sick of waiting for bfp - come on October

Sounds like a plan smash! I know what u mean - dh and I have said we'll try for another year (two in total) and after that we move forward with adoption. We've already said we'll use protection whilst going through the process because do u really need the extra stress and how fair is it on your new son or daughter? 'Welcome to the family, u were kinda the second choice but don't panic because mummy's pregnant'! Certainly in the uk adoptive children have generally been through trauma already without adding that. I read an article about an English couple who adopted an Indonesian girl who was about 5-7yrs old. She lives with them for 6 months and the couple become pregnant. They send the girl back to Indonesia! When I read that I actually wanted to contact the magazine and try and find the little girl to adopt. The girl had started to learn English and settle in and went back to having nothing. Some people should never be called parents. Disgusting.

Sorry about the rant!
Hey ladies! Hope everyone's doing well today :)
CD 10 today and I think I'll start temping and OPKs from tomorrow until O. I want to make sure I am still O'ing around the same days (cd 15-16). I was supposed to go back to the OB for a follow up appointment to see what my next steps could be, but I'm pretty sure she mentioned Clomid and I'd really like to avoid that since I've read it can do more harm than good, especially if taken for an extended period of time (more than 3 cycles I believe). Also, I don't think DH wants to pay $140 for a SA right now (he claims he already knows what the results will be based on his last 3 tests, so why waste the money?) so we're going to just try by ourselves for now. I'm nervous, because it has been quite a long long time since we started having unprotected sex in the first place and NOTHING has happened. I'm beyond worried at this point, but there's really nothing I can do. Being Canadian in the US, the insurance we get doesn't cover anything artificial in terms of fertility, so it would all be out-of-pocket costs for us. But on the other hand, back in Canada, especially where the military takes us, we wouldn't have the access to any type of fertility anything like we do here in the US. Either way, IVF or adoption, we'd have to pay to have a child, and we're not ready to come to terms with that yet. Hence the dragging of our feet on going to the doc for this follow up appointment! *sigh* I'm really really really hoping and praying that we can get pregnant on our own, especially with my tubes being free and clear!!! I want it to just happen already!! grrrrr!!!!!!

OK rant over :p

Try2find -- those are grade A worst "parents"! The agency shouldn't have let them send her back. That's horrible. She's not a puppy for goodness' sake!
Try2Find- That's crazy!! I feel so bad for that little girl. If people are going to adopt, they need to realize that that means the child is theirs just like they'd given birth to it. If we did adopt and then got pregnant, we'd just have two babies and be crazy busy, though I REALLY hope that doesn't happen.

RCAF-I hope that you do get pregnant naturally and all you needed was that hsg. Don't forget, even normal people usually need 3 or 4 months to conceive!

No matter what we do, we will have to pay to have a child. Even if I got pregnant naturally, there's still doctor's visits and the hospital stay and my insurance isn't great. Adoption is a lot more at first but the $13K tax credit will cover a lot of it.

AFM, I'm on cd18 AND either 2 or 3 dpo!! Which is crazy. I'm not taking any supplements or anything besides prenatals. I'm excited though, means a better chance of getting that bfp or getting to start the adoption process a week sooner. It's crazy (and scary!). In theory, I could be a mom in a month or two! Granted, it will probably take longer, but it's a possibility!
How exciting Smashley!! Fx for you x2!!
I forgot about that...that normal people take 3-4 months to conceive naturally. Thanks for reminding me :D Now I won't feel as anxious if it takes more than just this cycle ;)
Hey guys - so weird we all sound like we're in such a similar boat!

Dh went to the docs and basically got told that we need to try for at least 18months then we need to be assessed by the doc, then approved by the specialist ie have we been doing all we can to conceive etc, then we go on a wait list and do each test one at a time in an incredibly long and drawn out process. Plus if we 'fail' a test we have to fail by a certain amount to go onto another test eg if dh's sperm count was 40 and the limit was 39 or less they wouldn't take us any further. The doctor said we really need to think about our long term goal as tests would lead to ivf or we try naturally or we adopt. They won't test u unless they think u will go for ivf which neither of us are keen on. This did depress me as I felt we had another option closed down from us. We have agreed to try for another six months and then start adoption proceedings and if we get pregnant great, if not no worries. We want a family however that happens. Weird that we all seem at a similar stage?! Exciting smash!
Glad you feel better, RCAF! And hope this month is your month anyway!

Try2Find-that's absolutely crazy that doctors are like that where you are. My doctor did some preliminary blood work on me and offered clomid at about six months. Doctors aren't even willing to go with you part of the way, if you just wanted to try some medications or the hsg? Crazy.... But yes, it is exciting that we all seem to be leaning in the same direction. Also great that we've stayed in contact for over six months on this crazy journey. It's so nice to have friends who are going through the same thing I am. :).
Yeh it does seem crazy that they won't even help us a little unless its for 'medical' reasons eg if I thought I had pcos they'd have to investigate but it wouldn't be for fertility. That's what I mean by having an option taken away - what if dh and I only have a small easily fixable problem? We have an impossible system to get through. Think we'll go it alone and then adopt, I can't be dealing with the stress of the system.
Yes, I agree :) I'm glad we have each other to go through this together. I did some more research online about fertility treatments, and I was so overwhelmed. It seems so complicated just to get through one trial of IVF, let alone two or more! And apparently it's really hard to find insurance that will cover IVF treatments. And we don't have 13k lying around or want to take a loan out...So, like you guys, we'll go it on our own and see how that works. I'm really nervous though, I really want to get pregnant naturally (and quickly lol) wishful thinking, but I'm trying to be super positive!! Thanks for the support ladies :D I asked DH if he's getting tired of ttc yet and he said he's still having fun and he's not stressed yet, but he knows I am. I'm a worrier -- he's not. It's maddening sometimes how calm he is in these situations :p

Try2find that's so frustrating that the docs there won't help you unless you're within their "helping guidelines". I know they do that here too but that sounds extra ridiculous :( They won't give you any options/theories as to why you're having difficulty ttc if you don't fall within the range of needing assistance? I really hope you guys can get pregnant on your own soon too!
Hey yeh unfortunately that is the case. However there is a glimmer of hope - the tests privately aren't nearly as expensive as I thought they were! A sperm test is £120 which is about $70-80? Plus they do a one stop shop thing where u do all of the tests u need and then at the end u have a consultation with a specialist and he goes through all ur results and gives me an ultrasound internal and a tube dye test. I have asked for a quote - I'm thinking about £1000 which we don't have lying around but if we start saving now we may have in 6 months and then we won't need to go through the horrendous NHS way. All we want are the tests to find out if there is hope or not and from there we will give ourselves another 6 months if the results are good or start adoption process if the results are bad.

However ladies I think I'm starting to lose the plot. I don't know if I told u but I left my hugely stressful job in August and was off with stress that turned into minor depression ( due to the long term stress) until I resigned in November and started a new less stressful part time job. I started to come off my low meds last month and am now off my medication but I think the stress of ttc and the choices we have now faced have possibly dragged me backwards and I am struggling again. I am so disappointed as I worked so hard to be myself and healthier again. I really don't want to go back on medication again because it will delay us even further on our ttc journey. I am going to try counselling again which I found pretty effective last time and then see how it goes. This is why ivf is not an option for us. I would end up in some sort of institution! Sorry ladies I just had a bad day yesterday and had to share it with people I can trust and who are ttc. Hope u don't mind?!
What an idiot! My exchange rate is messed up! It would be $200 approx!
Oh, the one stop shop thing is nice! I don't think we have anything like that or the NHS program. Everything we did fertility wise would just be straight out of pocket costs.

I'm sorry you're having a hard time right now. Ttc is crazy and stressful and one of the most difficult things I've ever been though, so as much as I can, I know how you feel. Realistically, I know it's unreasonable to start looking into adoption after only 8 cycles... But I was getting to where I was a basket case, scared I'd miss ovulation, crazy nervous and overanalyzing everything during the tww, then just really really upset, almost like someone died, when it didn't work out, and I couldnt cope either. Adoption makes me feel more in control in the aspects that matter. No matter how hard I try, I can't make my body work-but I can improve our family profile, post an ad somewhere new, sign up with a new referral agency, etc. And while I'm sure there will be lots of not being in control and being stressed, it will be more like not getting a job I applied for rather than feeling like I'm a complete failure, broken, and defective like I have been.

So yeah... feel free to vent and rant as much as you want because it does help. I hope counseling is able to help you make peace with the challenges and your decisions about how to face them.
Thanks smash I really appreciate your comments it's so lovely and welcome to have someone understand and empathise with our situations nearly all of my friends either think we're making a 'big deal' about not conceiving yet or that we just have to be patient and relax. I swear anyone put in long term ttc would go crazy it's unavoidable! Unfortunately for me I had a slight prerequisite due to a horrendous job and awful family....

I know what u mean about adoption, I feel so positive about it. I just feel I've got to shut the door on hope of ttc and hopefully the tests will help me do that. I have had a better day today thankfully!
:hugs::hugs: to you Try2find! TTC is a pain in the @$$ most days. I just hope it pays off soon, for all our sakes. we can't keep at this and NOT go insane, you're right. I'm glad you are having a better day :) I agree with you, Smash! You hit the nail on the head.

AFM, I was afraid I had missed O but today, after what seemed like 10 days, I got a +OPK! Two good strong lines too, so I figured I would O within 24-36 hours, since usually by 48 hours, my cervix is back down and the cm is sticky or dry. I got that positive this afternoon around 12:30 and by 4:00 or so, I was feeling crampy (which apparently I always do, just never made the connection until today) so I think I might be O'ing soon or have already. So when DH came home, I told him all this and we dtd. I even put in a soft cup just for good measure -- hopefully the foreign object doesn't mess with the environment in there...*knock on wood* I think my temp will rise significantly on Wed which will be cd 17 -- a much more normal cycle than last month's, that's for sure. I think we will try to dtd again tomorrow just to make sure. Dh has been taking zinc this cycle, so hopefully dtd two days in a row is OK for his little guys :p
Thanks rcaf its weird but this is the only forum where I feel listened to?! I didn't post anything like as much info on another forum just that I was having a bad day after such a long time trying and no one commented at all! It's weird sometimes I think u just click with some people!

That sounds great about the o'ing and dtd I really think u must be close after ur spring clean :hugs: I think I o'd on cd14 which is completely unusual for me I just need tomorrows temp to confirm. We only bd'd once in the 3-4 day window but if I'm o'ing earlier hopefully it means better eggs so the sperm will have an easier job?! They'll be soft boiled as opposed to hard boiled?! After 12 months what's another month!
Glad you feel better and that you feel comfortable talking to us. I'm really glad I've got you all to talk to. You know, I've been checking out adoption forum sites and its ridiculous how closed off they all are. Couldn't find any mention of just a group of people wanting to adopt. So I made one. Thus far, it's been close to 24 hours and no responses. Apparently it's a different world... Competitive, which is sad.

Glad you both ovulated, or are close to it! I'm either 7 or 8 dpo. No real symptoms but I also haven't been obsessing either like I usually do. Kinda hoping I'm not pregnant, actually. But we will see.
Yes, I am thankful I have you guys on here to talk with because I really need to talk to someone that understands...
Well remember what I said about planning to dtd tonight (two days in a row?) Well, I told dh this after I got the +OPK but then when we finally get in the bedroom, DH tells me that making a baby right now isn't his number one priority. "What!?" I know! That's what I said too. What a complete turn around, based on what he's been saying for the last couple years! I don't want to think that he was humoring me all this time, (buying baby paraphernalia before we're even pregnant, getting my hopes up that he was as excited as I was to start on this ttc journey) but I'm afraid it might be the case :-\ When I asked him to explain, he said "making a baby is your number one priority, and for me it's number two. I like dtd because it's fun, not because I am trying/hoping to make a baby by doing it. If it happens, it happens." But I said we should both have the same number 1 priority when it comes to a life changing situation like this. I don't want to hear down the road, after succeeding at pregnancy, that I was the one who wanted this baby so I should deal with him/her myself, you know? Or I should be the primary caregiver and DH occasionally chips in just so he can say he helps out. Omg I don't know what to think or do here...this seems so out of left field! Then he says it's weird for him to have a baby-making schedule because it's not sexy, it's mechanical; a means to an end. But I said well yeah, that's how I feel too, but it's not like it is in the movies where people get pregnant by having sex whenever they're both in the mood! It takes some planning and effort on our parts, especially since we are struggling with some sort of infertility. Also, we're only scheduling sex for like 2-3 days out of the whole cycle - you still have almost 30 days to have sex whenever and however you want! And then he said "well, ok, but you'll have to take the lead..." Right, like I'm in the mood now. He says that telling him we have about 24-36 hrs to dtd to catch the egg makes him anxious and then he doesn't feel like having sex. But I told him that when I used to leave that info out, and just try to let him know indirectly (aka seduce him) that it's time for baby-making, he'd show disinterest or make me wait/delay the process somehow. So he wouldn't understand the urgency because he didn't know there was a window to catch. So now, he says knowing makes him anxious...*sigh*. I can't win. I guess this means we're going to ttc on his terms, whenever he's ready. Whenever that is. But the thing is, we both said after we first got married, that we didn't want to rush into having kids; that we'd wait about 4 years so that we could have enough time to get established as a couple and do as many things before kids as we could. It will be four years in July this year and now he decides to change his mind. We wouldn't have ended up ttc since 2011 if my body didn't react negatively to hormonal birth control. That's kinda what started all this. But I look at it now as a good thing because we wouldn't have known we had a problem conceiving until now and then it would probably be 6 years or more after marriage that we would be having kids, if at all. I think his first priority is working and getting to deploy with the military and all kinds of other career moves. I think that's why he bought me a resumé writing service package for Christmas (yeah, subtle). He probably wants my first priority to be career focused instead of baby focused. I know it makes a little sense to work and have some extra money before a baby comes, but I can't help what I want. If we were poor and suffering, working would definitely be my first priority, but since we're not, I feel free to have other priorities. Ever since I was young, I've wanted to be a mother - baking cookies for class functions, driving the kids to their events, reading them stories at night, supporting them in their endeavours, the whole nine yards. And realizing that I can't do this now makes me sad. I don't want to force my husband into doing something he's not comfortable with (he prefers an accidental baby rather than a planned one. Somehow planning scares him). I want to have children with him, not just by him, you know? Ugh, idk.....

Thanks for reading ladies. It feels much better to let that out now.
I wish I had more advice to give you, but I really don't. :(. I'm sorry you're having to deal with this all of a sudden. Maybe the pressure is just getting to him and he needs a break? I hope you guys are able to work this out and get back on track.
Maybe he does need a break, but why didn't he say something when I asked him if he was getting too stressed about ttc before I went and paid for an hsg? :( *sigh*Thanks for listening, Smash -- that's what I needed most :)
I was listening too - just a little bit later :) dh went through that when we first started ttcing and even until a few months ago we would have rows about it and tears before bedtime! I think now we've entered long term ttc its scared him into wanting it more so actually there is less rowing and more support, plus the fact I'm going mental the odds are on me to win :rofl: I hope I'm not really going mental.... Anyway!

Rcaf I'm going to ask a hard question - are u and dh sure he still wants kids full stop not just not a priority? Talk about pulling the rug from under u. Men can be so completely selfish sometimes! I know they are built differently and don't have the same primal urge to have children (I know some women don't) but come on. Surely uve been through one of the hardest times already? Maybe give him a bit of time and space, easier said than done I know. If he's anything like dh his 'spontaneous' time will be af time! I hope it's just a stressful time for him ATM and he snaps out of it ASAP!
Try2find -- Thanks for listening too! Yes, DH said he thinks having kids would be fine, he's just not obsessing/focusing on it like I am. But he did use the word "priority". It's weird though because we've been technically ttc since end of 2010, we didn't start charting/temping until 2011, but it's strange that only now that we are ltttc he's having a problem...It's probably stressing him out, because he's used to doing something and getting it right the first time, with minimal effort. I don't like have disagreements before bed though, it unsettles me all night and the next day. Today was pretty somber for me even though it was nice and sunny out. And last night, I couldn't sleep, so i ended up playing some phone games and then writing to you guys on BnB lol.
I hope he snaps out of it too! I will take a time out if that's what it takes, hard as it may be, but what's another month after ttc for over 2 years?? And yes, my DH decides he's "in the mood" during or right before AF, which is when I'm totally NOT in the mood haha. I dunno bout you guys but I can't dtd during AF -- it just hurts too much :/

Anyway, thanks for listening again :) I really appreciate it.

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