So I guess this is my first Nine Month Wait...

I would take 2 hour boobie feeds in the day is skyler slept 10 hours at night already! He is only 3 weeks but still I can't wait to eliminate the middle of the night feed.
Hey everybody, how are you all?
Wannabe - Nice to hear from you. Glad you and Ollie are doing well.
Dmn - Yay for Lucie rolling over!
Kelly - Yay for 10 hour sleep!
AFM - We are doing great! DD1 started kindergarten on Monday. She loves it! DF is on dayshift for the month and with me still being on leave I've been doing the stay at home mom thing. I don't know if I could do it full-time. I need adult interaction lol. At least the house has stayed clean tho lmao. LO is doing well. She really getting chunky. I'm almost ready for another one ;)
Hey ladies.. Hope everyone is doing well..

DMN - rolling over that sooo exciting, I cant wait for Liana to do that, Ive been trying to help her but thats the only way at the moment.. LOL

West - Another one already?!! Your a busy gal!! How do you fit in baby making with all of that Co-sleeping?? hee hee.. You go Girl! Glad you are doing better and baby is getting chunky...

Kelly - Liana feeds almost every 2 hrs like clock work but lastnight she was every hour I was dying... but I think it also has alot to do with me being at work during the day and her catching up on her feedings when Im home..

I hope everyone else is doing great...

Liana gave us her first real giggle yesterday - it was soooo freakin cute!! She turned 3 months yesterday so I took some photos out in the back yard, I'll put them up once Ive downloaded them... All in all everythings going okay - Daddy is doing a little better with the bottle and he bought some Dr. Brown ones yesterday he wanted to try so we'll see... My milk production is a bit down because Ive only been pumping twice a day at work - I leave her at 7:30 right after a feeding and then I get home for 5pm go right into a feeding and Ive been pumping at 10am and 2pm so I hope thats okay I might pump one more time before leaving today to kick it up a notch but Im going to be home for the next four days so Im thinking that will help..

So we are getting ready to button down the hatches so to speak because Hurricane Earle is heading our way... oh joy, now to move the patio furniture into the basement by myself... :(
Earle is going to hit Halifax on sat thats where I'm from, my family is preparing for it as well.

West I didn't sleep 10 hours, I was saying it would be nice if I could.

Melsue, I have been BF'ing on my two weeks off but also pumping one extra, I had an overactive milk supply at first but it has calmed down now and I am worried I won't have enough milk! It's picked up quiet a bit since i started doing that. When I had a lot I could pump as much as 8 ounces right after feeding Skyler now i get about 5-6 ounces.
Melsue - No we're not even DTD yet. I just see Brooklynn getting so big already and it makes me want another one. The next one (if there is a next one) will be in a couple years. This 3rd c-section really took its toll on me. Plus I start back to school at the end of the month. I volunteer a lot at the kids preschool and now Savannah's kindergarten. I really enjoy doing it but it takes quite a bit of time. Another baby in the near future would not fit into our lifestyle lol.

Hope the storm passes quickly without damage. Same for your family Tiff.
I wanna DTD again but am still having a bit of irritation with my episiotomy incision right up where my vagina is. I hope it heals all the way soon.
:hugs: for those of you dealing with the hurricane - I'm so glad we don't have to deal with that over here!
kelly hope you heal up soon, must be pretty uncomfortable :hugs:
melsue wow I can't believe liana is 3 months! I love the giggling stage - it's so cute!
west glad you are doing so great!

we are still plodding along - not too long to go now hopefully! will get some pics up of the nursery soon as it's now finished :happydance: apart from curtains, which will hopefully come next week. Baby will be in with us initially anyway so it's not urgent.
Spending this weekend with my mum as dh is off to a stag do until monday. will be nice to have a girly weekend!
Wow you're right Mrs N, not much longer now. Can't wait to see your nursery.
Kelly - there have been a few times when I really wanted to dtd. I think OH really needs it too cuz he's been a tad bit grouchy lol. He's the one that said we were waiting the whole 6 weeks so its his fault lmao.
West your vagina is at least in tact :rofl: I do other things for DH to keep him happy. But it sucked cause I didn't get birthday or anniversary sex!!!! :(

I got some interesting news in my journal if you care to peek, it's under the title "bragging rights" or something like that.
Kelly - Yeah my va-jay-jay is working but it also needs a damn plumber cuz its STILL leaking! With my other 2. c-sections I was done within 2-3 weeks. This is sum real bullshit lmao. (TMI) DF has been real horny lately and has even been running around the house shaking his "willy" at me...UGH boys.
OMG I think all men are like that because mine does that too... wow.. :lmao:

Liana is in the crib and doing great!! Im so proud of her.. her bassinette got too small for her so the last morning she was in it I took a photo and from then on we had her in her crib... She learned now that when she is in it its sleepy time because she takes her naps in it too.. she's getting so big.. the crib used to look so huge around her but now she spreads out and it look kind of small... LOL..

Kelly - your va-ja-ja will heal just give it time - mine did and it was really bad.. and your milk supply is fine and it will be fine - your body knows when to increase it.. at 6 weeks my breast went down a size because they regulated and I still have the correct amount of milk for what she is eatting and gaining weight fine... So the only stressful part is starting your milk bank in the freezer while your home.. I had to pump in the mornings after her feeding or if she slept for an extra few hours during the day, to get a stash going and now I save the stash because I pump while Im at work and she eats the fresh stuff before the frozen but the frozen is there just in case we need it or when we have a babysitter and I dont pump.. So hang in there and dont get too stressed about it..
Mrs. N. keep us updated on any of your appts or pains!!! Its almost time for you - sooooo excited....

Anyway, I hope everyone is doing great!! - still havent downloaded her 3month pics yet but I will soon!!
I have a milk stash, when I had the over active milk supply I banked a ton of it, over 15 bags in the deep freeze with 6 or more ounces each in them. Plus i pump every day just to unload my breasts all the way and normally end up freezing that to unless I am running out over an eating period.

The Hooha has healed more, feeling loads better. I hope I can avoid tearing or being cut the second time around.

We just started sleeping Skyler in his crib during nap time the last two days and it's going great, I don't think we'll have any issues moving him over there at night next week. I am starting class again so would prefer him to be in his own bed so I can sleep more. His little sleepy sounds keep me up at night sometimes.

Woohoo! 1 month breast feeding milestone!
Glad to hear things are going well for you gals.
Kelly glad the BF'ing is working out and Skyler's been napping in his crib. Brooklynn has slept in her's for a few naps too. I don't plan to stop co-sleeping until she's sleeping thru the night anyway. She still gets up every 2 hours. I have a freezer full of milk for when I go back to work in October.I start back to school the end of Sept...ugh!
Well off to sleep again! Nite all
Lucky you west! I start on tuesday! By co sleeping do you mean in the same bed as you or in your room in a basinet?

Don't know if I mentioned but I switched to reuseable diapers and they are working well! I hope they continue to, day 2 right now with them. No leaks! Fingers crossed that keeps up! I put up more pics in my journal.
well nothing much to report from me - just feeling very achy the last few days.
feel a lot of pressure so I think baby has moved on down a bit more - have a mw appointment in the morning so we'll see.
No sign of any plug yet, and not really getting Braxton Hicks either.
I feel like I'm back in the tww all this symptom spotting!
Kelly glad breastfeeding is going well.. I wouldnt worry about running out of milk anytime soon.. Sounds like you are doing great!!! Gonna have to check out your jounal pics.. lol

West, hope you get some rest soon.. I remember those 2 hour stretches... Im soo happy I get a 4 or 5 hour stretch now.. THANK GOD!! I feel half human now finally!

Mrs. N.. Keep us informed...!! I just had pieces of my plug the last week and no symptoms other than feeling run down and tired... the last day I felt kind of weird, just plain weird and it was just hard to describe really, I just felt weird, not sick, not well, just not normal, couldnt really put my finger on it.
I had bloody show and lost lots of plug in my final 5 days, keep us updated! I am still saying girl for you.
hi guys how are you all??
mrs n anysign of baby n yet??
gosh all these babies are getting so big now i cant believe ollie is 3 months old where has the time gone? still breastfeeding well and still very scrummy!!
just notie my ticker has gone back to the begining and says i am 1 week and 4 days old....makes me realise just how much i miss being pregnant!! :(
i know judging by what some of you have wrote that you havent dtd yet...but what are you guys doing about contraception? i have decided not to go on the pill or anything but instead am using a clearblue fertility monitor and avoiding the fertie times so to speak...not that its come up with any fertile times yet...dunno if thats cos im breastfeeding? but anyway i figured for how often we dtd its not really worth pumping my body full of hormones etc and we do plan to have more children we will prob start trying around may/june time

ps if anyone has dtd yet did it all feel normal? we have done it twice but it feels like they have put too many stitches in and is really this normal?
Nope no sign yet, reckon I'll probably go overdue. Will keep you informed, I'm sure I'll be on here as soon as anything happens!

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