sick of waiting for bfp - come on October

Glad to hear your appointment went well and there's an easy fix for your problem, Brit!

I haven't been to the doctor since when I went a few months ago and had all that blood work that came back normal. I know it could be something simple to fix, but I'm actually really good with the adoption decision. It's odd, but I was convinced I wasn't going to be able to have kids even before we started trying and I feel pretty comfortable with the decision. Plus adoption is actually really affordable(potentially free!) if you are in the US and willing to do a lot of work yourself whereas that appointment with blood work and just a chat with the doctor was over $300. I think we may try to have a biological kid later on though. We will see.
Oh that's good news Brit! So hopefully it shouldn't be long at all?

Well this is the last month temping - yehy! Feel like the pressure is released. Then ntnp until June. I feel like I'm grieving a bit for ttc too smash but I think that's only natural and we won't use protection again so I suppose we have a while in which to conceive after as I am only 27 and dh is 31. Plus as the pressure is off because we will already have a family it
L probably happen quicker ironically!
That's great your doc could give you answers, Brit! Did he/she say why you have cysts all of a sudden? When will you start the meds? All the best with it, and that you get your BFP :)

YAY for no thermometers! It really is a relief not to have to take a temp first thing in the morning, or ever (unless you're sick :p) And YAY for no protection -- also a huge hassle ;)

It's funny how TTC and preparing for adoption both involve "trying" to have a child, but adoption is the only one where you can see the fruits of your labour (so to speak). All the work you put in for adoption, you can see where it's taking you, and whether it is working or not. But ttc, everything you do for it seems blind, like gambling. Don't mean to make anyone depressed or anything, just making an observation :)
That's exactly how I explained it to my friend yesterday rcaf! I said that I was fed up of gambling for a child I want a definite family!

We had an initial phone call from a social worker yesterday and we need to fill in the form before we go to the open day so were doing that today yehy!

How are the 'adjustments' going smash?! Let us know how u get on Brit!
Thanks! Form completed and sent so just waiting to hear now I suppose.... I'm having a hard day today prob pmt! 7dpo so af is no doubt lurking around the corner and then I can get rid of this thermometer!

how's things rcaf? Dh slightly more on board?
I've been feeling really warm these last few days so I know I've been in my LP for a while. I am just taking it easy and trying not to think about babies, which is hard because I had 3 BABY DREAMS IN A ROW these last few nights! Talk about hitting you when you're down, eh? Ugh! But I think my period is coming...I might start having cramps tomorrow... :( And of course, I hope i won't -- you all know the drill!
As for DH, he's still of the "it'll happen when it happens" camp, but he still talks about our "future child" conversationally, like "Oh, that's a terrible name. When we have our baby, we'll name him something respectable" (always says him lol). But no real talk about that one night again...It's probably best, since he may be deploying to the middle east at the end of this summer. Then i'd be delivering our first baby, during his first deployment and my first time being alone (since married) for 6 months! Not ideal for sure, but that's the life i suppose ;).
Yes, I completely agree, ttc is like gambling... except when you gamble, you know that you have to win every once in a while so a losing streak could be good, where with ttc, the longer you go without conceiving, the less likely it is you'll conceive, at least without any help. I'm jealous of your lack of protection though! We're going to start being careful once I get closer to o day... sucks, but with my luck, I'd end up with two babies or just the loss of a lot of money.

Excited for your form filling, try2find! It feels good to actually be doing something, right?

RCAF-I think you might just be pregnant!! We will see, but I have a good feeling! That would suck about DH being deployed though. :(. It happened to both my SIL and a good friend of mine and its hard. But they are both doing great with their little families now and their DHs home.

Not a lot is being done with us now. DH is really busy at work and won't have any time at all to do anything until after Easter, but hopefully after that, we can get everything done quickly, home study wise. But what's another two weeks after ttc for almost a year? Hoping by mid April or so, we can start looking for prospective birth mothers! I'm almost done with our family profile and will have to show you all as soon as I'm done. I'm quite proud, really. :)
Can't wait to see your profile, Smash :) Two weeks will go by so quickly, I know it!
Thanks for the positive vibes too! I hope you're right. If I did have a baby while my DH was gone, I'm sure I'd have help because the Canadian community down here is really great.

I fell off my bike this weekend while DH and I were doing some off road trails and my arm is in a sling - bruised nerve :/ so typing this is kinda challenging hehe

Any plans for easter? We're not doing anything for easter that I know of so far, but before that we're going to texas and get some bbq!!
Thanks! I'm excited to get to show people and get started and whatnot. I'm nervous about talking to prospective birth mothers though. I'm shy to begin with and there are scammers out there and so much to think about. I guess it's good that I've got a few weeks to get everything ready, plus I'm sure our social worker will be able to answer more questions when we finally do talk to her.

But more importantly... have you tested yet??? You're 14 dpo if I'm counting right. I want to know! Been checking my subscriptions here every couple of hours to see. What about you, try2find? You aren't much behind, I don't think.

I'm sorry you hurt your arm. Hopefully it feels better soon!

I don't think we're doing much for Easter. DSS will be with his mom and so we'll probably just go over to my in laws and let my niece and nephew hunt eggs.

For the record, I am officially jealous of you and your Texan BBQ. I'm from Texas and miss the food. Eat some tex-mex for me too! What part are you visiting? I used to live in the Dallas, Waco, and Austin areas, so all over.
Hey guys sorry its been a while! Have been feeling really rough the last two days - massive temp rises but I think it's because I'm ill which is so frustrating because my chart looks quadphasic!! I have a ridiculous temp, my bones feel heavy yet brittle and I am exhausted. My head feels heavy and hot. I haven't really wanted to eat just really thirsty. I'm 11dpo and its telling me to test but because I'm drinking so much I keep peeing in the night so I might try and hold it this afternoon. No sign of af yet no doubt I've jinxed it now!

Oh on the trying whilst adopting front that's not happening now. I can't be constantly thinking what if I'm pregnant? Whilst preparing for adoption and 'grieving' for a natural baby. It's too much. We are having some financial issues at the moment - I've just been told my contract won't be renewed but I could transfer to another store and keep my benefits including adopters leave or maternity leave. But the hours will be much less so were going to have to take it easy with the adoption but I don't think we'll be approved until just before Christmas so we've got a year and we can always ask them to pause whilst we sort ourselves out!

How's everyone else? Anything rcaf? We're off to Mil for Easter should be nice - she's not a bad cook!
I'm sorry you're not feeling well. I'm hoping you're sick because you're pregnant! I'll keep my fingers crossed. Let us know when you test!

I'm sorry to hear about your job. :(. Hopefully you will be able to pick up more hours if you go to another store.
Well ladies - I don't know who was looking down on me this afternoon but I've only gone and got myself pregnant!

Two bfps. :bfp: after a year we had given up hope but whatever happens we know we can get pregnant!

I have mixed emotions about the adoption enquiries - mainly guilt. I am also still feeling rough, granted that's a given but apparently a fever in early pregnancy (can't believe I just wrote that!) is really dangerous so I'm taking paracetamol and will go to docs tomorrow if its still not gone!

Ladies I would never ever have got here without u, both of u have been a pillar of support. Don't give up hope rcaf - we had declared this our last month! Smash u are already on ur way to babyville!

If u don't mind until confirmed ill stick around? Unless its easier if I don't? :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:
Yay!!! Super excited for you!!!! That's so crazy that it happened your last month trying but I guess it's a sign!

Just a thought, but I know you we're having short luteal phases before so maybe you ought to try to get to your doctor ASAP to see if you might need to be on a progesterone supplement?

Again, yay and congratulations!!!
WOW!! I don't check BnB for like one day and all kinds of exciting stuff happened!! CONGRATS TRY2FIND!! I guess you can go ahead and change your name now, since you've found your baby! OMG I can't believe I'm writing that either! Wow!! I knew you were going to announce a bfp once I saw you were at 11 dpo, cause you said you normally go for 8. It's funny how you thought your AF was coming and that your temps were playing tricks. Looks like you'll be tossing that thermometer anyway, cause you don't need it now! YAY!! (me=blown away). Miracles DO happen. Congrats again!! And get well soon!

Smash, we're going to Dallas, and according to an internet article I read, the best BBQ is NOT in dallas, but the small towns around it, so I've marked a few places down to visit.
Any good places that you've been that you can recommend?

Sadly, I only made it to 15 dpo. I felt a little crampy this evening and just now when I went to the bathroom, I saw brownish CM :( So I'm out. Maybe third time will be the charm for us? who knows! Also my temp took a huge nose dive this am (98.6 to 97.7) so that also suggests AF. At least I won't be entertaining AF during our little March break trip ;)

SO EXCITED TRY2FIND!! Let us know how your doc visit goes. Will you be going tomorrow??
Congrats trytofind! I am so happy for you! Hearing about bfps only makes me more hopeful for the rest of us to get one soon!

Well I got my bloodwork back and I have hypothyroidism and the dr thinks that is what is causing my infertility I'm so glad I found out about this bf we got pregnant bc it can cause birth defects and miscarriage if left untreated. I did have a miscarriage this summer so maybe that is why.

Rcaf Texas does have great BBQ I love visiting Texas have fun! Smash how are you doing with the family profile and what does that involve?
Hey all sorry its been a bit crazy here at camp 'nowfxfoundababy'!!!!

Well I went to the doc yesterday and I said I was a bit worried about my temp as I keep getting cold sweats and feels like when ur ill - slightly paranoid my body could be treating it as an infection? Plus read somewhere a fever in early p can be really dangerous so....

He took my temp, listened to my chest and asked what my symptoms were - I said fatigue, headache, high temp, sweats, lack of appetite, nausea. All of which could be attributed to early p. He took a urine sample and said it is quite common and dangerous for urine infections to go unchecked in early p so it could be that. He said not to worry unless I find a rash somewhere lol (ill be getting dh to be checking the soles of my feet etc!) or if it doesn't settle down in a few days. Otherwise I have my midwife appt on 2nd April.

Honestly girls I cannot believe where I am at. We are in a complete state of shock. We were so convinced we would end up adopting (that was an awkward phone call..) there is such a long way to go though and I am hoping and praying it sticks. It's so weird how one test can completely change things, without it I would be ttc like u guys. Sorry I must sound like an idiot! I'm just so deliriously happy. Plus one of my best friends has just told me she is 6-7 weeks pregnant - that would have been torture if I didn't have a bfp. That would make 4 in the last year! But hopefully we get to go through it together. I know it sounds cliche but don't give up hope (mainly because a bfp will bite u on the ass and ull be in shock for the first trimester!)

Thank u all so much and I wish u all the love and support in your journeys to babies!
Oh I can now change my little status things - something I have longed to do for a year!
RCAF- we love Spring Creek BBQ and usually make a trip there if we're in the DFW area. I don't know any specific Tex-Mex restaurants to try, but you should definitely go to at least one. Pappasito's or maybe Chuy's, but my favorites are the little local places and I don't know any in Dallas. Sorry about AF? Apparently my bfp monitor was slightly off focus, but hopefully next month!

Brit-it's great they've figured out what's wrong. Hopefully you'll get that bfp soon! A family profile is just basically a pretty scrapbook looking thing with pictures and paragraphs about who you are, where you live, your pets, extended family... I have our first draft done but its a PDF file. I'll have to look when I'm not on my phone and see if I can upload PDFs here.

Try2findbaby-still super excited for you and good news all around! Sickness in early pregnancy is supposed to be pretty common and it's actually the opposite of your body treating the baby as an infection. Apparently your immune system is lowered right after conception so it DOESN'T attack baby and so you're more prone to getting sick. Anyway, enjoy being pregnant and make sure to check on us every once in a while! I'd love to hear how things are going.

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