Wow Shingles?!? I would slap her! That's serious. I saw a commercial about it the other day with this police officer that said 'he wouldn't wish it on his worse enemy the pain was so bad". Can you imagine if you got that while pregnant? Everything hurts worse as it is...omg.
I think I may become physical if people continue with stupid comments. Might have to throw something at them if it's bad enough. Before pregnancy, both sides of our family have always felt the need to tell us how to live our lives and put their two cents where it isn't wanted, and so now I'm pregnant, it's EXTRA bad. And i find caribbean parents are the worst for this. Sometimes I feel so bad for our baby, having to put up with them when he's born. Then I feel super fortunate to be a military wife who is always far from relatives. What a blessing! Love it alot. It might sound harsh, but if you spend one week with them all, you will want to run for the hills!
I think my childhood asthma is threatening to make a reappearance now that I"m pregnant. I haven't had to take any inhalers for the last 6 years or so, and now i find I cough in the mornings and sometimes phlegm comes up (gross) and sometimes I find I am short of breath. Nothing requiring a trip to the ER but still noticeable. I've made an appointment with a GP but it isn't for another 2 weeks. If it gets worse of course, i will go to the ER. (my mother thinks I should walk into a doc's office right now and demand to be seen lol. Wonder how well that will go...

) Now I realize why some people hate to be the bearer of the first grandchild...*sigh*
I've also started vomiting!! But only when i've gone past hunger - just after your tummy starts to burn and you feel like you would eat anything to kill the hunger pangs. Happens when I start cooking too late (after I'm already feeling hungry) or when i have to wait on others to eat (i.e. when DH's parents were down, they insisted on reading the bible for 1.5 hours instead of getting ready to go out to dinner! I have to hold my self over by snacking on fruits and graham crackers, just to avoid throwing up! How rude! She's never been pregnant so she doesn't understand or care). So now, I just eat something, anything to avoid throwing up. Funny thing is, i never feel nauseous before the vomiting, just the feeling that my food will come up. And when it does, i still feel like eating whatever meal I was initially waiting on! So weird!!!