Hey bella
yomo im getting excited for u, you mean a bfp? or positive opk?
im just cooking us lamb moussaka, garlic bread and salad mmmm im so hungry today!
id love to go over to 1st trimester with all you girls, the time would fly by!!!!!!!!!!!!
Afternoon Ladies, You all have some lovely names for those BFP that we are gonna get this month!!!! PMA
I have always always wanted to call my little girl Bethany (my doll as a child was called Bethany lol )
I love loads of boys names:
I got a faint line yesterday on my internet cheap tests so I had a bit just in case! I am hoping that the line is a bit darker tonight when i get home.
Helly - enjoy the pancakes have one for me!
Laura - Glad you are ok (other than the sickness, but just think you have been waiting soooo long to feel like this! Morning sickness is a good thing) I can't wait but I bet I'm not saying that when I have my head down the loo.
Is everyone else ok?
Afternoon darling!!
Callum is a lovely name I also like that! We ARE going to get our springtime 's!!!
was that a faint line on an opk? Just go at it like rabbits for the next 5 days
Bethany was my dolly's name too!!! Although I seem to have grown out of liking it for a daughter I think it's because one of my sister's friends is called Bethany and she's a scraggy little thing - put me off lol funny how if you know someone or heard of someone with the name it puts you off!
Ladies im worried....i did a test at 8dpo durrrr i looked and couldnt see anything, went to check on kian, then went back and looked again and i see the faintest i mean bend it in half faint line, but its a cheapo and i dont trust it, i think im seeing things, i hate this ill try again in 2 days see if it gets darker, im probably imagining it, no point me taking a pic cus u wont see it, i can barely see it which makes me think im suffering from "i see a line when there is no line syndrome"
Okay, at the top of this thread (not in user cp!) there is a thing that says "thread tools" click on it and click subscribe to thread and see if that works!
Yomo I had little rabbit droppings in labour!! HAHA But your body clears itself out first, like you get major runs when you are in early labour - I swear I thought I was gonna die from the smell it was so bad!!! HAHAHA
I used to only go once a week when I was anorexic, now it's every 2 days but even when I was anorexic and was constantly constipated I have never had anything like last night. I swear if it's not a pregnancy sign then I will DIE!