sick of waiting for bfp - come on October

I know! I'm sitting on pins and needles, waiting to see if ms is lurking around the corner haha! I had a craving for fish and chips tonight and thought, 'hey maybe i should try a salad since i'm feeling my appetite coming back" then thought better of it -- rather not chance it ;)

Thanks for telling me about your weight gaining situations; that you didn't gain a lot or even lost some. It helps me to feel better about mine :) Who knows? Maybe i'll balloon in a couple of weeks haha.

Speaking of ballooning, halfway through my 12th week, I popped! I have a little bump starting and it's quite noticeable now! I even wore my Bella Band tonight 'cause I couldn't do up my pants. Yay! I'm starting to look pregnant now :)

SOO happy to hear that you both have nice, healthy babies on track :D I plan to follow in your footsteps ;) It's amazing how babies still thrive despite our eating habits, weight gain, etc. Yay for healthy babies :D I want to see some of your scan pics!

Are you guys managing to exercise still? I find I can't do it as often because my hips feel like they're going to dislocate (even with prenatal exercises) -- very sore afterward. I'm going to keep it up, but maybe only 3 times a week.
Yeah my dr always tells me that eating healthy is more for the mom as the baby will take the nutrients it needs no matter what, baby gets first dibs :haha:

As far as exercise I am doing 30 mins of cardio per day. My dr has ok'd me to use my elliptical machine for 10 mins at a time up to 3 times per day. I max that out because I feel so much better after I workout. In my first pregnancy I had alot of hip and pelvic pain throughout my pregnancy it was awful so I feel for you rcaf :flower: I expected that this time around but aside from a sore hip after my shot I have very minimal hip and pelvic pain this time. I think maybe my body is already changed for pregnancy where it wasn't the first time? Either way if I were you I would just do exercise if it seems to help, if not maybe just some stretching and walking. Are you feeling any movement yet rcaf?

Trytofind have your baby's kicks become uncomfortable yet? Mine are starting to disrupt my sleep I don't know how I'll be able to sleep in another 10 weeks!
Yea I've heard that too about baby getting first dibs on the food you do eat hehe. Speaking of which, I ate a small salad yesterday!!! My whole first tri, salads and fresh veggies in general, always smelled like they were rotting and tasted that way too, so I had ZERO veggies for about 13 weeks. Last night was the first time since then, and it was kinda scary since earlier that day i threw up a smoothie that didn't agree with my tummy... i'm going to try more veggies now with my lunch!

I'm waiting for my 16 week appointment to get a waiver for prenatal yoga signed, then i'll register for classes. Walking sounds like "weak" exercise to me, especially since I'm used to doing Insanity with my husband, but now that every little thing hurts my hips, walking sounds like it would be an intense workout for me hahaha! Funny how those things work out when you're pregnant.

As for movement, I'm not completely sure, but the last few days, when I lie still for a while at night or during a nap, I feel something like fluttering or popping kinda like gas, but it never comes out either as a burp or out the other end. At first I thought I was imagining things, but after the 3rd occurrence ("gas bubble" feel without expulsion of gas) I'm thinking it is movement! I don't know if you've ever gone to physical therapy and had the TENS machine put on you (electrodes they put on your skin to stimulate your muscles), but it feels like a low frequency jolt of that. I'll keep monitoring it though, since DH doesn't believe that's what it is haha! I don't either 100%, but that would be cool if that was what I was feeling.

I hope your babies aren't kicking you too hard in the ribs! I watched a program on TLC about a woman whose baby kicked her so hard in the ribs that she ended up with 3 broken ribs!
Hey sorry for the delay ladies! Well I am in the third tri - wahoo! Never thought I'd get here. I feel so blessed sometimes that its finally happened for us all. Sometimes things are just meant to be...

I'm getting quite tired and a bit uncomfortable now - the last midwife appt said he was in position! I have another appt on Monday so hopefully he's all good in there. Yep he's kicking quite well to varying degrees, hasn't hurt me yet thankfully although some of the strong ones I worry he might hurt himself!!

I've been swimming mainly and intend to go more often once I'm off on mat leave which starts next Sunday! Yehy! Getting excited now :) x
I know what you mean - I often find myself lifting up my shirt and saying out loud (even if no one else is here) THERE'S A BABY IN THERE!! I feel like pinching myself to wake up from a dream, it still feels so unreal! We are all definitely blessed, you're right!

I went for a walk tonight with DH and i forgot to bring my camelbak so I got kinda hot (then again it was almost 35 C outside). But it was a pretty good workout - I went farther than I thought I would.

Trytofind I bet you must have your hospital go bag in the car already :D :D SO EXCITED for you!!! And yay for mat leave starting soon! Hopefully you won't feel like you're going crazy being home alone. I've been home so long, I actually prefer it to going to work!
Oh no I'm really looking forward to stopping working - I can say with confidence chef-ing whilst pregnant has been a nightmare. I intend to go swimming most days, get the house ready and prep for Xmas and birthdays around the time I'm due so all dh has to do is give it out!

I am packing my hospital bag today as it happens.... Very very exciting! Can't wait til he's here.i get my gd test results today so fx!

How've u been? It's so weird that there is a bump there - I just never thought it would happen. I'm so happy it has :) xx
Trytofind- You are a chef? That is awesome! I love cooking at home, I wish I was better at it though. How did you handle that while dealing with morning sickness? The smell of food made me gag in the first trimester and we had to eat out for every meal! I'm glad you are able to take maternity leave early, what fun it will be to have time off before the holidays and before the baby comes! I started working less towards the end of my last pregnancy and it was such a wonderful time!

RCAF I know what you mean about it being hard to believe there is a baby in there! I felt the same way with my first pregnancy and I still feel the same way with this one but its not quite as special as it was the first time around since I know what to expect and have been feeling her move for so long time. It sounds like you are most likely feeling baby movement, I started feeling my first around 17 weeks and this baby at 13.5 weeks. It really does feel like a popping or an occasional poke very early on. By 16 weeks I was feeling this baby at least once an hour. Now its a welcome relief when she takes a deep sleep and I get an hours break from her kicks and punches LOL.

I think my body is starting to get used to the progesterone shots. I'm starting to feel better, less contractions, and no side effects other than pain at the injection site. I'm really glad I am getting them now, even though its a pain to go in every week, I notice huge relaxation in my uterus a few hours after my shot and it lasts almost until my next shot now.

How are you ladies feeling? RCAF when do you find out the gender?
Well chef might be exaggerating! I work in a restaurant kitchen but its for a big name - not McDonald's but a posh version! My last shift is on Saturday - yehy. It's mainly been the heat and bending and twisting that's been getting the better of me, unfortunately work haven't been particularly empathetic either so ill be glad to finish.

Well I had my gd results back and they are all normal! Hooray! He's now measuring 29 weeks even though I'm just 28. I get to see him tomorrow for a growth scan so that's exciting.

Glad ur feeling more in control Brit, it must be a relief that the shots are working?

Oh I wonder what ur having rcaf?!
Hey ladies!

I've been meaning to get online, but always got distracted by other things hehe!

Trytofind, what is gd test? Glad it was normal though! I worked in a kitchen back when I was early in ttc and i couldn't imagine working there while pregnant! Although, i was mainly around the bakery section, it was in a hospital and cafeteria food would have made me barf for sure!

Brit - so happy the progesterone shots are working! Maybe this baby will stay in for the long haul ;)

Guys, it's totally movement I was feeling from 14w4d!! Last night I felt SO much while watching tv. It was definitely a pleasure :) Lets me know he/she is doing find in there despite my poor eating habits these days. 16 week appointment in two days and I hope my midwife can tell me the gender, that is, if the doppler doesn't work again this time. At 8 and 12 weeks, she couldn't hear anything with the doppler (despite what she said about it being easier to hear things on thinner women), so she used the portable ultrasound machine. So I'm kinda hoping it doesn't work again so I can see the little guy and maybe learn what it is! If not, I'm having the anatomy scan on the 25th and the rest of the screening tests so I'll know then for sure. DH and I can't wait to know what we're having!! We really want to narrow down our search for names (still haven't found any we both like, except for Sean for a boy and Raine for a girl)

In general, I've been good. No nausea or vomiting (except for one time I tried taking a horse pill of a prenatal. it was a free sample so not my usual brand, and so it made me gag and I had to run to the bathroom.Yuck!)
I've been craving junk though, and I don't eat much protein other than cheese and yogurt, which is bad. Chicken counts, but DH usually wants beef for dinner and i hate beef right now lol. I've also had this HUGE craving for Caribbean cuisine and I found a nice restaurant this past weekend that serves delicious food, so I ordered 3 different meals and was in heaven! So they will know me by the time this baby is born haha! I've started salads again! Since week 14, so i don't feel completely horrible for eating trashy, but midwife says "do what you can". And i've been feeling SUPER lazy too! I'd do one task, like wash the car or do a couple loads of laundry and then crash on the couch for hours! Totally wipes me out, so stuff doesn't get done around the house and when things sit around too long, (like dishes and waste paper baskets) the house smells (but only to me lol). Viscous cycle, I tell ya.

my amazon wishlist has 150 items on it haha
Hi ladies! How is everyone doing?

RCAF glad you are starting to eat/feel better, I'm eating like normal now, only an occasional craving for sweets, it will be hard not to eat all of my daughter's Halloween candy after she goes trick or treating :haha:

Trytofind- Did you finish packing your hospital bag?

I finally purchased a couple of things for the baby. I bought her and my 2 year old new car seats and I bought a play mat for her so I can put her down whenever I need to attend to my toddler. With my first baby, I never put her down while she was awake, I thought I had to hold her all the time unless she was sleeping. I won't be able to do that with this baby because I'm sure they will be vying for my attention. I'm also going to get a moby carrier so I can wear Vayda when we go out to the store because that will leave both of my hands free to wrangle Tayen. I also need to order her Christmas stocking! We all have handmade stockings that say "Mommy" "Daddy" and "Tayen" to hang on our mantle and I can't believe it but Vayda will need her own stocking this year! Christmas doesn't seem very far off, only one more week and I'm in my third trimester!!! My toddler keeps asking me when her baby sister is going to be ready to come out and play with her, its so cute, I'm getting really excited to see them interact when they are a bit older.

We are in the middle of a horrible heat wave here in Kansas it has been over 100 for several days and I'm miserable now that I've gained nearly 20 lbs! I can't wait for the cooler weather to come in.

Well the hospital bag is a work in progress! It's hilarious - at about 16weeks I was so ready to pack my ass off I'm now 29 weeks and it isn't finished! I need to get the car cleaned too before I put them in there as the dog goes in my car, only in the boot though thank god...

Ooooh how exciting to find out! I was so glad we did - I'd absolutely convinced myself it was a girl but after a couple of weeks I can't imagine anything other than our beautiful boy :) keep watching loads of birthing videos at the moment and anything related to birth on tv. I can't help it! We looked around the hospital last week and it was much better than I'd imagined because I am consultant-led I can only go to delivery suite so I just expected to see a bed and doctors waiting to cut u open! Sorry ladies I am a pessimist, that way I get pleasant surprises....

In a way it seems to have flown by and in another it seems we've been pregnant for ages. I don't think the shock and disbelief has gone anywhere and I'm sure it'll resurface when oli does but I'm getting so excited to meet him and to cuddle him! Dh is starting to worry about me being in pain but I've said he's there to support me through the pain not get rid of the pain bless him.

How you both getting on? Toddlers and babies can be a very cute mix, they can also be dangerous so u will definitely have ur handful Brit!

Hope the scan goes well rcaf!
Hey ladies!
It's been a while!

I would go and do our hospital tour now but it's totally too early haha! I gotta save some of the fun stuff for the third tri hehe.

Brit, I hope your toddler is a little nicer than my friend's toddler. My friend just had a son, and her 2 1/2 year old would try to push the baby off the bed with her feet, and she would run back and forth while the baby was lying on the floor, with no regard for stepping on him! She wasn't too keen on him in the beginning but I think she may be getting better ;)

I hear ya about the heat! We're dying for some rain here in OKC! I think it'll help with this ragweed pollen -- i feel so muddled with all the sneezing and blowing my nose, ugh! I have really bad ragweed allergies. At least my nose hasn't started clamping shut at night when I'm sleeping. Not cool to wake up gasping for air!

My midwife says I need to gain at least 8 lbs by my 20 week appointment! She says to cut out "low-fat" anything, and eat things like ice cream and whole milk, and avocados and nuts. I can manage all those things except for the avocado, so we'll see how that goes. My problem is that I don't have a bigger appetite. Since the ms has stopped, I have my pre-preg appetite back, and can't seem to get more food in me! I feel like I have to literally stuff food in, just to get the "required calories" :( I am hoping my baby isn't suffering for my lack of weight gain. Maybe it's just that I'm losing muscle mass and replacing it with fat and that's why my weight isn't really changing on the scale. Who knows? I know the midwife wasn't trying to alarm me, but I'm easily "alarmable" nowadays!! I never thought I'd say "Gee, tomorrow I gotta remember to eat my daily recommended ice cream and almonds, with a side of chips!"

I also think I'm getting the round ligament pain I've read about in books. One friend of mine said my bump is really small compared to her other friends when they were around 16 weeks like me. And now i'm paranoid! What's happening to me?? lol
Oh ignore the bump size stuff! I had that nearly every day from my bitch of a manager. I didn't gain any weight until 25weeks now I've gained approx 3kgs. The baby doesn't gain much weight until then anyway so don't panic. If u had a big bump at 17weeks what on earth is ur bump going to look like in 23weeks time?! Ur midwife sounds like she's concerned that the baby might not be getting a varied diet but it seems odd that she's concerned that you should gain 8lbs exactly? How is that 8lbs especially going to make a difference?! The logic is that u only need 500 extra calories in pregnancy which I've read is the equivalent to an extra banana so unless ur malnutritioned it seems odd advice but hey she's a qualified midwife not me! They don't measure ur bump til 25weeks here and he was measuring bang on and at 27 weeks he was measuring 29 so I'm obviously doing something right (hopefully!) the growth scan was fine too so try not to panic I know it's easy to do but bump size is completely individual to the woman and the pregnancy. Trust me - enjoy the smaller bump when u wake in the night with what feels like his feet tickling ur lungs its not pleasant!

How u getting on Brit?
LOL @ feet tickling your lungs! I'm sure that feels super weird, but it sounds so cute!

Well she said in the second trimester one should gain at least 10 lbs (since a normal weight individual is expected to gain between 25-35lbs by the end of the pregnancy). She said 8 because I've only gained back 2 lbs since ms ended, so by halfway through the pregnancy at 20 weeks, I should be halfway through the expected weight gain (10lbs in the first 20 wks; 10-15 in the second 20 wks). At least, that's how I understood it ;) When I told my mom, she was yelling at me on Skype to go out now and get two tubs of ice cream and drink half the jug of whole milk right away! She's nuts sometimes lol -- some things I just can't tell her. Yeah i agree with you on the extra calories for baby growing. Over here, they say an extra 350 calories is all you need to add to your diet, but that's assuming a 2000 calorie-a-day diet. I don't count calories so I have no idea what my regular diet is, but i'm pretty sure it's close to that number. When the midwife measured me at 16 weeks, she said I was measuring at 17 weeks 2 days, so she said it looks like baby isn't suffering or anything. She also says measuring 1 week ahead or behind the current gestation is within the normal ranges. I'm glad to be measuring ahead though!
Hi ladies! Third trimester today for me! I also have an apt this afternoon and am getting my GD 1 hr test done. I am nervous because the shots I am getting raise the risk for GD and it runs in my family. Hopefully I will pass, I've never had trouble with high blood sugar before.

Trytofind- have you been having a lot of Braxton hicks as you are progressing in the third tri? Also I have been having so much trouble getting comfortable to sleep at night, have you been having any problems sleeping? My stomach feels like I ate a ton of bricks at around 2 or 3am and I feel like I can't breath very well...its awful!

RCAF- It seems like your dr. is sort of a by the book kind of dr. giving you numbers based on what is "normal" by what time. Unless you are actually underweight for your height or not eating I wouldn't worry about what the scale says. Each woman is different in how pregnancy affects them and each pregnancy is different. I had only gained 6lbs by 20 weeks with this one and my dr. never even mentioned it was a problem (I started out 5'4" and 119 lbs), since then I have gained 2lbs per week and am now up to 139!! My dr. isn't worried that I gained less than normal for the first half of pregnancy and am now gaining more than normal per week because I'm eating healthy and exercising and my baby is measuring on track. Also you won't be halfway to your weight gain goal by 20 weeks, the average weight gain is 1-5lbs for the first 13 weeks and 1/2 to 1lb per week there after. The baby is still under a pound at 20 weeks and gains rapidly in the third tri so that is when you will see the most weight gain. The main thing is you shouldn't be LOSING weight during the second trimester, that could signal a problem. As far as bump size, if your bump looks small you have awesome ab muscles :happydance: my bump is so much bigger and more noticeable this pregnancy because I never got my abs back in shape after having my daughter, I'm also carrying lower because of that. Here is a little bump progression to hopefully ease your mind:

Here is me at 16 weeks and at 25 weeks :)


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Thanks for posting the pictures! I feel a little better now. My bump is like that too. I haven't lost any weight so that's good. I will just continue with what I'm doing (plus the whole milk haha) and see how it goes :)

Happy third trimester, Brit!!
Yeh getting pretty uncomfortable now! Had some horrible shooting pains up and down my spine and neck earlier... They eased off after a bath thankfully. So many pillows to help me sleep! The breathing thing is horrible though, feels like there's a pressure underneath so u can't breath as much. He must have had a bad dream earlier because he was thrashing about in there!! Only 10 weeks to go. So excited to have him out and look at and cuddle him :)
Hi ladies had my 27 week check up. Gd test came back fine and everything looked good. I have another ultrasound and cervix check at 29 weeks, can't wait to see her again!

Rcaf when is the big ultrasound again? I know it's coming up soon do you have any feelings girl or boy?

Trytofind I started taking tums at night after my dr suggested it and its helped my discomfort significantly and it's even helped the breathlessness. I had no idea indigestion could cause trouble breathing!
YAY for normal GD results, Brit!

I got a call today to confirm my anatomy scan/blood work on the 25th!! I'm so excited! I'm glad DH will be able to make it too because he missed the 12 week scan and didn't get to see the baby at 16 weeks like we thought (that was the day the doppler finally picked up the baby's heart beat. The first two appointments, the mw couldn't hear the heart on the doppler so she used the ultrasound machine and so DH hasn't seen the baby on u/s since 8 weeks!!) I'm mostly excited for DH to see the baby again, but also for the gender reveal! Can't wait!!
One of my friends suggested today that I text her the gender and she'll make some cupcakes with either blue or pink cake in the center and bring them to our quilting class to reveal to everyone there, before I put it on fb! hehe How cute is that?? I will let you ladies know of course ;)

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