sick of waiting for bfp - come on October

Ash glad your cycles are getting shorter! My cycles were 50 to 60 days until I started on thyroid medication and then they went to 30 days and I got my bfp so hopefully you will get yours soon too!

Rcaf has morning sickness kicked in for you yet?

Trytofind how are you doing?
Well, I am hoping that this vitex works! Month 12 of trying and hoping that my cycle is even shorter this month!!!!!
I'm glad the vitex is working for you so far! Did you get tested for thyroid problems? If so and your levels are off you definitely want to get medication before you get pregnant bc untreated thyroid problems can cause miscarriage and birth defects! I got this info from my obgyn and I have my thyroid checked every 4 weeks to make sure my levels are ok.
Brit, morning sickness did hit me briefly halfway through the 6th week and the entire 7th week. I had to get sea-band to help me out (acupressure bracelets). Worked really well enough for me to eat at least 2 meals a day lol. I haven't used them since July 13th so I'm hoping I'm done, or at least this is a lull in the sickness. My midwife says it could come back, but we're hoping it won't! Had our first scan to check heartbeat yesterday and it was magical! We didn't hear it, but we definitely saw the little heart beating! I still think about it and run through the images in my head over and over :) Awww! We got three little pictures to take home, and one is on the fridge -- other two in my pregnancy journal.
I just got insurance at work with my promotion so as soon as i receive my insurance numbers i plan on setting up a doc appt. I hope that we can figure it out soon!
Hi everyone sorry its been a bit of a long time! We had our 20 week scan on Monday and everything's all healthy including his tinky that he waved at us lol so much for the prediction of girl!! So excited to meet him now.

Glad ur morning sickness was short lived rcaf and that the scan went well. I found with both scans I was really excited and then the day before started panicking!

How are u Brit? Everything ticking along nicely?

Ash that's very exciting on the shorter cycles! Hopefully u can get the thyroid sorted ASAP!
Trytofind congrats on your baby boy! The gender predictor said boy for me both times and I've had two girls :haha:

Rcaf have you been able to listen to baby's heartbeat yet?

Ash hopefully that medical insurance will come through for you soon!
Aww! Congrats on ur girl! It was a bit of a shock as I was convinced it was a girl just because it had taken such a long time to get pregnant :) guess that theory is out the window! Can't believe how far I am - not long before the bump becomes a baby! Excited now ;)
I can't believe how far along you are either, Trytofind!! Congrats on the boy! I did about 3 or 4 chinese gender predictors and two out of three predicted a boy. Before that though (since that's just for fun) I had a strong feeling it was a boy simply because of the timing of dtd with ovulation. It was within 12-24 hours of O. We will see though. 10 more weeks til I find that out haha.

Brit I have not heard the heartbeat yet, but I think by our next appointment I will get to. The midwife tried using the doppler on me last week as she said I was "fairly thin" and in her experience she can sometimes detect the heartbeat that early, but we definitely saw it beating on the screen! Can't wait to hear it though -- omg sooooo excited!! 3 more weeks now. So you found out you're having another girl? That's great! Were you told there was an ideal time to find out the gender? I've heard anywhere between 18-22 weeks, with 22 weeks being the most accurate.

Are you guys keeping up with exercise? I used to do Zumba before i was pg but when I tried it last week, not only was I totally exhausted but my hips and tailbone felt like they were going to fall apart! SO sore! I think I will have to order my pregnancy pillow early or else I'll have to have a hip replacement!! jk ;) The on-call nurse said zumba up to 24 weeks is fine. Were you guys told of any restrictions to exercise?
Rcaf I was restricted from exercise from 8 to 13 weeks bc of bleeding, but now I am doing light jogging for a few minutes three times per day. However I think I may be restricted again soon as starting at 28 weeks I will be high risk bc of my daughter being born premature (Preterm labor at 34 weeks water broke at 36 weeks) I love to exercise so I'm dreading any kind of bed rest like I had with my first dd. for a normal healthy pregnancy exercise is beneficial though so its great that you are keeping up with it!

Trytofind have you thought of a name yet?
Hey! Well as far as I know u are told most exercise is fine but if u feel any pain u must stop immediately and also its best to check with ur midwife/gp. I have started swimming from 14 weeks and love it but even that can get a bit strenuous on the bump and tendons etc! But I should be good for up to labour providing my waters haven't gone because of infection! Think I might be doing other things than packing my swimming stuff lol

Can't believe its 22 weeks already! I'm over halfway :) my little boy will be Oliver William Maurice (grandparents names and I love the name oli!)

Sounds a bit scary Brit? I know they want to put me at higher risk because of my weight but I have quite proudly stayed under my booking weight so I like to think I'm exchanging fat for baby!
Trytofind I love the name! It's awesome that you have gotten into shape while pregnant! My sister in law was a bit overweight and ended up 30 lbs lighter after her first baby and she looked fantastic! I on the other hand started out thin but I have gained 8 lbs already, most of that during the past month :cry: it took me 9 months to lose the 40 lbs of baby weight after my daughter and I don't want to have to do that again!

Rcaf we got to hear this baby's heartbeat at 9 weeks but we didn't hear it with my daughter until 12 weeks. It's the most amazing feeling to hear it for the first time :flower:

Ash how is your cycle going so far? Have you been able to see a dr yet?
Brit, that is scary about the bleeding and having to stop exercise! I probably wouldn't go back to anything more than walking if that happened to me. I'm such a scaredy cat now! haha! I won't even take any pills unless they are prenatals ;) I don't know if I already mentioned, but I borrowed some prenatal workout videos from a friend who recently gave birth so I plan to try those next week (DH's family is in town this week and I'm just too exhausted!).

Bed rest sounds horrible! I hope you don't have to do that from 28 weeks Brit! :hugs:

Awww! Oli <3 Do you call him Oli when you speak to him in your belly?

How are you guys gaining weight so quickly? I seem to be losing weight and I only vomited once :( I started out at 142 lbs and now am between 137 and 138 (5'10"). I looked at a weight chart on baby center and i'm not even on the target line....but for some reason, at the doc's office, I weighed in at 144lbs! But I was wearing shoes and I find those doctor scales make you heavier than your at-home scale lol.

I can't wait to hear the heartbeat!!! I'm literally jumping up and down in anticipation!

One weird thing that DH's mother said, when DH told her not to tell all her friends about our baby "Oh no I wouldn't do that. She's not even considered pregnant until 12 weeks!" Maybe I'm extra sensitive but I took offense. I think she might have been trying to say that she won't tell because we're not "out of the woods" til 12 weeks...but still...
Dh calls him oli and I'm sure I will when he's born but I call him Oliver I suppose to try and get used to him being in there :)

I haven't gained any weight at all - still under my booking weight. Really chuffed - I go to see the consultant on 6th August so ill be really pleased to say that what I've gained in baby I've lost in weight!

8lbs by 20 weeks isn't much especially if u were healthy weight beforehand! Ull prob find it'll come off easier with a baby and a toddler to run around after! Hope u don't need bed rest that sounds awful.

Rcaf ull have to get used to stupid hurtful comments - when I told people we were expecting a boy someone said 'oh that's good I can't imagine u being a mother to a girl' u need to laugh that stuff off because clearly the comment makes no sense and the girl who made it barely knows me! Also watch out for the people who think u 'over react' to things my step mother in law decided to come and see us and kiss me on the cheek and said 'oh next time u go to the doctors just make sure u mention u may have been in contact with shingles' wtf?!?!? Turns out she may have had shingles and couldn't be arsed to tell me incase I worried! Yep surrounded by crazy people who hide significant medical conditions!! Fx I haven't contracted anything yet....

How u both getting on? Ull find once u get to 12 weeks it flies by! However I considered myself pregnant when I saw those two lines so I would take no notice of the stupid comments!
Wow Shingles?!? I would slap her! That's serious. I saw a commercial about it the other day with this police officer that said 'he wouldn't wish it on his worse enemy the pain was so bad". Can you imagine if you got that while pregnant? Everything hurts worse as it is...omg.

I think I may become physical if people continue with stupid comments. Might have to throw something at them if it's bad enough. Before pregnancy, both sides of our family have always felt the need to tell us how to live our lives and put their two cents where it isn't wanted, and so now I'm pregnant, it's EXTRA bad. And i find caribbean parents are the worst for this. Sometimes I feel so bad for our baby, having to put up with them when he's born. Then I feel super fortunate to be a military wife who is always far from relatives. What a blessing! Love it alot. It might sound harsh, but if you spend one week with them all, you will want to run for the hills!

I think my childhood asthma is threatening to make a reappearance now that I"m pregnant. I haven't had to take any inhalers for the last 6 years or so, and now i find I cough in the mornings and sometimes phlegm comes up (gross) and sometimes I find I am short of breath. Nothing requiring a trip to the ER but still noticeable. I've made an appointment with a GP but it isn't for another 2 weeks. If it gets worse of course, i will go to the ER. (my mother thinks I should walk into a doc's office right now and demand to be seen lol. Wonder how well that will go...:p) Now I realize why some people hate to be the bearer of the first grandchild...*sigh*
I've also started vomiting!! But only when i've gone past hunger - just after your tummy starts to burn and you feel like you would eat anything to kill the hunger pangs. Happens when I start cooking too late (after I'm already feeling hungry) or when i have to wait on others to eat (i.e. when DH's parents were down, they insisted on reading the bible for 1.5 hours instead of getting ready to go out to dinner! I have to hold my self over by snacking on fruits and graham crackers, just to avoid throwing up! How rude! She's never been pregnant so she doesn't understand or care). So now, I just eat something, anything to avoid throwing up. Funny thing is, i never feel nauseous before the vomiting, just the feeling that my food will come up. And when it does, i still feel like eating whatever meal I was initially waiting on! So weird!!!
I'm still here rcaf! We have been on vacation for the past week, we took our daughter to the beach it was a blast!

How are you all doing ladies?

I saw my doctor on Monday and I started my weekly progesterone shots. Only 16 more shots if I carry to 37 weeks. My dr is very concerned I will have this baby early and it has me worrying too! He is going to start checking my cervix for dilation at my next appt at 24 weeks! I think that is a bit soon but I did start to dilate at 30 weeks with dd. other than my dr being worried and more frequent braxton hicks contractions I am feeling great! I felt baby's hiccups for the first time last week :happydance:

Trytofind are you having any BH yet?

Rcaf is your morning sickness lessening? Mine was much better by 11 weeks.

Ash any news on the dr or your cycle?
Hey brit!

I don't want to jinx it, but I haven't barfed since saturday morning! (August 3) so I'm hoping it's almost over. I even slept through the night the last couple nights without having to get up to eat food in the middle of the night! So I'm hoping the ms is tapering off ;) Still not eating properly though, only certain foods I can stand. Chicken is fine, but every other meat is totally gross, especially beef (yuck) and veggies! I LOVE fruits (can't get enough) and yogurt and cheese lol. I'm also losing weight which isn't surprising since although I haven't thrown up a lot, I haven't been eating much. I started my pregnancy at 142 lbs, and now i am hovering between 135 and 137 lbs. However, at the doc's office I weighed 144 lbs when at home that same day i only weighed 139...nuts! I have a digital scale

BH already?? I'd be concerned too. Try not to let your doc scare you -- you never know, you might just bring this baby to term! I hope your cervix stays nice and closed til then!

Trytofind - is your MIL still trying to infect you guys with disease??

Have you ladies started buying anything for baby? DH and I started a baby fund since we found out in June and are waiting to use it during Black Friday week when the big items will most likely be on sale. I am waiting until the 12 week scan (SO EXCITED CAN"T WAIT!!) before I buy anything, and even then, not too much because I have a friend that's already planning my baby shower and so I don't want to end up with duplicates, you know? Besides, I always wanted to create a gift registry and we didn't do one for our wedding so I definitely want to make one for our first baby!
No new news yet. I am going tovstart Fertilaid next week and hopefully that works by xmas! My insurance hasn't kicked in yet so i still can't go to thevdr.

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