sick of waiting for bfp - come on October

RCAF- that is so strange that you were not informed until now of an abnormality on the ultrasound! I know how it feels to be worried though, will you get another ultrasound to set your mind at ease? If they don't schedule one, I would ask for one just so you don't have to keep worrying for the next 12 weeks! Although all of your blood work came back normal right? I would think something would have come up in that if there were a serious problem. As far as your hips goes, do you have very narrow hips? I do, and I had severe hip pain with my first pregnancy, they sometimes felt like they were cracked or broken they hurt so bad! It started very early in pregnancy and lasted up until the end, I also had sharp knife like pains in my pubic bone during the third trimester, it would hurt so bad I would have to stop walking and I would be afraid to take another step! My doctor said it was normal and that it was just my hips widening and changing shape to prepare for labor. The bad news is my hips stayed wider, and even though I weighed less after pregnancy than before none of my same jeans fit, my hips are wider now and always will be. The good news is I have hardly any hip pain this pregnancy, in fact I had zero hip pain until very recently and I only have it now if I'm laying on one side too long at night. Also, my hip pain was gone as soon as I delivered, so it wasn't an on going problem aside from having to buy new pants :haha: I hope its the same for you, just a first pregnancy body adjustment thing!

Trytofind- I know what you mean about having people say "you could have 5 more weeks" its annoying to have people put a timeline on such a big event! Mine is sort of the opposite of you, I'm annoyed with everyone in my family saying "Well she is due in 6 weeks but her first was born 4 weeks early" I know they mean well and are just excited, but I can't take 8 weeks of thinking "it could be any day" you know? Its both an exciting event to meet my new daughter and a scary event because I'm worried about tearing again and having 6 weeks of pain and not feeling right down there for months...also the post partum depression and having to lose weight are all things I've been thinking about having to deal with during the holidays. I just wish everyone could assume she will come near her due date and stop making me so nervous LOL.
Oh and RCAF as far as the musty smell, I feel like I smell sort of musty down there, so maybe its just a hormonal thing since those are the two areas affected the most by it? I don't know, but I shower and use baby wipes trying to get rid of the smell, and this is tmi but DH said he doesn't notice a different smell, and that its just my highly sensitive nose picking up a smell that no one else can. Maybe he is right? I know I am very sensitive to certain smells like the smell in the library which is musty as well. Pregnancy makes us crazy :haha:
Hey both! Hope ur both ok. Any update rcaf? I hope all is well?

I've had the musty smell too - it's a fungal thing. Basically the more skin we have and the sweaty moist bits lol I asked my mum about it and she said use an anti fungal cream we have canesten cream here which can be used for thrush too. It's really helped me! Plus using the hair dryer to dry under ur boobs and in between ur legs helps keep it dry (sorry for the weird tip!)

We definitely have the opposite problem Brit - I want him out now!! Fed up of being pregnant I just want to be a mum! I am nervous though... I would ask for tips on inducing pregnancy but u seem to have the opposite problem too lol

Keep us updated rcaf x
Trytofind- Here are some tips for inducing labor, some things I did that I think put me into labor early with my daughter and am avoiding now anyway.

1. Sex...the semen works to help efface your cervix. My doctor didn't restrict sex with my first pregnancy and I went from 25% effaced and 1cm to 75% effaced and 3cm after three days and we had sex twice during that time.

2. Walking up and down stairs, I swear this is what put me into labor with my daughter and I told a friend who was 39 weeks to go up and down her stairs to start labor and she had her daughter within 24 hrs. Its something about the movement that helps baby engage deeply.

Ok so I guess I only have two things to try, but maybe something will help! If I end up getting to 38 weeks I'm sure I'll be ready for her to come out too! I'm getting so uncomfortable, I've been trying to take hot showers or baths every night to relieve the contractions, but the warm water seems makes the veins in my legs ache. Thanks for the tip on the musty smell, I'll have to try the hair dryer even though I may look a bit strange doing that haha!

RCAF- Hope everything is well and you got some good news at your last apt!
Definitely worth keeping ur curtains shut with the hair dryer thing!

Will be trying both of those thanks although I think the stairs might be more comfortable :) got the midwife today and I hope she's going to tell me he's engaged..... We'll see!

Glad ur little one is still in there - the contractions sound very unpleasant especially if ur trying to keep her in there and having to go through those too.

Hope rcaf is ok x
Went to the doctor for my 35w apt yesterday. I'm officially dilated, last two weeks bottom of cervix was dilated to 1cm but the top was still closed. Now the whole thing is open and dr can feel my amniotic sac. He said I'm a little more than a cm dilated at this point but with her head right there and this being a second pregnancy things could move fast if they start to move at all. Still 50% effaced so not much change there, although he said I felt more effaced than last time. I feel like the shots are making it harder for my cervix to change this time even with all the contractions. My doctor recommended 2 more shots at 36 and 37 weeks just to give me all the help I can get to make it to 38 weeks, but he said at this point it could be any time and he said if he had to guess he would give me 2 more weeks. Now that I'm dilated all the way through though I'm having a lot of pressure on my nether regions. Its very uncomfortable to sit down for any length of time, it feels like the baby is trying to push her own way out!

Trytofind- I hope you get good news at your apt and baby is engaged! Once they engage its a lot easier for your cervix to begin to soften and dilate. Will they do a cervical check as well? Can't wait to hear how it goes! Either way you only have a max of 3 weeks (21 days sounds better haha) left right? Here they usually induce by 41 weeks.

RCAF Hope all is well and you aren't starting to get too uncomfortable with that growing bump! I know it was around 28 weeks that I began to have trouble sleeping at night.
Hey ladies!!

Sorry for the delay in my post!

I called the prenatal diagnostic center myself last Friday and I spoke with a maternal-fetal medicine specialist who went over my file with me. He said that the ultrasound didn't show enlarged ventricles BUT it showed a choroid plexus cyst! Sounded scary to me too, but he explained that it is a pretty common thing in fetuses and it is largely disassociated with any brain dysfunction/anomalies, but he said it has a very small chance of being related to trisomy 18 (chromosomal disorder they check for in the first tri screen). He said he would normally associate the cyst with trisomy 18 but since the level I ultrasound came back normal showing no other organ abnormalities, he is strongly leaning toward the cyst being "just one of those things". He apologized profusely because he had originally requested for me to be seen at a follow up appointment 4-6 weeks after my initial scan, but the order got lost in the grapevine and no one called me. So he made a point of getting me an appointment with him asap for a level II ultrasound to recheck all Ian's organs and the brain for the cyst and other issues if there's any. I go in tomorrow afternoon for the scan and there's a good chance DH will be able to make it. We were so worried (especially after reading google) that we were happy to have the soonest appointment. I will update you guys tomorrow when I know more what's going on.
So the midwife wasn't entirely incorrect, but she got the issue wrong making me think he had some other horrible issue in which the brain tissue deteriorates due to the enlarged fluid-filled spaces at the center of the brain! Although, trisomy 18 is also pretty bad since the fetuses with it either are stillborn or die shortly after birth :cry: So DH and I have been praying without ceasing for little baby Ian, hoping that he ends up being alright and healthy. :wacko: So I will tell you guys what's up tomorrow when the appointment's over.

All pregnancy ailments can be blamed on hormones I suppose lol! My hips are narrower than most women I guess, but not too much. My prepreg pants size was between a 5 and 7 depending on the brand and style. I hope you're right Brit about the hip pain going away for the second one. I told DH I'm not sure I could do it again for a second baby, even though I want more children after Ian! It's not as bad as it was but there are the odd days I get significant pain and stiffness, especially if I run a lot of errands, walk too much, or do too much around the house. It frustrates me that I have to slow myself down this much, but it's worth it if I don't end up with hip damage!

I am starting to get uncomfortable now, especially when I sleep. Can't seem to get more than 5 or 6 hours at a time. Naps are more frequent now for sure! I've also started to feel heavy in the groin area when I walk or stand up from sitting. I've been doing my pelvic floor exercises to help with that.

Hope you all are doing well and that your cervix holds up until full term Brit! And that little Oliver comes soon TrytoFind -- for your comfort anyway hehe. One of my friends who was 12 weeks ahead of me delivered her son on the weekend at 36 weeks. She was due Dec 5th. Both are healthy and at home though so it all worked out. She and her husband ended up with a Veteran's Day/Remembrance Day baby, and it's especially fitting because her husband is currently deployed in afghanistan and he missed the birth. Hoping for healthy strong babies for you both!! Can't wait to see a picture and hear the great news!
Also, what are your best recommendations for winter outwear for newborns? So far I have a sherpa-lined sweater jacket, a sherpa-lined faux suede hat with ear covers, fleece pants, and lined boots to bring him home in. I was going to put a thick blanket over his leg area in the car seat when we bring him home since there probably won't be another layer under his fleece pants. Winters here in OK aren't anywhere near as cold as they are in Canada, but being that he'll be a fresh human out in the cold, cold world, I don't want him to get chilled ;)

Wow what a lot for u both to take in rcaf - hopefully it's just the doctors being extra precautious. Sometimes I think we know too much with the scans and it becomes scary and then everything's ok. My friend was told her son had his bowel on the outside but next scan it was fine!

Well midwife went very well - he is 3/5 engaged!! Yehy! However now measuring 43cm... His heartbeat is all good and he's no longer back to back fx. Relieved!

Brit how exciting! As long as ur past 37 weeks they don't class vayda as prem is that right? Fx for u, she will come before Oliver I know it!
Had a nice long exam with the prenatal specialists and all of Ian's anatomy was checked again. Brain cyst is gone hallelujah! And everything else looks good, except now his kidney is showing an enlargement that could signify a renal blockage...*sigh* this baby is already worrying us and he's not even born yet!! So I have two follow up scans, one in four weeks then four words after that one, to see if the kidney issue has resolved. They said it's not down syndrome since my first trip screen was negative and he has no other structural problems, so it's probably like the brain cyst where it's just one of those things. Doc says she sees it very often and most times it's normal and is resolved before 32 weeks. If after my second follow up scan and no resolution of kidney issue, they will decide that he had a kidney problem that may require a surgery and a urology specialist visit. So here's hoping this is like the brain issue!

On a happy note, Ian is still a boy! I had a dream that he was really a she and when I told the ultrasound tech this, she checked his parts for me lol! He's 1 and 3/4 lbs today and looks like he'll be a long baby and probably won't need newborn sized clothes ;-) good thing I only bought two things in that size and still have the tags on!

What does 3/5 engaged mean Trytofind?
RCAF Mr. Ian is just making you worry up a storm! I hope the kidney issue resolves itself by the next ultrasound. I'm so sorry you are having to go through the worry though! I was so nervous before all of Vayda's ultrasounds, and even now as the time closes in on her birth I am just praying she is perfectly healthy. It sounds like he is growing right on track though! My doctor always looked very closely at the baby's growth because he said that a steady growth indicated a healthy fetus as well. As far as what to bring for him to come home in, my daughter was born Feb 20 and it was 70 degrees when I went into labor and 40 degrees when we took her home, that's Kansas for ya LOL. We took her home in a blanket sleeper and matching hat. We covered her carseat on the way out because for the first couple of months the wind can take their breath away. She was only outside for a few seconds though. The hospital has a pick up area so DH warmed up the car and pulled it around and I only had to walk about 20 feet LOL. For the first couple of months she pretty much lived in blanket sleepers and a swaddle blanket. You have to be careful not to overdress or underdress babies especially premature babies because they can't control their own body temperature. We were really paranoid about exposing her to other people too, so for the first two or three months the only places I took her was the dr. and my parents house. I think we will be a little more relaxed about taking Vayda places, after all I can't keep my 2 year old couped up all day just because I have a newborn. I bought a moby wrap for Vayda though so I'm hoping that will help make her both more portable and protect her from germs in the air since her face will be against me.

Trytofind- Congrats on 3/5 engaged! My doctor doesn't ever tell me how far engaged I am, he said her head is pressing on my cervix, but I'm not sure how far engaged that makes me. Have you had any bloody show or loss of mucus plug yet? I had a bloody show with my daughter about a week before my water broke but dr. said this time if I have bloody show I am probably in labor and should head to the hospital. Its weird how things are different with each pregnancy. I just wish I knew how and when things were going to get going, its a lot of stress thinking she could come at anytime! Especially since I wasn't expecting my daughter for 4 weeks when my water broke on the way to the bathroom in the middle of the night. The weirdest thing about my water breaking was that I wasn't having any contractions, it was actually a calm day for my uterus. Every time I get up at night now I think my water is going to break. LOL

Are you ladies planning to get an epidural or go all natural?
I was thinking that it would be warm the day I bring Ian home but then it's Oklahoma so it could be cold too! Can't be too sure. I think I will keep what I have so far and since we'll be warming up the car and just dashing in and out, I think he'll be fine in what I have for him now. I was afraid of under dressing him, but if he's got two layers on, I can always take one off rather than having only one. It's not Canada, so I won't bother with buying a bunting hehe.

I find DH and I aren't AS worried as we were when his brain was the issue, but that's only a little less than that now. Kidney issues are still a big deal, so I'm hoping we do see completely healthy kidneys or at least an improvement by the next u/s. Thanks for your well wishes!

I would be on pins and needles thinking my water could break any second! But at the same time it means your baby will be here and she's pretty close to full term right? So if you start contractions, did your doc say to go in right away or wait til they're 5 min apart?

I plan to get either a shot of nubain (or whatever they give in a shot form here to take some of the edge off) or IV -- not completely sold on it yet, since it does affect the baby if it is given too close to delivery. And I want to be able to move and walk around and use the warm tub during labour. I'm going to try to stay home until the contractions are 5 min apart, lasting 1 min for an hour like they say in the pamphlets they gave me, and if so, I'll use my own jacuzzi for relief. I'm afraid of the epidural to be honest -- heard too many horror stories about it not working or getting temporary paralysis! Don't mean to scare any of you though!
Hey guys. What a relief on the brain cyst rcaf! Hopefully the kidney thing will be the same. Poor little Ian! Can't get a minutes peace- like Oliver with the extra scans. Well I have the midwife this afternoon so I'm hoping she's going to say I'm 4/5 now... Engagement is when the baby's head disends into the pelvis preparing for birth - eek! I think we could say you are completely engaged Brit ;)

I still can't believe how lucky we are ladies. Every time I look at this thread I remember how sad and frustrated I was when I started it and how positive it's become now! Oh I heard a good tip - babies usually need one extra layer than you have on. It's a good rule of thumb :) I'll update u later x
Trytofind- Good luck at your apt today! 39 weeks! I bet you are feeling so ready to meet your son!! Either way you only have a matter of days left. Enjoy it, I remember after having my daughter actually missing being pregnant because it was the only time I had her to myself :flower: once Oli is born everyone will want to hold him, and give their opinion on how he should be fed, changed, laid down to sleep etc. and its nice when you are pregnant because no one gets a say but you :haha: I'm feeling a little extra nostalgic though, DH and I aren't certain whether we want a third baby or not (we are leaning toward no) so I'm sad thinking this may be the last time I feel my baby move inside me! Any day now I may be done with pregnancy forever :cry: The excitement I feel to meet my new little girl outweighs the sadness though!

RCAF- Trytofindbaby's tip on dressing baby in one layer more than what you wear is a great tip! They told us that too in the hospital, I had forgotten! Sometimes you forget the little things about taking care of a newborn when you are sleep deprived for so many months in a row LOL. But even in the summer, I remember I would wear shorts and a t-shirt to bed, but we would put Tay in a long sleeved light weight gown with socks. Once she was about 12 months old we began to dress her the way we were dressed. Although at night she still wears socks and usually long pants because she doesn't stay covered up no matter how many times I go in to recover her. I have a good feeling that with everything else seeming fine with Ian (the blood work, the first trimester tests, and his growth) that the kidney thing will resolve itself and he will be born perfectly healthy. My sister in law just told me yesterday about her friend whose son was born this week and was supposed to have his bowel on the outside and require surgery at birth, but he was born perfectly fine! He didn't need a thing! So those ultrasounds can be more of a worry for the parents sometimes.

AFM I have my weekly dr. apt today as well, and I'll update you ladies once I know where I stand on dilation and effacement, I may ask my doctor if he can tell me how far engaged I am because now I'm curious! RCAF my doctor said I should go to the hospital when my contractions are 3-5 minutes apart or my water breaks. I have contractions every evening that are 3-5 minutes apart for a couple of hours though, so I hope I know the difference between pre labor and real labor! With my daughter my water broke and my contractions still felt the same, uncomfortable but painless. It wasn't until I was in the hospital and they gave me Pitocin that they became painful. I sure hope I know when its time! We live 30 mins away from the hospital and will have to take my daughter to my parents house before we go. I have this horrible fear of having my daughter while stuck in traffic on the way to the hospital haha. As far as the epidural, I did get one with my daughter, but I wasn't in a ton of pain when I got it. The contractions hurt, but I wasn't crying or yelling or anything like you see in the movies when the woman demands the meds. Basically the anesthesiologist came in and said if I wanted one now would be a good time because I was dilated enough and he was available, I was afraid he wouldn't be avl when I really needed it so I said OK. This time I may hold off and see how it goes. The epidural wasn't bad, it started to wear off by the time I had to push and I was able to walk to the bathroom right after delivering my placenta. The epidural was also a lot less painful than I expected, the only part that hurt was the numbing shot they give you before hand. It felt like a burning for about 7 or 8 seconds. Once the epidural started working I couldn't feel my contractions at all and I got some much needed sleep while my body dilated :thumbup: my daughter was born very alert, she got a perfect score on her apgar test and for a baby born a bit early that was fantastic!
Yep, my mom told me the one-layer thing years ago, but now I see it's still in effect in our day hehe. DH and I will buy him a thicker coat in January if it seems like it'll be really cold in Feb/. Otherwise we'll keep his fleece/sherpa coat :)

I hope your contractions don't hurt very much like with your first daughter. I'd hate to be the screaming/cursing lady down the hall with bad contractions! lol I hope and pray that I don't yell at my husband and say mean things to him like they do in the movies! That would be so horrible! Yes, the apgar score...IV meds might influence that for Ian, but the midwives say they take away the IV meds once I get to 8 cm to try to avoid having a sluggish baby. I too want to try to hold off on the meds as much as I can without waiting til it's too late. Isn't it nerve-racking not knowing ahead of time what kind of labour & birth you're going to have?? lol

Did you guys sign up for birth classes? I waited too late to sign up for the optimal class time so I ended up with a January 25th class! I'll be 35 weeks then, so I'm hoping my boy doesn't make a premature entrance! I'm especially concerned since one of my friends had her baby boy at 36 weeks and I got an email today from that said boys are more likely to be premature and have congenital issues! What an email to read while waiting for Ian's next kidney scan?! I asked baby Ian if he'd be OK waiting to make his grand entrance until at least 38 weeks and he gave a vigorous kick and wiggle so I'm thinking that means he agrees!
Also, did you guys already have your baby shower? How did that go? Mine will be this Sunday. It's extra nice for me since I didn't get to have a proper shower for my wedding, complete with using a scanner to register at a department store.
Well I'm still only at 50% effaced and the dr. said more dilated than 1cm but not quite a 2cm. LOL I'm excited because I think this means I have at least another week or 2, putting baby Vayda at full term :happydance: I get my last shot on Monday and the doctor said he would lift all of my restrictions then too! It will be fun to actually be at the point where I'm WANTING to go into labor. I can't wait, and hopefully baby Vayda doesn't get any wild ideas about coming in the next few days. I'm excited to be pregnant for Thanksgiving and being able to go Black Friday shopping without worrying about going into labor, if I go into labor, its OK!

Trytofind how did your apt go? Your due date is almost here!

RCAF I didn't have a baby shower for my first baby, or this baby. My sisters did put together a little afternoon baby sprinkle for me while they were home from college in October. It was a lot of fun! As far as birthing classes, I signed up too late during my first pregnancy and I was already in preterm labor and on bed rest, so I didn't go to any. I'm not sure how helpful it would have been, but when I talked with my dr. about it he said "we will get her out when she is ready no matter how many classes you take LOL". I didn't really need any breathing techniques to deal with the pain as I never had any terrible pain, the pain I did have felt natural not like something being injured KWIM? It wasn't hard to deal with and once I had the epidural there wasn't any pain. I think what would have been helpful was a class for my husband, as he was completely clueless about how to support me during labor and during my recovery after labor.

I did find out at my appt. that my doctor will be out of the country from the 27th of nov to the 9th of dec, so its highly likely he won't be the one to deliver my baby. I'm pretty upset about that, at my 38 week apt I will be seeing another doctor who will probably be the one to deliver her. :growlmad:
Yay Brit! Such exciting news :) Can't wait for you to meet your baby Vayda!! I knew you'd make it!

WOW TrytoFind! You've almost done the full 40 weeks! That's awesome. I hope you don't go too much longer -- I hear it's SUPER uncomfortable after 40 weeks. Good luck to you!

Lol I've never heard of a baby sprinkle before! That's neat. Sorry you have to switch doctors at the last minute! That's terrible, especially if you liked your other doctor and kinda bonded with him! Hopefully this new doc is nice and caring.

Speaking of pain, I've been having what feels like intestinal cramps all day today. I don't think I had bad food, but I did go to the bathroom a few times. My tummy wasn't hard or anything so it probably wasn't braxton-hicks (I can't believe my pregnancy newsletter said they can start this early!) I'm going to go take a nice warm bath and see if that helps. I feel like all I did these last 3 days was sleep, sleep, sleep! Baby must be growing! And I also think I have split abs/ab separation. My belly button area looks like it's caving in, and according to my pregnancy bible, if you try to do a sit up and you see a bulge down your middle between your abs, you probably have ab separation :( I hear it gets worse with each pregnancy, but I will ask my midwife at my next appointment to see if she thinks I have it.
Rcaf I started getting braxton hicks at 17 weeks with my first and 14 weeks with this one, however they feel different than cramps to me. I had a few bouts of intestinal cramping during the second half of this pregnancy and I always figured it was my intestines getting used to their new arrangement or possibly being compressed by baby somewhere lol. Hopefully you feel better soon!

As far as the ab separation, I've had that with both pregnancies...I thought it was normal and everyone got it at some point :shrug: mine lasted for a couple of months after having my first and you aren't supposed to do any ab exercises until they go pretty much back together, although my stomach was never as flat as it was pre pregnancy even though I lost all the weight plus some. Oh well it's the price we pay to be mommys :flower:

Trytofind I'm excited to hear some news from you! I think you will beat me to the finish line :happydance:
Hey guys sorry for the delay! Well I had the midwife Monday and my bp was up a bit which she wasn't happy with so she made another appointment for me yesterday and we agreed to do a sweep. However my cervix was to the back but it was softened so hopefully when she tries again on Monday it'll be more co-operative! So uncomfortable at the moment - he's so big my tummy is sore, swollen and itchy. It keeps catching when I sit down :( nausea has also made a very unwelcome return. He needs to come out now my body has so had enough!!

I agree Brit - the one thing making me not want to have him is everyone else's interference my mil is particularly driving me insane. I just want to run away with him when he comes (and dh of course!) lol

Oh and he was 4/5 engaged! Hooray!

Well we had an antenatal class for 3 hours and it was actually really good. Picked up some good tips! Baby showers are growing in popularity over here but not too common place so we haven't had one plus I wasn't in my job very long before I left for maternity so they didn't do anything - although now my bitch of a manager is texting me asking about his arrival! Couldn't be arsed to sign a leaving card but now wants to know about my son! Grrrrrr.....

Anyway hormones and boredom are affecting my mood! Woke up to leakage in the boob area this morning so I'm hoping that's a good sign?!

Glad uve got longer left Brit! Won't be long before ur in my opinion the best tri rcaf :)

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