CP still high, still mucusy, no blood! lol Earlier when I checked I couldn't even reach my cervix - it's trying to get away from me!
LMAO- it has a mind of its own Eve!
Second peak this morning on my CBFM-this morning and I noticed my cervix was sore- Well I am presuming it was my cervix. DH had to be careful as it was rather tender. Then I put SC in and it has been sore for a few hours. Now I cant tell as much but on the train the past few hours. I am wondering if it is something to do with SC usage, has anyone else had this? I dont recall this last cycle. I even have wondered if it is me just constipated and my pains are that...ok- I know...but ttc is making me insane!
Constipation still, CP still high, no blood just creamy cm..... Feel like I'm talking to myself today!! LOL Where is everyone?!
Yomo there you are! I was wondering where you'd got too!!
Poor you having the cold, that sucks but yay for being 6DPO!! How are you feeling?? Any symptom spotting??
I so hope so Yomo, it's killing me not knowing. I got a BFN yesterday and was gutted but I know it was early at 12DPO.... I'll be 14DPO tomorrow so I'm HOPING...
See ya soon Kimmy!