Ha ha love it....they will fit dont worry!!!
I thought omg when i saw mine but they are pretty flexible.
I have never heard of them til ttc!
I put mine in after bd, i felt like it scoops anything stray and puts it in the right place! I do it lying down and go to sleep, and have been happy with where they are and feel they are fitting right, but both times by morning they are sort of side on and have slipped from how they should be....I suppose that is long enough though, if i really wanted to i could shove em back in!!
I have used these, and I put my legs up against the wall so i am half elevated, i find it easier than propping up my hips, I can do it longer like that and dh is used to it now, it is my little routine after bd, I never get up!!
Yes he probablly thinks i am crazy but as i tend to keep the poas thing private and just tell him when is 'good' i think he suspects I am a ttc freak but he is just as keen for our next little bundle of joy so tends to overlook my madness!!
Good luck to you, Hope the cups make it work for you!! Will certainly be using mine again this cycle!

thinkpink xx