I've been reading this thread from the beginning and I can't not comment any more, so I apologise for the rant now...
What started as a discussion with people trying to understand the point of view of the OP, has turned into a bitch fest.
It actually makes me feel sick to read what some have you "mature adults" have been posting. And you don't think you've been rude? Then may I suggest you read over your posts again in this thread and see if you honestly think you haven't been rude at all.
Everyone can choose their own path in life, and no one else is in a position to judge unless you have walked a mile in their shoes.
This forum is for support and advice but there are a few of you on this thread who are just being all high and mighty and anyone who doesn't do things the way you like, or say something you don't agree with, then they're immediately wrong? I don't think so. This isn't a topic of right or wrong.
And statistics don't mean squat individually - they don't dictate anyone's future. And where are the statistics for children whose parents stay together? Married and unmarried? Because it's BS if they're are only bad statistics for single parent families.
Being a single mother isn't the hardest thing in the world, and yes some people do actually choose it! It's being a parent that isn't the easy part and there are couples (married and OMG...unmarried - heaven forbid!
) where the mother or the father does everything and they may as well be a single parent family for all the supposed support and benefit they give to the other parent or child. Having both parents doesn't make everything perfect and ideal.
And I actually find it very offensive that people have suggested that single mothers are only so because the father chose to leave - that it wasn't the mothers choice. I raised my daughter as a single parent from 7months until 8years old because her father didn't support us, help or have any interest in our daughter. I CHOSE to leave - quick, lock me up, I must be
I chose not to have a man!!!
He now only see's her when he can be bothered maybe once every 2 months, and didn't have her until she was 5, out of his choice, and he lives 5 minutes away. He isn't her father or her dad. He is just the person who fathered my child. I have been and will probably always be both roles in my daughters life. I don't bad mouth him and I never stop him from seeing her, in fact over the years I've bent over backwards to keep the relationship open. Does he deserve that or her - no, not at all. But I've only done it for my daughter and will continue to do so for however long she wants a relationship with him.
So from what people have posted, my daughter is likely to be married or pregnant in her teenage years or into drugs or trouble? Because I chose not to stay with a prat who doesn't realise what he's missing out on with our daughter's life? I actually like to think that I'm raising her with a sensible head, to not want a life of drugs or get into trouble. And if she meets "the one" at a young age or has a baby - well she is my baby and I will support her because that's what a mother does. I won't cry into my pillow at night that because I didn't stay with her father I paved her future for her, statistically. It's the way you raise your children that has an impact, not if you are married, unmarried, young, old, working or not.
I raised my daughter in a similar situation to the OP's plans, with the support of family, except I was 18. It is hard raising a child - bloody hard. But it is hard regardless of age, relationship, education or employment.
I may just be overly hormonal, but this thread is an awful advert for BnB and the bitchiness, bullying tactics and lack of support that seems to be becoming more and more common on here. It's no wonder so many people are leaving for other forum sites