Hey ladies!
I'm due February 24th, 2014. All ultrasounds confirm this date so if anything, I think he'll come before that date.
As for nursery themes, we're going with a safari theme, with an emphasis on giraffes, just cause we think they'll make cute additions to the nursery

we already have 4 giraffes, two of them are Sophies. I'm going to get a couple wall decals instead of painting the walls since we are renting and it'll be a pain to repaint when we are ready to move. I'm going with brown, ivory, light green, golden yellow and red for the nursery colors. Sounds busy, but the last three colors will be accents

I didn't want to do typical " boy colors" just to be different and also to introduce him to other colors.
DH and I will be setting up our registry next weekend or so, after my girls and I go shopping at the baby store outlet. But since we found out the gender, we've shopped the summer sale racks at department stores for baby clothes for 2014 & 2015 in different sizes for each summer. A friend told me they shopped the clearance racks for all their kids clothes at the end of the seasons.
So as for names, DH and I sat down this weekend with inspired name lists from baby center and made our own lists of names we both liked. Then, we switched lists and marked the ones we liked, and then we could choose and combine names from there. I'm so glad we could agree on a name because I was sure we'd be still deciding in January! So we will be naming our son Ian

can't be shortened, which was very important to us, And still is unique and as name berry says, " had panache" lol! We've already started to refer to him by Ian . You ladies are the first to know since we plan to keep it a secret until he's born
Oh, the ultrasound went well. Everything is in its place and normal. I will get more detailed results in a couple weeks, especially regarding the rest of the screening tests, but I'm not concerned. Ian has a beautiful spine! It was so defined we could see each individual vertebrae! He's measuring a week ahead in some of his anatomy but they say they take averages of all measurements so they can get an accurate reading.
Oh and we got the crib too, since it was on sale early (before black Friday) but it's not set up yet. The nursery is looking more and more put together each week!
Hope you guys are doing well and had a great weekend