Snowflake bump buddies and friends

funny you should mention that, ive been feeling a bit queezy after eating atm.. i never really had that at any stage in this pregnancy..

as for the sleeping issue.. i always end up with 1 pillow half under my back and the duvet stuffed under my bump from the other side, so im half on my side/ half on my back if that makes sense.. ive found that gives the most relieve as my pelvis starts to hurt when on one side to long and i keep turning all night long..

(i generally wake up and find myself either in that position or on my back )
yeah I find the duvet - rather than a pillow - much more comfortable under the bump too!! Although DH doesn't appreciate it too much. I guess we should get a second blanket for the bed.

I have tried the pillow propped up under my back, body pillow in front and between legs, and that was comfy for the past month, but these last 4-5 days it no longer works. I did fall asleep sitting up in our sofa chair this afternoon...and woke up with no hip pain... I am contemplating trying it again for bedtime... but I dunno
Yes the backpain thing seems to kick in with me too now..
Washed a first full load of clothing an diapers today :D, they are all hanging onthe line in the sun now.. :cloud9:

We have a huge kingsize duvet and bed so i generally crawl against hubby with my pillow in the back and between my knees and shuv the duvet under my bump haha (weve got a down one which is devine!)

it's a bit awkward but it works for now.. sheesh it will probably get worse as the weeks go by now..

Have you girls finished the room yet?
Now to get DH to give me a proper massage... I am going to ask my midwife to write me a Rx for a massage therapist then my insurance will cover it.

As for the nursery, DH has to put up a couple little shelves that his dad made for us, I am waiting for my recliner/rocker from my mom and I have to put the new mattress in the crib...and of course wash all the linens and baby clothes. I am going to wait on that last one until after the baby shower in October so that I can do it all at the same time.
youd be surprised how much you can collect.. :)
And they are small things to so it takes me ages to hang it up on the lines hahahaha

Im not even sure of my baby showers date.. my SIL's have told me it was the 11th (either October or Nov.. have to check :rofl:) no idea what to expect at all!

They dont do baby showers in NL i think..
I know im at a different stage to you girls but Can I come in and join in? xxx
Snugs, strangely even though I keep getting told not to sleep on my back, I had a weekly email thing through from Pampers today that recommended sleeping on your back if you suffer hip pain ?!? I think I will ask the midwife on Thursday as I too have the hip pain problem and the pillow only helps the upper hip, not the lower one.

Got to tell you something semi-amusing - good job I have a sense of humour! I was in the bank earlier, queueing up to pay in some money when a woman behind me said 'when are you due?' I told her 9 weeks and she said 'ooh, arent you neat - I think you are having a boy because you are carrying all over' - she went on to explain if you are having a girl, you carry just on your bump, but if you are having a boy, you carry it on your hips and butt too..... which would be fine if it wasnt for the fact that my butt was this big to start with :rofl: cheeky cow, basically told me I have a fat behind!! :rofl:
I hate people!!!! I have been asked every day now at work for about a week when I am due!
This was the first one I have had that was a bit odd... lol.... thankfully I was served shortly after so didnt have to talk to her anymore.... :rofl:

New bump pic taken 5 mins ago in work....


  • 31 weeks.jpg
    31 weeks.jpg
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lol.... tried it with bump covered but vest top not long enough so just get half of the bump.....hahahaha - at least diddy is starting to fill out my skin now so there is not so much of the excess fat I was storing for a rainy day :)
wow chrissie thats impressive :D
OMG chrissie thats an impressive bump you have there :wohoo: shows diddy's growing nice and snuggly :smug: xxx
aww chrissie you look beautiful and you are carrying your bump beautiful. Ignore that cheeky cow.

Welcome dawny!!

Re: hip pain
I got a good tip from V and by accident think I fell into that position last night... use the bump as a kick stand, have the body pillow as a kick stand and brace in between the legs for the lower half and make sure the weight is spread across the whole bottom leg, not just the hip. Hard to describe, but as long as I was leaning into my bump, rather than trying to lie straight, the weight didn't concentrate on my big hip but across my whole hamstring, knee etc and that helped alot.
Yes I sleep on my side because of back pain with pillow in between legs and sort or twist my back so there is less pressure on the hip
heres my not so impressive bump compared to you guys :rofl:

now(17+2) and before
Got to tell you something semi-amusing - good job I have a sense of humour! I was in the bank earlier, queueing up to pay in some money when a woman behind me said 'when are you due?' I told her 9 weeks and she said 'ooh, arent you neat - I think you are having a boy because you are carrying all over' - she went on to explain if you are having a girl, you carry just on your bump, but if you are having a boy, you carry it on your hips and butt too..... which would be fine if it wasnt for the fact that my butt was this big to start with :rofl: cheeky cow, basically told me I have a fat behind!! :rofl:

That is cheeky!!!
Im having a little boy an dim def only carrying on my bump.. nothing to see when youd see me from behind :rofl:

On the other note, ive got people staring at me when i tell them ive only got 13 more weeks to go..... they are like: O my god, your so tiny!!! :growlmad:

Nah im not, it's just that i wasnt very big to begin with!!!:dohh:

Anyhow.. ill try and make pic today too.. i dont have a full mirror in the house so it's a bitch to climb up on the sde of the bath and make a pic in the little bathroom mirror :winkwink:
Its going to be ages if at all that I start to show I sometimes have a bit of mild lower backache in the morning usually eases off after a while is that normal? xxxx

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