sick of waiting for bfp - come on October

So I'm starting fertilaid Sunday and if no luck then I will see the Dr. in January when my insurance will start. I know people that have used it personally and concieved with it!
SOunds like a good plan Ash! Good luck to you and keep up updated!
Hi guys sorry I have been mia!

Fortunately we've managed to successfully keep ourselves in quarantine since the mil incident... However work are still being a nightmare but I have less than a month before I finish! Yehy! Can't wait - getting really excited about the baby now. Can't believe I'm going to be a mummy before Xmas.

Yeh I had really bad Brixton hicks the other night - I think I ate a bit too much and must have kicked it off! Went through most of the night waking up in pain but found some paracetamol thankfully.

We're pretty much kitted out now I think - just getting the cot which dh's dad has offered to buy so that's good. Just bits of DIY now.

How's everyone else? Uve got to the safe bit now Brit so if the worse did happen (and I hope to god it doesn't) ur little girl should be ok. Not much consolation but it sounds like ur dr is on top of things.

Rcaf I think my ms eased off at about 10 weeks thank god! Fx for u :) ash that sounds positive - a step in the right direction. How long have u been trying now?
Just read above ash - hey u never know this month! Mine happened on the 12th month. Hopefully it's lucky :)
We haven't really bought anything for this baby yet, but luckily we still have anything and everything a baby girl could want from my daughter :haha:

We are working on setting up Vayda's room, we moved the crib into baby's room and moved our daughter to a toddler bed a couple of months ago. We are going to reuse the bed sheet set we had from my daughter, we redid her whole room in Disney princess when we bought her toddler bed so a lot of the old nursery stuff went into Vayda's bedroom. We still need to paint the room, we have decided on a light pink, but I want DH to wait until the fall so we can keep the windows open to help with the paint fumes. RCAF we are also planning to wait until Black Friday sales to get some of the baby things, we have a swing from my daughter but I want a new one, we also need a new car seat. I learned from having my daughter not to buy many clothes until they are born. We had a ton of spring newborn items for her but she was born a month early in the winter and needed smaller clothes. In fact she completely skipped the newborn size all together! She went from needing premie sized clothes to needing 0 to 3 months within a week!

Thanks trytofind, I do feel better the closer I get to 25 weeks or so. The shots are making me really constipated though and making my boobs hurt the way they did in early pregnancy. It's nothing compared to having her preterm but its making it more uncomfortable to sleep. Have you started sleeping with a pregnancy pillow? I bought one this week, but I may take it back and try another I'm not sure I like it. I got rid of the one I used with my daughter, I really loved that one and can't find one just like it!

Weight wise I'm really starting to gain now, I am up 10lbs. I started out at 119 and now I'm pushing 130. RCAF I dropped down to 116 during my first 10 weeks or so of pregnancy, but once my nausea went away I made up for it and started gaining it back, it was so wonderful to be able to eat like a normal person again! Now I can't eat too much at once or else I get indigestion and a bad tummy ache, also Trytofind, eating too much triggers my BH contractions as well!

Ash good luck with the fertilaid, and getting into see the dr soon. If you still haven't conceived by Jan the dr. should run some blood tests to find out why.
Well I've been using extra pillows to support my legs and back :) not ultra comfy at night though! I've got midwife tomorrow so ill give u a weight update then... I'm hoping to have stayed about the same. I also get two extra scans because of my BMI which is good and bad but extra monitoring should be a good thing. Next ones at 28 weeks to check growth. Hope it gets easier Brit!
That's so exciting about having most of your baby stuff already! I can't wait to shop :D DH too actually because the other day, he asked me on the phone if it's too soon to look through walmart's baby section :p

12 week scan on Wednesday!! OMG I am so nervous because it is also the prenatal screening testing too! AND...DH won't be able to make it because he has an important task to do at work :( I don't want to bring anyone else with me though because I don't want any pity just in case something is wrong, or even just because my husband isn't there with me, you know? There was one girl I was thinking of asking to go with me, but after her overly-concerned behaviour the other night, I think I'm better off going this appointment alone! haha! I will let you know what happens ;) I have a regular GPs appointment tomorrow since I wanted to make sure my childhood asthma isn't coming back. I've been waking up coughing since I got pregnant and I don't want to have low blood oxygen, so going to get it all sorted out tomorrow hopefully. I've been having vaginal twinges since Saturday night (last night) and they've been off and on....kinda feels the same way it does at the end of a regular cycle. Any of you guys experience that in early pregnancy? I know light cramping is normal, but I don't know about in the vagina part...unless that's cramping too?

I ordered the Snoogle by Leacho from amazon in July and LOVE IT! My hips don't hurt anymore and I sleep wonderfully :) If you guys are looking for a good one, I suggest this one. I read reviews on a number of pillows in different sizes and shapes, and this Snoogle had the best ones. One guy pretty much described me to a T when talking about his wife in the review and so I knew I had to get it. He said "I got my wife back!! She wakes up so refreshed and with no pain!"

Anyway, i woke up exhausted and not sure why i'm still awake, but I'm going to head to bed and hopefully stay asleep through DH's 6:30 am alarm!

All the best Trytofind for your midwife appoints and scans :) And Brit - I'm hoping that you carry your baby to full term! Fx!
Hey has anyone heard of determining the gender at 12 weeks? I was watching some youtube videos of 12 week ultrasounds and in all 6 videos I watched, the doc or the tech checked between the legs! I thought it was too early for that, but I did see a few "third legs" in the videos haha! I wonder if they will look at that for me...
Rcaf I think gender can sometimes be determined that early it just depends on the ultrasound tech. Several of the ladies on my December due date thread found out at the 12 week scan. I didn't have a 12 week scan so we paid for a private scan at 15 weeks to find out and it was very obvious she was a girl at that point! Hope you get to find out soon! What are you hoping for?
Hey ladies!

The Scan went well!! I was so nervous but it was all for naught -- baby is healthy and measures well. NT measurement took a little while to get lol. 30 minutes later...hehe! My baby was lying almost with feet in the air and the head bent onto the chest! So it made the NT measurement bigger than it was. They had me roll onto each side to try to get the baby to move, and then they had me walk around and wiggle for 5 min to try to change the baby's position. He changed alright, and was looking straight at us! Long story short, it took two different techs to get the measurements, but everything measures great and baby was moving a ton. Even saw him sucking his thumb (yes I say "he" for simplicity lol) DH and I are hoping for a boy first, so we will see. They weren't able to check between the legs this time (tech said something about not having different viewing angles on that machine) so probably at 18 weeks when the anatomy scan is scheduled.

Baby had their arms straight up in the air at first! So cute. Almost like he was stretching :) I even saw him do a somersault!! DH wasn't there -- he had some military work to do but I got lovely pictures to show him and he really enjoyed the story about the baby being difficult to measure haha. I told him the baby definitely takes after him because he is also difficult!


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Congrats rcaf! What an adorable baby you are cooking :flower: I think it looks like a boy lol
Aww thanks Brit! That's so nice of you to say :) I will definitely let you guys know in less than 6 weeks whether it's a he or a she hehehe!
Hey congrats rcaf! So pleased all went well at the scan :) our little boy was difficult to measure too - he was too curled up! Can't believe I'm in the third tri next week... It's getting close but I'm more excited than anything. I've started washing a few things to put in his hospital bag - so cute! Can't wait to meet him!
AWww!! That does sound super exciting! I'd be so antsy waiting for his arrival! So excited for you!! :cloud9:Did you look up a list online of the things you should bring to the hospital? I've been looking at the list already and it seems pretty extensive! Also, the list from babycenter of things you'll need in the first 6 weeks is a lot too. I've been slowly making a wish list on amazon and it's already got 5 pages! :blush::blush: They said not to ogle baby stuff in the first tri, but now that i'm officially into the second, I CAN!!! :D

Speaking of bags, I found a really cool diaper bag for my DH that looks exactly like one of his military kit bags! It's perfect and I can't wait to surprise him with it! He will love it, I know, especially since it has a removable velcro patch that he can replace with his own unit patches :D

How are you getting on, Brit?
Its great that you ladies are planning ahead and getting the hospital bags ready! My water broke at 3am at 36 weeks with dd and I should have been ready as I was being treated for preterm labor, but I had her due date so stuck in my mind I never really thought she would come a month early LOL. I should have known something was up though, at 1am I woke up DH and told him we needed to go to Walmart to get this pink toy zebra for the baby I had been meaning to get. I was frantic that we needed the zebra right then and he was like "its in the middle of the night, are you crazy?!" Two hours later my water broke and we had nothing ready, DH was on the phone with my mom getting the bag ready and I was trying to clean up the huge mess my "water" made in the bedroom haha, sorry that is so gross I know! The only thing we really needed was her coming home outfit, carseat, a camera and the normal overnight items for the two of us. We brought a lot more things, but the hospital provides pretty much everything baby blankets, hats, pacifiers, breast pump, aspirator. They even come in and offer to do pictures for you, although they are quite expensive!

Are you ladies planning on doing a hospital birth/getting an epidural or doing it natural?

I had an ultrasound on Thursday, I'll have 3 more before she is born just to make sure she is developing properly. She still looks perfect, and the tech said she weighs 1 lb 9 oz! It was weird to feel her kicking and see her moving at the same time, she kept kicking the ultrasound wand too. I'm on my fourth week of shots and I think they are making me gain weight. I haven't been eating any differently and I've gained 7lbs in 3 weeks! I feel miserable, I hate carrying extra weight, and to make things worse, its been cool all summer but now we are in a heat wave, its been in the mid 90s all week and will be next week too. I can't wait for the cooler weather!

RCAF congrats on being in the second trimester! 13 to 21 weeks were my favorite weeks of this pregnancy as I was showing, but didn't really feel pregnant.

Trytofind- I bet you are so excited to meet your little guy!

Are either of you doing a maternity photo shoot?
Yeh I have seen quite a few lists of stuff to pack for him but like u said Brit I'm going to keep it simple - just a few vests, nappies, baby grows, hats and a snow suit. Probably more stuff for me than him!!

The second tri was definitely the better time for me - less nausea! The last few weeks have been the best and I think itll just get better. I've only got two weeks left before I finish work :)

All going ok Brit? No signs of anything yet?
LOL Brit! It's funny that you kinda knew you were going to need baby stuff right before your water actually broke! My DH would think I was crazy too, waking him up at 1 am lol! Did you ever end up getting the pink zebra?

I plan to give birth in a hospital with walking, massage and a hot bath for labour and IV meds for pain. It's gotta be taken away at 8 cm they say, but at least I would get 8 cm of a little medical pain relief ;) I'm afraid of the epidural, so I'm going to try to stick it out with the IV meds. I find hot baths soothe me when I have bad muscle aches (where it's hard to walk, especially after a hard workout) or when I had menstrual cramps, so we'll see how well it soothes in labour!

Aww! I can't wait to feel my baby kicking! Glad your u/s went well :) 2 more weeks until I get to see our baby again! Can't wait!
The shots are for progesterone, right Brit? I hope this doesn't sound too insensitive, but I wish i was gaining weight! I'm still losing weight even though my appetite has been back for over a week now. If I still haven't pushed 140lbs at least by my 16 week appointment, I'm going to ask my midwife for weight-gaining solutions. I am starting to get concerned. I am happy to be in the second tri though -- I've been waiting a long time!

I wasn't going to do a maternity shoot because a) every one of my friends did one and posted it on fb, and b) I'm personally not a fan of belly pics, especially my own. I dunno. I haven't taken many of myself, and those I did take, I've only shown to DH. My mom and sister have seen my bump on Skype, but that's about it. I'm proud of my bump in person, but I don't feel I need a documentation of it too. I definitely want to get newborn pics done with DH --our first family photos <3

Trytofind, I hope I have escaped the first tri sickness now. It was brutal...and I am not looking to have it make a come-back. I find I can brush my teeth and swallow my prenatals without vomiting, so that's a BIG improvement ;) Oh, and I don't vomit if I wait more than 2 hours to eat a meal! Yay :happydance:
Hey I wouldn't worry about the weight gaining thing - I still weighed less than my pre pregnancy weight when I was 20 weeks! I only gained 4kgs at 25week midwife appt that's only 2kgs of the whole pregnancy!! Oli is measuring bang on his dates, great heartbeat and lots of movement - he was even head down (what a good boy!).

I've got a growth scan next fri at 28weeks so that's exciting to see him again. So weird that I'm so close to the end but so far too!

How u getting on Brit? Glad the sickness has eased up rcaf but it can sneak up on u unawares even now! Just an FYI...
Hi ladies! Had a drs apt yesterday and all is looking well! I had some spotting over the weekend, but my cervix is tight and long so nothing the dr. is concerned with at this point! Lots of contractions over the past couple of weeks, but nothing I can time so nothing to worry about just my irritable uterus LOL. I gained 6lbs the past 3 weeks, but my dr. didn't get onto me about it, so I guess its OK, but still so depressing! I was still in the 120s 3 weeks ago and now I'm a little over 135!! I love to do photography just of my daughter and family so I'm probably going to set up a little maternity shoot in our backyard and have DH take some pictures. Not to post on facebook though! LOL that is brave! I only took a few belly shots while pregnant with my daughter and after she was here I was disappointed I didn't have more to look back at, we took pictures of her every day after she was born, but I found myself wishing for more pictures of our special "Mommy and Tay" time when I had her all to myself :kiss: Last night after I told my daughter "no" to reading another book because it was time for bed, she said "I don't like you Mommy! Daddy tuck me in!" Its funny because she is only 2, but its sad because its only going to get worse as she gets older, and it hurt my feelings a lot more than it should have probably just because I am pregnant and had just had my shot (yes progesterone) a few hours before, they make me emotional :cry:

Congrats Trytofind on keeping your weight down during pregnancy, I know how hard that is, but just think how fantastic you will look after the baby is born! I'm glad that you are measuring right on track too! My dr. did my first belly measurement and I am measuring right on time as well, I always measured about a week ahead with my daughter, but I carried her a lot higher.

RCAF- I wouldn't worry at all about not gaining weight yet. I was small when I got pregnant, (119 lbs) and at 13 weeks I had actually lost 2 lbs and my dr was fine with it. I have gained weight very quickly (1-2 lbs per week) since about 15 weeks and my eating habits haven't changed so I just figure the baby and placenta are growing. If it gives you any idea at my 18 week ultrasound the baby was only 9oz and at my ultrasound last week at 23.5 weeks she was 1lb 9oz! Huge growth for both of us! I hope your morning sickness stays away, I was lucky and mine was done for good after the first tri but now I have indigestion to deal with.

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