Jikes my husky is shedding! t's like it's snowing in the house.. haha, poor thing is so itchy, i banished her outside of the house in the yard today..
Midwife appointment yesterday, bubs is measuring a week ahead (30 weeks!) all goo so far.. he is head down apparently... not that ive noticed as i get kicked and poked from all directed atm
Got to get some bloods and glucose test done next week monday .. grrr
And now ill start seeing her every 2 weeks..
Honestly every time i go there she asks if i have any questions, and every time i dont have any.. this forum is pretty much my resource for everything.. not to mention im a google addict and as soon as something pops up i find my own answers LOL
I also finally finished the room yay, all i need now is a colorful shaggy rug for in the middle of the room