So I guess this is my first Two Week Wait...

Hey girls, well i'm officially in the 2ww again and i'm hoping this is my last one for awhile!! FF detected i ovulated on CD25, so i'm not sure if there saying that because when entering my data i put a +opk for that day or if they know by my temps..Anyways i'm excited and feel really good about this month..And if i were to concieve this cycle i would be due December 11, 2009, just in time for xmas!!!!
Hey girls, well i'm officially in the 2ww again and i'm hoping this is my last one for awhile!! FF detected i ovulated on CD25, so i'm not sure if there saying that because when entering my data i put a +opk for that day or if they know by my temps..Anyways i'm excited and feel really good about this month..And if i were to concieve this cycle i would be due December 11, 2009, just in time for xmas!!!!

Hey hun :happydance: you're in the 2ww - it's exciting! Keep up the PMA hun. Try not to symptom spot cos it only spoils things. Good luck I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you. xx
Wow congratulations Mrs C!!!!!! Really pleased for you hun - fab news. Blimey you girls are on a roll.......

Wedding plans seem to be coming along nicely Butterfly. We have a viewing of Leeds Castle on 4th April and will hopefully book it for Oct 2010!!! It seems amazing - i've always wanted to married in a castle now it seems it might be a reality!
How are you feeling? Bet your still walking on air hunni - rest and look after your little bean xxx

It's sounds like a fairytale wedding! It's very exciting! Once the venue is booked it'll all fall into place! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

I'm doing ok - still no symptoms apart from feeling a bit tired in the evening. I spoke to the genetics consultant yesterday and she was really pleased.... she is going to get back to me soon with a dating scan and from then the CVS will be booked at about 12 weeks........ scarey. My little bean has a 1 in 4 chance of having the same condition as my beautiful angel Mollie. But I want to think positive and think that actually there is a 3 in 4 chance of beany being healthy. Only 8/9 weeks until I find out :hissy:

Hope you're all doing ok. :hug::hug::hug:
Congrats Mrs C!!!! excellent news :D

Hayley huni how you doing?
Hello! Nice to e-meet you all!

This is my very first post on this – or any – pregnancy forum. I’ve been reading this thread and you all seemed so friendly and supportive that I thought I’d join in – esp as it was a relief to find other women as obsessed with ‘phantom symptoms’ as me!

Now bear with me as my understanding of the acronyms is a little shaky, but my situation is that I’m trying for my first baby with my husband – I came off the pill a year ago to prepare my body, and finally ditched the condoms a month ago. So I experienced my first 2WW (ooh, my first preg-related acronym!) up until I got AF (my second! OOK, OK I’ll stop getting so excited from now on) on Friday 13th March (haha).

I’ve got a 27 day regular cycle, so by my calculations I should OV tomorrow. Hubbie and I have been Bding around every other day like good little babymakers. So, I should find out on Thurs 9 April whether I’m P (is that the acronym for ‘pregnant’? So confused!). I’m Very Impatient but must Learn To Relax.

Trying to stay cool, enjoy sex, go for the simultaneous orgasm as it seems that helps suck those swimmers up. God, this is a graphic business isn’t it!

Anyway, just wanted to share, and to say good luck to all, and ask if anyone else will be testing/finding out through AF on or around 9 April?

Emily x
Hello! Nice to e-meet you all!

This is my very first post on this – or any – pregnancy forum. I’ve been reading this thread and you all seemed so friendly and supportive that I thought I’d join in – esp as it was a relief to find other women as obsessed with ‘phantom symptoms’ as me!

Now bear with me as my understanding of the acronyms is a little shaky, but my situation is that I’m trying for my first baby with my husband – I came off the pill a year ago to prepare my body, and finally ditched the condoms a month ago. So I experienced my first 2WW (ooh, my first preg-related acronym!) up until I got AF (my second! OOK, OK I’ll stop getting so excited from now on) on Friday 13th March (haha).

I’ve got a 27 day regular cycle, so by my calculations I should OV tomorrow. Hubbie and I have been Bding around every other day like good little babymakers. So, I should find out on Thurs 9 April whether I’m P (is that the acronym for ‘pregnant’? So confused!). I’m Very Impatient but must Learn To Relax.

Trying to stay cool, enjoy sex, go for the simultaneous orgasm as it seems that helps suck those swimmers up. God, this is a graphic business isn’t it!

Anyway, just wanted to share, and to say good luck to all, and ask if anyone else will be testing/finding out through AF on or around 9 April?

Emily x

Hi Emily,

Just wanted to say hi. Won't be testing around the 9th April but stick with this nice group and we can provide support before, during and after that time.

Butterfly, glad you are looking at the positive side of things re: the scan and genetics. Just keep minding yourself and try to focus on the lovely aspects of having a baby (easier said than done I know!)

Polaris, how are you getting on?

Hayley, the wedding sounds amazing. I got married in 2006 and loved planning my big day. It is so exciting!

Mrs C - did you get a stronger line this morning?

Hope everyone else is well!
Good morning Ladies,

I did get a stronger line this morning. :D One that I actually saw.. hehe...(I also took 2 more tests yesterday that had lines I could jsut see) So I guess I finally believe it.

The line I got yesterday was really faint in the morning, I barely believed it was there so I called it a BFN...

This mornings line was really easy to make out after about 2 minutes.

-Haley the wedding sounds wonderful

-Butterfly keep your chin up darlin.

-How are you doing leelee?

-Welcome Emily
Thanks leelee and Mrs C.

I should so be working right now but my thoughts keep straying to whether I'll be Oing on Wed or Thurs (Thurs is 14 days from my next AF - still getting the hang of this), and whether DH and I should be BDing every day this week just to make sure - thoughts?

Wow - I feel like an old pro at this already after 30 days! haha!

Good morning Ladies,

I did get a stronger line this morning. :D One that I actually saw.. hehe...(I also took 2 more tests yesterday that had lines I could jsut see) So I guess I finally believe it.

The line I got yesterday was really faint in the morning, I barely believed it was there so I called it a BFN...

This mornings line was really easy to make out after about 2 minutes.

-Haley the wedding sounds wonderful

-Butterfly keep your chin up darlin.

-How are you doing leelee?

-Welcome Emily

That is fantastic news Mrs C. You must be thrilled!

I am good. Only CD3 for me so am enjoying drinking wine and chilling out for a few days before the whole thing kicks off again. Have decided to BD every 2nd day from about CD8 and then BD for 3 days in a row nearer to when I think I will be O (from about CD16 to CD19). Hopefully it will work!
Thanks leelee and Mrs C.

I should so be working right now but my thoughts keep straying to whether I'll be Oing on Wed or Thurs (Thurs is 14 days from my next AF - still getting the hang of this), and whether DH and I should be BDing every day this week just to make sure - thoughts?

Wow - I feel like an old pro at this already after 30 days! haha!


Hi Emily,

I think the pregnant ladies will be able to give you better advice than me so I will let them answer in more detail when they see your question!!!

However, I started temping last month (you can see my chart below) and I was convinced that I O'd on CD10 but in actual fact I O'd on CD17 or CD19 (I think it was CD17) so I missed out because I wasn't BD'ing at the right time. I have decided this month to BD every 2nd day and then when I think I am O'ing I will BD every day for a few days.
Thanks for the info leelee. OK, sorry to be a newbie, but what does CD (As in CD10, CD17) mean? And how did you find out you were Oing on a day different to the one you thought? I know some girls on here take their temperature but how does that work? I don't have a thermometer - will a normal one i buy in a chemist do?

And what is 'temping'?

Sorry to be such a pain!
Good morning Ladies,

I did get a stronger line this morning. :D One that I actually saw.. hehe...(I also took 2 more tests yesterday that had lines I could jsut see) So I guess I finally believe it.

The line I got yesterday was really faint in the morning, I barely believed it was there so I called it a BFN...

This mornings line was really easy to make out after about 2 minutes.

-Haley the wedding sounds wonderful

-Butterfly keep your chin up darlin.

-How are you doing leelee?

-Welcome Emily

That is fantastic news Mrs C. You must be thrilled!

I am good. Only CD3 for me so am enjoying drinking wine and chilling out for a few days before the whole thing kicks off again. Have decided to BD every 2nd day from about CD8 and then BD for 3 days in a row nearer to when I think I will be O (from about CD16 to CD19). Hopefully it will work!

I would think so... We Bd'd everyday from 3/6-3/18 (took 4 days off somwhere in there) and it worked. Lol...

I called the clinic today and they are having me come in today to do the lab tests. I just am in shock right now. I really am having a hard time letting it sink in that I am!! :D

I am worried though... I found out so early... What if it is a chemical or something... ??
Thanks for the info leelee. OK, sorry to be a newbie, but what does CD (As in CD10, CD17) mean? And how did you find out you were Oing on a day different to the one you thought? I know some girls on here take their temperature but how does that work? I don't have a thermometer - will a normal one i buy in a chemist do?

And what is 'temping'?

Sorry to be such a pain!

Hi Emily,

CD means cycle day. So I am CD3 today, the 3rd day in my cycle. I found out that I was ovulating on a different day because I was temping (taking my temperature). However, when you take your temperature it only tells you after you have ovulated. To find out when you are going to ovulate you need to get OPK's (ovulation predictor kits). I am only starting to use them this month.

If you decided to take your temperature you need to get a BBT thermometer Basal body temperature). It is different to a normal thermometer. I got mine from Access Diagnostics. You might be happy just to BD (have sex) every other day and not do all these things, so do whatever you are happiest with. I chose to temp because I wanted to understand my body more and I don'ty get a lot of CM (cervical mucus) so I can't really tell when I am O (ovulating).

Go to to find out all about temping. You can sign up and they will chart your temperature for you.

Hope this helps
Good morning Ladies,

I did get a stronger line this morning. :D One that I actually saw.. hehe...(I also took 2 more tests yesterday that had lines I could jsut see) So I guess I finally believe it.

The line I got yesterday was really faint in the morning, I barely believed it was there so I called it a BFN...

This mornings line was really easy to make out after about 2 minutes.

-Haley the wedding sounds wonderful

-Butterfly keep your chin up darlin.

-How are you doing leelee?

-Welcome Emily

That is fantastic news Mrs C. You must be thrilled!

I am good. Only CD3 for me so am enjoying drinking wine and chilling out for a few days before the whole thing kicks off again. Have decided to BD every 2nd day from about CD8 and then BD for 3 days in a row nearer to when I think I will be O (from about CD16 to CD19). Hopefully it will work!

I would think so... We Bd'd everyday from 3/6-3/18 (took 4 days off somwhere in there) and it worked. Lol...

I called the clinic today and they are having me come in today to do the lab tests. I just am in shock right now. I really am having a hard time letting it sink in that I am!! :D

I am worried though... I found out so early... What if it is a chemical or something... ??

Think positive thoughts Mrs C, loads of people on here find out early and everything is fine. Let us know how the tests go!
leelee you're fab - thanks so much for the info and the acronym translation! x
leelee you're fab - thanks so much for the info and the acronym translation! x

No worries Emily. I was the exact same as you last month. You will pick it up quickly. Just do whatever feels right for yourself.
*thinking aloud* so I'm CD12 of a 27 day cycle, meaning I'm likely to O on CD13, based on an O 14 days before the first day of my AF.

It's like a whole new language - haha!
Hey girls, well i'm officially in the 2ww again and i'm hoping this is my last one for awhile!! FF detected i ovulated on CD25, so i'm not sure if there saying that because when entering my data i put a +opk for that day or if they know by my temps..Anyways i'm excited and feel really good about this month..And if i were to concieve this cycle i would be due December 11, 2009, just in time for xmas!!!!

Hey hun :happydance: you're in the 2ww - it's exciting! Keep up the PMA hun. Try not to symptom spot cos it only spoils things. Good luck I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you. xx

Thanks hun!! Well this morning when i woke up i did my temp and it went from yesterday being 36.4 to 36.1...Now FF is all weird and has some kind of grey line there..I have no idea what it means..I'm still very very new to all of this charting and temping...Hope your doing well hun!!:hug:
Hi everyone, I hope you are all well.

Butterfly - that is really scary about the genetic testing, but you are right that 75% chance of everything being OK is good odds. You can always talk to us about it all, sometimes it just helps to talk about things. I have a really good feeling for you that all will be OK but I can imagine that time might go slowly for you till you find out.

Leelee - good to hear you are getting a bit of time to relax and have a few glasses of wine and all the other things you are not supposed to do when you're pregnant. Hopefully you'll be taking a long enforced break soon when you get your :bfp:.

Hayley - the wedding sounds fantastic, how wonderful to be able to get married in a castle! Glad the spotting has stopped but it's frustrating that there's still no sign of O.

Mrs Chamberlain - glad the line is getting stronger for you!

Want2beamom - good to see you again! I had a look at your chart and I think FF is confused because your temperature dropped again and because you had EWCM today, so they are now unsure whether or not you did already O. Better get a BD session in tonight if possible just to be on the safe side!!!

Emily - welcome to the group, this is a lovely group of girls, I really want to stick around until I see every one of them getting that well-deserved BFP. Wait till you see, you will soon be an expert on all this TTC stuff! Hope your stay in TTC is brief and it all happens quickly for you.

Well my update is that all seems to be going well. Still getting lots of symptoms although they do come and go, so I am hoping that everything is on track. 8 weeks on Thursday - can't believe it!!
Doctor confirmed! My due date (as of right now) is December 4th, 2009. My first appointment is at 8 weeks.

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