So who else is due to have their twins Feb 2012?

only 28 days left now! Can't wait!

Hope everyone else is doing ok

Wow, Melly! That will be here in no time!!!

Bumpfortwo- We have our names chosen. Unless I change my mind. :rofl:

I am 30 weeks today and had a doctor's visit. Everything seems to be good (BP, Hemoglobin, etc). However, it made me nervous that it took the doctor so long to find Baby B's heart beat. He found it on the same side as Baby A's. ??? He thinks Baby B is completely transverse now. I'll have my next ultrasound in 2 weeks, and we're going to start regular Fetal Non-Stress Tests. In other words, the doctor's office is going to become my new home away from home. :wacko: AFM.... I'm uncomfortable all the time and sleep is very ellusive. But I guess that's par for the course with twins. :dohh::dohh:
hello ladies,

hope everything is going well for you!?

had a hospital scare last Friday as I have, what i think, lost part of my mucus plug... sorry for tmi, it was green snot-like consistency and about half a cm big. when i arrived at triage, they monitored me and OMG, I had contractions every 8 minutes and they went up to over 130 in strength, not really painful, but uncomfortable very low down and they just felt like period cramps. they checked my cervix and it fortunately it was completely closed! phew...

I cannot wait to meet our little ones and just hope that I can keep them in for at least another 2-3 weeks. I do have strong BH every day and feel nauseous, tired, exhausted and have horrible back pain. appt with consultant on the 26th as well as a scan, will update you on weights etc. :)

:hug: to all of you! xx
tripletsOMG not long now! hows it going any sign of those babies moving to head down?

personally i am not at 32 weeks, freaking out and really cannot sleep or get comfortable and just walking around waitrose is a mission! although impressed i managed to move house being this pregnant - and freaked that the consultant said i would have been given permission to do a long haul flight - i couldnt think of anything worse at this stage of the pregnancy.

hows everyone else doing? was going to ask who has names chosen i seem to be really struggling this time around...

So surprisingly I am still pregnant. Had a test run @ 36wks prelabbor i guess went from closed and 20% effaced to 3cm and 60%; but it quit after 11 hrs:dohh: So i am just waiting for it to start up again. I feel a lil calmer now that I had a taste of wqhat it will be like with mw coming and setting up for our birth definately more relaxing staying @ home w/o worries of rushing to hospital.:thumbup: am i due first in this group by weeks of gestation not counting those who will be delivering early. Anyone elswe 37wks or more?
Anyone elswe 37wks or more?[/QUOTE]

Trip I am 37 weeks on Sat. so just a few short days behind you! :happydance:
Trip and Busy- I'm looking to you early February moms as inspiration. I'm only 30 weeks and I'm already starting to get discouraged. I have had no complications with this pregnancy which is great! But if one more doctor, nurse or co-worker points out how "smoothly" my pregnancy has gone, I'm going to lose it. Medically, it has gone smoothly, but that doesn't mean it's easy physically. :( I hurt pretty much everywhere except my earlobes. I can't sleep. I can't breathe. And I still have a ton of stuff to do to get ready for the twins.

If I'm feeling this way at 30 weeks, I cannot imagine how you ladies feel at 33, 36, 37 weeks.

Is anyone else still working? I'm in the US where we have really pathetic maternity leave benefits so I'm trying to save all my paid time off for after the babies are born. I am going to start working from home February 1, which I hope will be a lot easier because sitting at a desk in an uncomfortable office chair all day is killing my hips. I don't have to walk very much, but even the trip from my car to my office feels like a 5 mile hike.
Trip and Busy- I'm looking to you early February moms as inspiration. I'm only 30 weeks and I'm already starting to get discouraged. I have had no complications with this pregnancy which is great! But if one more doctor, nurse or co-worker points out how "smoothly" my pregnancy has gone, I'm going to lose it. Medically, it has gone smoothly, but that doesn't mean it's easy physically. :( I hurt pretty much everywhere except my earlobes. I can't sleep. I can't breathe. And I still have a ton of stuff to do to get ready for the twins.

If I'm feeling this way at 30 weeks, I cannot imagine how you ladies feel at 33, 36, 37 weeks.

Is anyone else still working? I'm in the US where we have really pathetic maternity leave benefits so I'm trying to save all my paid time off for after the babies are born. I am going to start working from home February 1, which I hope will be a lot easier because sitting at a desk in an uncomfortable office chair all day is killing my hips. I don't have to walk very much, but even the trip from my car to my office feels like a 5 mile hike.
i think alot of my doing great is bc i quit my job very early. 2 of my kids are in school so i can rest i felt terrible 28-34wks but now feel great maybe my body has adjusted to it. My babies are also low so brething is ok but nose is stuffy i am fortunate to have a long torso even though im petite. good luck!:hugs:
i am just about to hit 33 weeks and just feel HUGE, walking around the supermarket peoples jaws are dropping. i tell them its twins and still a few more weeks to go and replies are still you are huge!

the heartburn is dreadful (both breech so heads under my ribs) and my stretch marks at the front of my belly are bad now. then again at 31 weeks they have told me the babies are combined 10.5lbs plus all the other stuff in there so guess its to be expected.

i am curious to see what other peoples inch measurements are of their bump, back around front of belly button. i am about 56 inches at 33 weeks.

busymum5 and tripletsomg looks like you are the first deliver in the feb club. tripletsOMG looks like you came close.

OMG cannot believe this lady is 40 weeks with twins - walking at 33 weeks is a mission let alone shaking my bootie like this!!
i am curious to see what other peoples inch measurements are of their bump, back around front of belly button. i am about 56 inches at 33 weeks.

My fundal height today was 48 & I measure 50 inches around my "waist" if thats what you can call it.

Had a tough day today. My little boy was up last night being sick so I had very little sleep, went to the midwife at lunch & she started to ask questions & I just burst into tears.
I think I overdid it this morning too as was walking around car showrooms looking for a new car. Think we have decided on the Citroen C4 Grand Picasso
The BH were really bad & she was trying to see if the babies were head down & really hurt me down below. Which made me cry even more.

I know I'll be ok tomorrow after a good nights sleep, I was just caught on an off day but on a plus note.. she has pulled my next growth scan forward, so instead of waiting until the 6th Feb to see the little ones, I get to see them next Friday 27th Jan! :happydance:

With regards to work, my company policy is to not to force anyone onto maternity leave until 4 weeks before due date - which for me is the 31st January! There is no way I would have been able to work until then.. luckily I have a great Dr who on the 21st December signed me off work for 6 weeks.

Good Luck triplets.... I check on your profile everyday to see if you are still around. Hopefully you wont be too long now.
You too busymum! You 2 are the first ones to pop. Can't wait for you both

i am just about to hit 33 weeks and just feel HUGE, walking around the supermarket peoples jaws are dropping. i tell them its twins and still a few more weeks to go and replies are still you are huge!

the heartburn is dreadful (both breech so heads under my ribs) and my stretch marks at the front of my belly are bad now. then again at 31 weeks they have told me the babies are combined 10.5lbs plus all the other stuff in there so guess its to be expected.

i am curious to see what other peoples inch measurements are of their bump, back around front of belly button. i am about 56 inches at 33 weeks.

busymum5 and tripletsomg looks like you are the first deliver in the feb club. tripletsOMG looks like you came close.


last week i measured 51 fundal 111 girth:haha:
OMG so my girth is 142 CM at only 33 weeks - jesus! no wonder i waddle hahahahahah
i am just about to hit 33 weeks and just feel HUGE, walking around the supermarket peoples jaws are dropping. i tell them its twins and still a few more weeks to go and replies are still you are huge!

I'm getting these same looks of surprise (or horror) from complete strangers. :haha: And I'm 3 weeks behind you. :dohh:

Had a tough day today. My little boy was up last night being sick so I had very little sleep, went to the midwife at lunch & she started to ask questions & I just burst into tears.

Sorry about the tough day. :hugs: I had a similar bursting into tears experience this week. It was so stupid on my part, but I just couldn't stop the tears from coming. It shocked the nurse, so she found my doctor to come in and reassure me. He gave me a big bear hug and wrote his cell phone number down for me to call him at anytime. :flower: It was very sweet of him, but I felt like a bit of a baby. :blush: I can't wait to regain control of my emotions!!!

OMG so my girth is 142 CM at only 33 weeks - jesus! no wonder i waddle hahahahahah

Mine is 116 CM at 30 weeks. :wacko:
35 Weeks today!! Woop Woop!

I'm assuming we are all still here & doing really well? Anyone any niggles, shows etc? Its February this time next week!!

I fell down a couple of stairs last night, landed on my feet but oh my god my pelvis is sore! Paracetamol & bed today me thinks.

And I just want to give a big 2 Fingers! to all the people (not on here) who said.. ooohhh you'll not last & twins are always born early.. Blah blah! Get it up you!!


I'm a little bit ecstatic that I'm here. Can you tell? lol

Way to go, Melly! I'm 31 weeks today and feeling pretty stoked about it. :happydance: I actually feel much better now than I did at 28 weeks. I guess the boys are starting to nestle into nice comfy spots for the rest of the ride. I feel increased pressure in the pelvic region, and sometimes I swear my pubic bone is going to split in two :shock: but it's so nice to be able to breathe!!!! :thumbup:

Anyone else having swelling down in the nether regions? :blush: I suppose that I don't have to worry about the twinnies coming early because everything is swollen so tight I don't think they could get out if they wanted!!! :rofl:
yes I have swollen lady parts too. In fact when I get undressed my OH laughs & calls it my fat fanny! In the nicest possible way of course. :D

i hate that whole swollen lady parts, really hope that goes down quickly post birth!

well had my scan today and babies both breech so finally booked in for a section, had a little cry as wanted natural and still may be a chance but am now preped for the section. 20th feb babies should be here! apart from that i feel o.k although the heartburn is still horrid.

last leg hey ladies, have to say it feels quite slow now guess thats the waiting game.

hope you are o.k mel after your little fall. i have to say i keep bumping into things forget how far out front i am with this bump!
hello ladies wanted to check in. Had another run of early labor 3 mins apart 10hrs I even had pool ready this time. There was nothing fake about these ones they hurt and got stronger and longer. Then they stopped so I could sleep lol. well i am 16 days from my edd so I am still waiting too! Oh and i have one head down one breech not sure who will come out first neither is engaged so i only have leftie and rightie no longer A and B lol
Hey guys, looks like I'm just going to miss on feb as set for a section on the 30th. Both transverse and not looking to move!

Scan at 36+2 put twin one (boy) at 6lb14 and twin 2 (girl) at 7lb9 so looking very good and big!

Just want it done now as so uncomfortable :)

Hope everyone is holding up ok x
hello ladies wanted to check in. Had another run of early labor 3 mins apart 10hrs I even had pool ready this time.

Those twins really are giving you the runaround, bet its frustrating when it comes to an end. Surely you must be close now. Have they said when they will induce you or will they let you go to 40 weeks?

Hey guys, looks like I'm just going to miss on feb as set for a section on the 30th. Both transverse and not looking to move!

Scan at 36+2 put twin one (boy) at 6lb14 and twin 2 (girl) at 7lb9 so looking very good and big!

Just want it done now as so uncomfortable :)

good weights there, wishing you all the best for the 30th. xxx

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