Hey everyone!!
I'm so sorry I have been absent. I hope you all still remember me

Congrats to all of you who finally got your BFPs/Adoption success!
I took a break from ttc and bnb because it was stressing me out quite frankly. I didn't want to start getting depressed and such so I just decided to focus on something else, like getting a handle on a career. I found a school in OKC that has a Speech Language Pathology Assistant program that I'm currently in stage two of the application process. I passed all three entrance/placement exams (math, reading, writing) with great scores! I was so nervous because I hadn't looked at any math in about 10 years, so I'm extra happy that I got an 86%! Yay for studying. Anyway, I will probably hear the final decision sometime in July.
The day after my success is Math, I still had high temps so decided to take a test at 15 dpo....and....BFP!!!! OMG OMG BFP!!! Finally!!! I was so thrilled and jittery and triple checking the tests (yes, i took two, then another when DH came home so he could experience watching the second line appear). I called him at work straight away at 8am after I saw the result and yelled into the phone, "We did it! We made a baby!!!" He was stunned, and was at a loss for words. He was freaking out a bit though, talking about college funds and how we'd pay for it, etc. and I was like, "um....we still have like 19 years. Relax. One step at a time!" But now, two days later, he's super excited. We even started looking at Target's baby section yesterday while running errands. Finally, our 3rd room will be something other than a storage area, and all those little cute baby paraphernalia we bought long ago can be dusted off and put to use!! YAY! It still hasn't sunk in yet, honestly, believe it or not, but we are SUPER SUPER EXCITED!