Doing OK. A little irritated-stress makes me gain weight and the stress lately has taken its toll. Woke up this morning and the one pair of pants I had that fit don't fit anymore. . And I don't even have an excuse like all of you do. But other than that I'm pretty good. So glad your pictures came out so well. When is your next scan? You might have already mentioned but I forgot and who else has scans coming up?
Ophelia babe thats gorgeous, can I have a copy? I dont have another scan date as yet, they will send it to me in the post
Dont worry about the weight gain tiff, its to be expected babe. I gained after each of my mcs too due to stress and grief but you must give yourself a break babe - you will get it off again I am certain of it.
I like the pic to, cool you talented thing you! and FYI: the drug seems to have finally kicked in, 2 shots later, and my HCG levels have begun to decline.
Ok I just tried to add the picture, but I think I need help because its asking for a url and i'm not sure what to do. I saved it to my pictures but was I suppose to save it another way? HELP!!
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