sick of waiting for bfp - come on October

IT'S A BOY!!! Very obvious penis when we started the ultrasound. No guessing required haha! I had a feeling all along it was a boy and I was right. I even put boy stuff on my wish list ;) I'll write more about the ultrasound and such later, but I'll just say that our baby was just as hard to measure as he was for the 12 week scan!
Congrats rcaf! So exciting! Oli was just as obvious on the scan too :) glad he's all well in there. Thought of any names yet? How u doing Brit?
Congrats on the baby boy rcaf! Now you can really go crazy decorating the nursery and buying clothes! What are you planning to name him?

Trytofind and rcaf what are your actual due dates? Rcaf it looks like your due date may be close to my daughters birthday. She was due march 14 but born on February 20.

Afm I had horrible contractions this weekend and some pelvic pressure we were trying to run errands and I was having them every couple of mins so I decided to try to take it easy until my shot on Monday. This is the first time the shot has helped calm down the contractions so noticeably! Since Monday I've been feeling fine my daughter and I even did some garage saling this morning, it was so much fun to be out and about with her and not be worrying about the baby :happydance: dh did some work on vayda room this weekend too. My daughters room is purple and vaydas will be pink so dh picked out a pink ceiling fan and put that up and we will paint in a couple of weeks! I'm only 8 weeks away from when I had my daughter I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going!

Trytofind is your nursery all done? Rcaf what nursery theme are you going for?
Well by my lmp I'm due 25th November but the 12 week scan is going on 27th November but he's measuring about 9days ahead ATM. I think he might be a December baby but only just! Well unfortunately we aren't blessed with space at the moment until we can afford to board out the loft so he will be sharing his nursery short term with daddy's desk! But we've painted it like a fawn colour with a wall in baby blue and he has some peter rabbit bunting and there's all white furniture so he should be all set...

Sounds like those shots are working their magic Brit - glad u managed to have sometime with dd. now the real shopping can begin rcaf!
Hey ladies!
I'm due February 24th, 2014. All ultrasounds confirm this date so if anything, I think he'll come before that date.
As for nursery themes, we're going with a safari theme, with an emphasis on giraffes, just cause we think they'll make cute additions to the nursery :) we already have 4 giraffes, two of them are Sophies. I'm going to get a couple wall decals instead of painting the walls since we are renting and it'll be a pain to repaint when we are ready to move. I'm going with brown, ivory, light green, golden yellow and red for the nursery colors. Sounds busy, but the last three colors will be accents :) I didn't want to do typical " boy colors" just to be different and also to introduce him to other colors.
DH and I will be setting up our registry next weekend or so, after my girls and I go shopping at the baby store outlet. But since we found out the gender, we've shopped the summer sale racks at department stores for baby clothes for 2014 & 2015 in different sizes for each summer. A friend told me they shopped the clearance racks for all their kids clothes at the end of the seasons.
So as for names, DH and I sat down this weekend with inspired name lists from baby center and made our own lists of names we both liked. Then, we switched lists and marked the ones we liked, and then we could choose and combine names from there. I'm so glad we could agree on a name because I was sure we'd be still deciding in January! So we will be naming our son Ian :) can't be shortened, which was very important to us, And still is unique and as name berry says, " had panache" lol! We've already started to refer to him by Ian . You ladies are the first to know since we plan to keep it a secret until he's born :kiss:

Oh, the ultrasound went well. Everything is in its place and normal. I will get more detailed results in a couple weeks, especially regarding the rest of the screening tests, but I'm not concerned. Ian has a beautiful spine! It was so defined we could see each individual vertebrae! He's measuring a week ahead in some of his anatomy but they say they take averages of all measurements so they can get an accurate reading.

Oh and we got the crib too, since it was on sale early (before black Friday) but it's not set up yet. The nursery is looking more and more put together each week!

Hope you guys are doing well and had a great weekend :)
Hey ladies!
Where have you gone? I hope you're alright!
Hi ladies! How is everyone doing lately? Things have been a bit hectic around my house, my 2 year old is going through a tantrum stage and we are trying to potty train her as well so by the time she goes down for the night I'm completely exhausted :sleep:

I had an apt and ultrasound last week and everything looks great! I was worried because last weekend I had contractions every 3 minutes even while laying down for a couple of hours, but dr. said my cervix looked good. Baby is head down with head pressing against my cervix so that could be causing my irritable uterus to contract more frequently. My dr. said no more sex or exercise and now I have to lay down on my left side for at least 30 minutes 3 times per day. It seems to be helping because this week was much better contraction wise! The ultrasound went well too, Vayda still looks perfect and her growth is fantastic, she was measuring about 9 days ahead! She weighed an estimated 3lbs 5oz and that was last Tuesday (29 weeks). Here is a picture of her, this was the only good picture we got because she was so wiggly.

RCAF I am so glad to hear that your ultrasound went well and your little boy looks perfect! Did you get any pictures?

Trytofind how are you holding up?

We have finally got some cool weather this week and its really starting to feel like fall! It makes me so excited because the change of season just means I am that much closer to meeting my baby girl, although I don't want to meet her until December :haha:


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Hey :) I was wondering where you all went! Glad you didn't go into labor! That seems like a pretty long list of things to do to stop the contractions, but whatever helps you to keep Vayda in till December you gotta do right? She looks great by the way!

I got a whole length of pictures of Ian at my 18 week appointment! I'll have to upload one when I turn on my desktop :) I could tell all the women who went in for their anatomy scan because they all came out with an almost 3-ft long piece of paper with pics lol!

I shopped until I almost dropped this weekend for baby stuff. Clothes mostly. My girlfriends took me shopping since they were so anxious to go after I found out the gender. If I had purchased everything they showed me I'd have spent at least $500!! At one point I had to say " how about you buy it and save it for your babies?" They're not pregnant yet but definitely ready to shop! Haha! I'm buying Ian's clothes now because DH and I are very picky. We don't like the shirts with silly sayings on them or " mommy's helper" etc. So we'll only register for basics like socks and plain onesies And buy the rest ourselves.

Hope the potty training goes well with your other daughter!
Hi ladies! I haven't heard from you in a while how are you both doing?

Trytofind you are getting so close! How are things going?

RCAF how are you feeling? Has the weight started coming on yet?

AFM: I went for my checkup yesterday and found out I'm already 50% effaced and a fingertip dilated! Looks like this little girl is as impatient as her big sister and may come early. Dr. reassured me that babies born at 34 weeks may need extra time in the hospital but in the long run do just as well as full term babies. I had my daughter at 36 weeks and she is advanced for her age in all of her skills so I'm feeling OK with Vayda coming early, hopefully it will still be at least a couple of weeks though! I guess I won't be getting a Christmas baby though :haha:
Hey both sorry for lack of contact for some reason this thread hasn't come up on my user cp until today and I tried to find it before with no luck!

Well oli is doing well he's head down but not engaged yet. Had a consultant appt yesterday and she said he's going to be big - more 9lb than 6!!! Ee eek! He's moving lots though which is good, just really want to meet him now!

Ooooh that's exciting Brit! I know it's not ideal coming early but by this point it's mainly just breathing they need a little help with is that right?

Congratulations on the naming rcaf! Ull find like us we keep referring to the baby by his name - it helps u adjust I think so u already know them when they arrive :) we'll sort of!

Everyone do in ok though?
Brit I hope Vayda stays in a little longer, but if the doc says she'll be fine, that's reassuring :)

I thought you had gone into labour TrytoFind!! Almost done now though, huh? Over 9lbs?? That's big! My friend just had her second 9lb baby in July (vaginally too!) He totally skipped the newborn clothing lol.

AFM, gained about 5 lbs since 18 weeks and belly is getting rounder and bigger! Definitely into the maternity shirts now. That's all I can wear at this point. I had a 3D ultrasound today and now have an idea of what our baby will look like. I am in love <3 I want to hug him! My DH says I'm already hugging him since he's inside but that doesn't count hehe. I'll try to upload a photo. Other than the weight thing, my hip pain was apparently caused by a calcium/magnesium/zinc deficiency and has greatly improved since taking the supplements in addition to my prenatals. They're still achy from time to time but not as bad as they used to be.


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Oh wow look at him! So precious!

I am finally a watermelon! Hooray! I think Brit will beat me to it :) my friend had her second little boy on the 2nd and we saw him yesterday - lots of head sniffing!!

Ull get a massive belly soon enough don't worry and just when u think it can't get any bigger it does!! U feeling well?
Rcaf your little guy is so cute! What a great picture! I have only had 2d scans so I cannot wait to see what Vayda looks like! I'm glad you are finally starting to gain some weight and getting a round belly, how exciting! Im massive now, up 25 lbs and starting to waddle :haha: I look back at my bump pics from 20 weeks and I can't believe how skinny I was even though I thought I was huge then.

Trytofind it will be interesting to see who has their little one first! Hopefully you do as your almost full term, are you beginning to nest at all? I've been getting everything ready for baby, finishing up Christmas shopping and cleaning our house like crazy :dohh: I'm supposed to be taking it easy but I can't seem to sit still! Have you had any cervical checks for progress yet? I've started having sharp pain in my cervix that I assume is her head pressing down but I'm going to ask the nurse about it tomorrow when I go for my shot. Only 3 more shots and I'll be almost full term! :happydance:
Thank you TrytoFind and Brit! I've changed my desktop homescreen to this picture hehe.

I'm starting to find it hard to get comfortable when I'm in bed. Even my pregnancy pillow isn't helping much! But if that's all I have to complain about, I think the pregnancy is going well lol! Speaking of big bellies, today's baby center email said my uterus is now about the size of a soccer ball!! WHOA! I get my first rhogam shot in about a month (for being Rh-) and the lovely glucose test everyone says is horrible. Yuck!

I can't wait to see who will have their baby first! I look forward to coming online and seeing a post of the happy news!! I think you'll make it to full term Brit, I have a feeling ;) Are you guys starting to feel pretty uncomfortable now? My friend who recently had a baby said she was so uncomfortable that she wanted to have the doc induce labour early just to get him out. And her sister who was also pregnant at the time was so frustrated that she was going past her due date that she wouldn't talk to any of her family members or friends except for her sister (my friend)! I hope that isn't either of you ladies!

Two things I can't seem to get enough of: water and sleep! Ahh!! The doc that did my 3D ultrasound said there's a lot of fluid around the baby. Maybe that's why!
Hey both! I am officially full term. Weird though as had the midwife yesterday and the bump was measuring 42cms! I'm 37 weeks also found out he's back to back! Ouch I had wondered why my lower back is killing me... I'm going to phone the hospital today just because the bump was measuring 36cms at 36 weeks and less than a week later 42!!! God help me :/ no cervical checks yet and although head down he's not engaged yet... Glad ur still hanging in there Brit - doesn't seem like it'll be long though!
Yay for full term! I wonder how the measurements changed so much in that short space of time! hmm...Did your midwife suggest positions to help turn him or is it too soon for that?

I have my midwife appointment tomorrow. Second last one, and then appointments start to happen every two weeks from the 28th week! I've seen 3 of the midwives in the practice so far, and already I know whom I would prefer in the delivery room. I think I will need much hand-holding and one woman is very good at that hehe!

How's everyone doing today?
Hi ladies! I had a bit of a scare when I went to get my last shot. I started having bad back pain on the way to the doctor and started leaking watery fluid. I told the nurse about it and they tested for amniotic fluid, and luckily it was just cervical fluid and nothing to be worried about :happydance: I think I'm overly paranoid about my water breaking early like it did with my daughter. My doctor checked my cervix again and I'm still at 50% effaced 1cm dilated, so hardly any change in a week is a great sign that I may go full term! On the other hand, I'm starting to get really uncomfortable! Some days are worse than others and I can't sleep at all, but I've started doing some yoga to prepare for labor and when I do that before bed it seems to help with my back and hip pain which is wonderful!

Trytofind- Congrats on full term! Its so exciting to think he can come anytime now and be healthy! Just think its only a matter of days until you are holding your little boy! That is weird about the uterus measurements, I wonder if maybe you were having a contraction or something that threw off the measurement? I would be wondering why it had changed so much in such little time! Every time I get on here and see you have posted I wonder if you have had your baby!

RCAF- How often do you have to get the shots for being RH-? I am B+ so I don't have any experience with that. How are your hips feeling? Are you still having a lot of pain? I'm glad you have a feeling I'll go full term, I have a good feeling about it too now that I know my cervix is changing slowly or not at all! I only have 2 shots left and then I'll be allowed to go into labor anytime. I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going! We are planning to put up the Christmas decorations a bit early this year (the weekend before Thanksgiving) so that way everything will be done when I have Vayda and it will be so much fun to bring her home to our house full of lights and decorations.

Trytofind- Have you started to leak milk at all? I started leaking in the shower on Monday, I'm hoping this means I'll be more successful with breastfeeding this time around!
Hey both - found out the weird measurement could be because Oliver isn't engaged yet so he's big but because he's out of my pelvis he's measuring even bigger! I'm hoping by Wednesday he will have engaged! Yep I've been on hands and knees trying to turn him, using a birthing ball, walking loads... I think it's made a difference but I now have swelling in my feet and face a little! So trying to balance rest and activity. So want him out soon though :) that's great news Brit! I keep thinking waters but it turns out it's usually cm! I keep waking up in the middle of the night as well...

I found the third tri the best one rcaf just because the baby is definitely kicking away and nausea dropped off a little plus ur almost there!

No milk leaking yet but boobs are more tender and nipples darker - colostrum is there though! Hating people who keep telling me you could have another 5 weeks.. How do u think that is helpful?! He's big enough!!
That is scary Brit! Glad everything was OK! Bringing baby home to Christmas decorations and lights would be amazing :) Definitely extra special. I can't wait to put up decor this year as well. I love Christmas :)

I'll have to get the RhoGAM shots just twice with this pregnancy (28 weeks, and then within 3 days after I give birth). Subsequent pregnancies will require more RhoGAM shots at regular intervals after the second trimester. Yay shots for someone who doesn't like them!
My hips are doing a lot better, though not back to normal of course. I don't think it will be completely better until after I give birth. But the extra supplements are making a difference I believe. I turned a corner in my vehicle and it went over a bump and my hips rocked to the side and OH the sharp pain that resulted!! I couldn't believe it. It's still sore when I sit on the toilet (which is quite often now). Makes me scared of having such fragile hips that something happens to them during labour and birth! :nope:

At my midwife appointment today, she asked me if I had a follow up ultrasound from my 18 week one which was for measuring anatomy. I said no, should I have? And she said no but because the ultrasound showed slightly enlarged brain ventricles (sinuses) she thought I would have had a follow up. So I got worried real fast because the person who called me from the prenatal diagnostic center where I got the anatomy scan didn't warn me of any problems, and they spend all day every day looking for abnormalities and calling parents with serious concerns, if any. But my midwife (or at least the one I saw today) didn't get the paper work until recently, almost 6 weeks later so maybe she assumed they didn't call me. She said she'll ask the diagnostic center if there is any reason to follow up, and if so she'll call me. But the phone call that i received with the results two weeks after the 18 week scan said everything was within normal ranges and there was nothing to be worried about. So I'm leaning towards believing the prenatal diagnostic experts over this midwife, but I'm still a little worried. She said it could just be a structural difference not resulting in brain impairment or it could be something serious... *sigh* So now DH and I are worried when before we were told everything was normal. I pray the midwife doesn't call me with concerns!

Speaking of leaking milk, did you guys ever find your boobs smelled funny at all during your pregnancy? I noticed it tonight for the first time ever and thought it was quite weird. It was a kind of musty smell (sorry if TMI!)

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