so no BFP to monkey with the outcome this month. My temp dropped below my CL yesterday, but popped back up today. I just thought there would be someone out there that might want to know.
I've been taking Spring Valley brand Super B-Complex purchased at Walmart.
C 150 mg
B1 100 mg
B2 20 mg
B3 25 mg
B6 2 mg
Folic acid 400 mcg
B12 15mcg
Biotin 3.8 mcg
Pantothenic acid 5 mg

May be a one off, but I am optimistic.
Can anyone tell me... is having a short luteal phase ALWAYS a problem, or only sometimes? I've read some people posting that their temps dropped during the luteal phase so indicating progesterone dropping. Mine stays high until AF comes and then it drops. Is that a good sign? Or a bad sign because it means it's something more serious causing it??
I think only sometimes a problem... because there are examples - on this site - of women who have conceived with short LPs, some less than 10 days even. But it definitely doesn't make it easy... and if you can find a cause, and/or lengthen it, your chances are going to go up.

With regard to your specific questions about temps - I don't know sorry, I wish I did! Mine also stay high - and my progesterone levels have been measured as being pretty good at that time, but then they drop at around 6-7 DPO, and never really recover - AF comes on 9 DPO. So that's what I'm looking for, an explanation as to why you would have good progesterone levels/temps, but then they suddenly die off. I've read a lot of definitions of LP defect and it definitely includes that as a symptom.... but never really gives a clear explanation of cause - except maybe 'inadequate follicle development' in the follicular phase... but that is more usually associated with LOW progesterone levels throughout. So that doesn't quite cover it. There's also things about the endometrium not being prepared properly... but not a lot of detail on that. You have to have a more invasive test for that I believe.

So - I will continue to research on and off - will let you know if anything turns up! I'm really just hoping something magically changes in my cycle :haha:
Hi Ladies, I jus wanted to give a progress report on my LP and vitamin B6. My past two LPs were 7 days and 10 days so I was worried and started looking for help. As I have posted before (I'm not sure where) I read that LP defect is linked by some to the BCP. The info I found claimed that BCP caused the body to become vitamin B deficient. I had just come off of BCP, so I decided to supplement vitamin B and see how it goes.
This month I'm 12 dpo and still no AF. As I posted earlier in the thread no BDing this month due to a medical procedure, so no BFP to monkey with the outcome this month. My temp dropped below my CL yesterday, but popped back up today. I just thought there would be someone out there that might want to know.
I've been taking Spring Valley brand Super B-Complex purchased at Walmart.
C 150 mg
B1 100 mg
B2 20 mg
B3 25 mg
B6 2 mg
Folic acid 400 mcg
B12 15mcg
Biotin 3.8 mcg
Pantothenic acid 5 mg

May be a one off, but I am optimistic.

Hi Viking - is that really 2 mg of B6, or is it supposed to be 20, or even 200? I take 100mg... so 2 seems quite a low dose of B6!
It is just 2 mg of B6. Weird, but I was recommended a B complex. That is what I found. I'm also taking a prescription prenatal. I don't know what is in that. I might be able to research it though.
I'm taking Zantean-pn for my prescription prenatal. I had no luck tracking down it's contents.
It is just 2 mg of B6. Weird, but I was recommended a B complex. That is what I found. I'm also taking a prescription prenatal. I don't know what is in that. I might be able to research it though.

You can get B Complexes with different amounts of Vits - I've started investigating myself. This info might not help you that much as I see you're in the US but... There seem to be "standard" B Complexes, such as the branded Berocca, which are intended for energy levels and they only have v low amounts of B6 - like your 2mg. Holland and Barratt have B complexes with different levels of Vit B in - there's a "50" option, which has 50mg of everything and a "100" option (which has 100mg of everything). These ones also have the recommended 400 mcg of folic acid too so you don't have to take that separately. So it looks like these are the ones designed for ladies TTC.
BTW, at what point during your cycles did you ladies start taking your B Complexes? I've got my 2nd docs appointment tomorrow, but I think I'm going to start taking the B whatever she says (naughty!) but I'm on CD8 at the moment. Does it need a month or two to get into your system and take effect (like folic acid - they say it takes a couple of months for it to build up in your system to the effective levels).
BTW, at what point during your cycles did you ladies start taking your B Complexes? I've got my 2nd docs appointment tomorrow, but I think I'm going to start taking the B whatever she says (naughty!) but I'm on CD8 at the moment. Does it need a month or two to get into your system and take effect (like folic acid - they say it takes a couple of months for it to build up in your system to the effective levels).

I started taking it near the beginning of my cycle. Probably July 2 or 3rd. I don't think it's naughty to take B complex. :muaha:
BTW, at what point during your cycles did you ladies start taking your B Complexes? I've got my 2nd docs appointment tomorrow, but I think I'm going to start taking the B whatever she says (naughty!) but I'm on CD8 at the moment. Does it need a month or two to get into your system and take effect (like folic acid - they say it takes a couple of months for it to build up in your system to the effective levels).

I take it all the way through - with just a few days off during AF (when I stop taking everything to give my body a bit of a break).

I'm not sure about whether it needs to build up in the system or not... I would think not? Since things like Berocca are marketed to give you an 'instant' boost - ?
Thought I'd report back on my docs visit...
She couldn't find any information or advice from the clinical fertility advisory people in the UK about Vit B6, but said there's no harm trying it if I want to.
Apparently short luteal phase isn't necessarily a problem - it used to be thought it was a problem, but in clinical trials no less women with short luteal phases got pg than those without. However it can be indicative of a problem and that's where the tests come in to check.
It's looking hopeful for me on the progesterone front because my temp stays up until after AF starts, but she's going to do the "21 day" test (but at both 14 and 21 days, because of my irregular cycle) to check. Then going to do the tests at the beginning of the cycle (for FSH and LH I think, can't quite remember) to check the bits that stimulate ovulation are working.
Think I'll give it until next cycle before trying the Vit B, seeing as the outlook isn't as hopeless as I thought - I don't like taking supplements unless I have to (I'm a bit of a chicken!)
Thought I'd report back on my docs visit...
She couldn't find any information or advice from the clinical fertility advisory people in the UK about Vit B6, but said there's no harm trying it if I want to.
Apparently short luteal phase isn't necessarily a problem - it used to be thought it was a problem, but in clinical trials no less women with short luteal phases got pg than those without. However it can be indicative of a problem and that's where the tests come in to check.
It's looking hopeful for me on the progesterone front because my temp stays up until after AF starts, but she's going to do the "21 day" test (but at both 14 and 21 days, because of my irregular cycle) to check. Then going to do the tests at the beginning of the cycle (for FSH and LH I think, can't quite remember) to check the bits that stimulate ovulation are working.
Think I'll give it until next cycle before trying the Vit B, seeing as the outlook isn't as hopeless as I thought - I don't like taking supplements unless I have to (I'm a bit of a chicken!)
Interesting LancyLass... I hope your doc is right re short LPs! My doc also didn't think it was too much of a problem. But -- they seem to be a minority unfortunately -- I've read a fair bit about it online and most people DO say it's an issue under 10 days... so I still want to do everything I can to increase mine.

Have done 3 x acupuncture this cycle, and going to try homeopathic progesterone drops through this LP to see if it makes a difference. Failing that, I have a FS appt in a couple of weeks, hoping to get the full work out of tests done. If no improvement in 2-3 cycles more, my next plan is soy... (unless the FS recommends clomid or something). I'm still pretty optimistic I have options and something will work eventually.
Interesting LancyLass... I hope your doc is right re short LPs! My doc also didn't think it was too much of a problem. But -- they seem to be a minority unfortunately -- I've read a fair bit about it online and most people DO say it's an issue under 10 days... so I still want to do everything I can to increase mine.

I wonder whether the stuff on the internet is misrepresentative of the actual facts. It's mainly people who DO have a problem with it who will be online talking about it or offering advice about it. But you're right, it's worth doing everything poss to try to increase it - it can't do any harm!
So an update on my quest to increase my 9 day LP! This cycle from 1 dpo onwards I used micronised progesterone cream x 2 daily, and 10 x drops homeopathic progesterone x 3 daily - hoping the increased progesterone might lengthen the LP.

The result? a 7-day LP ](*,)](*,)](*,)

Sooo, yeah. I don't think progesterone cream or homeopathic progesterone is all that effective.

I have also been on vitex and 100mg vitamin B complex for 3 months now, and haven't seen any improvement from those... So.....

Ahh well, onwards and upwards. FS on Wednesday. I'm really pinning a lot of my hopes on him now!
One of my friends on the main forum told me that vitamin B6 shortened her LP down to 8 days, so it may not be the answer for everyone - sorry don't want to rain on your parade.

I'm 8DPO and the temp plummeted below the coverline, so the EPO has upset my cycle again by knocking 8 days off my LP - have written about this in detail on my EPO thread.

EPO goes in the bin today and I'm back on the pill for a week or so to try and align my cycle dates with my OH's work schedule, I'm done with vitamins and back to folic acid only, it sucks as there was nothing wrong with my LP/cycle in the first place so I'm urging caution in the use of supplements....

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