
Minimin- That totally looks positive sweetheart.. Thats awesome! I hope this is it for you! FX'd. :)! :hugs:
Hey ladies thought I would update you.AF is one day late I am now on CD31 and have another faint line on this mornings test at 14dpo. I have uploaded a pic with Top= 9dpo, Middle=12dpo and lower, 14dpo.

View attachment 54602

Seems the line hasnt changed much. As I am at risk of another ectopic I shall be hoping to see a stronger line over the coming days :cry: The doctors should repeat the test for me and then send me to EPU.

BUT- Looks like Softcups may have worked!!!!! When are you ladies testing??

Just fingers crossed that it isnt an ep-is sticky and in the right place [-o<[-o<

OH Minimin. I am so happy for you I have actually shed a tear or two. I so, so, so hope this one turns out well for you and you get your longed for bubba.

Please keep us updated. X X X
Fx for you minimin! I know the fear of another EP so I am really praying for you that is not the case.
You didn't char with fertility friend by chance did you? Looking back on my chart when I had my EP showed me a lot. Unfortunatly I didn't see it then.

Keep your PMA, and get to your dr right away! :hugs:

THanks Premomt- I only started charting everything after the EP. It is interesting that you saw things for your EP cycle in your chart. Doo you mind being a little more specific. My chart is below- with MedHelp if you have a chance to look.

Thanks :hugs:
Thanks Anteater- I feel kinds still unsure about it. I do believe in these scoftcups though- I am praying you get yours soon. I tested before AF was late do you think you will also? I have other issues- ie the ectopic which does put me at high risk- and this takes away the :happydance:
I guess once bloodwork/earlyscan is done I will really believe it

I feel quite protective of us Softcup users and want it to do its magic to all of us. Fxd for all of us!
also want to give you some of my :dust:- pass on the luck eh?
Thanks Anteater- I feel kinds still unsure about it. I do believe in these scoftcups though- I am praying you get yours soon. I tested before AF was late do you think you will also? I have other issues- ie the ectopic which does put me at high risk- and this takes away the :happydance:

I can understand this. I can't help but think if I get pregnant again it will end in mc because that is my only experience of pregnancy. I know this is just in my head though.

I (luckily) don't know much about ectopic pregnancy. I didn't know doctors could tell anything about it through blood tests and I've no idea what Premont means about seeing it in her charting:shrug: It's strange how these things are just a mystery until you go through it yourself (like mc was to me until I had one).

I agree Minimin I want the softcup magic to work for us all. One day I want to read through this thread again and add up all the people who got pregnant using them (apparently in the first month for quite a few I seem to remember):dust:
minmin that is sooo exciting i hope this is it for you! I hope i get some of your luck , im due to test in 10 days!
Emz87 :dust: to you! 10 days and counting!
Anteater as with all loses-mc or ep you will always worry it will happen again. I never knew anything about EP until I had one and then spent weeks trying to figure out why and did I do something to make it happen. I think I can fairly safely say similar thoughts would have gone through your head too- it is such a natural reaction, as is the fear of it rearing its ugly head again. Taking it one day at a time does help.
Today I read on someones post that they were not going to worry and enjoy the fact that 'at the moment I am pregnant'. This hit a cord with me as I think I will be spending most of my pregnancy and post pregnancy worrying it will all be taken from me again. But we cant live like that...
ok that rant over.. :)

Ectopic pregnancies typically have a slower rising hCG level and it doesnt double as normal. By monitoring it from this week we may be able to detect an abnormality. Normally ultrasounds will not pick up anything until hCG is about 2000 or more. Until then I cant rule out pregnancy in the right place even if the hCG is doubling as it should be (rate of doubling more important than the number itself :shrug:) So ultimately I think a scan will tell us. There is a catch 22 to all this as below 2000-3000 I would not have to have surgery after this they would operate and most likely I would lose my other tube too :cry: But thats something I will have to cross if and when it happens [-o<

As for BBT and Premonts comment- I have no idea so will be interested to hear what she saw on her chart.

Did they have any idea as to why you had an MC?
Minimin~ Your chart is a bit different but I think I got the jist of it. When was your EP? Did you have surgery? Did you have to have an ovary or tube removed?

The main thing I saw in my chart after the fact was that my post BFP temps were ALL over the place.
Also- I spotted when I was due for af. I thought this was ok as other laides had this happen and nothing came of it. So I though as long as it's not red or gushing its not a big deal.

I started having pains on a wednesday night that I though were gas or BM related. (I should have known otherwise because it woke me out of a sound sleep. :dohh:) But I attributed it to IBS as it was on my left side, and I have had IBS pain before that felt similar. 3 days later with no releif, I went to the ER. I had ruptured but from what my dr said none of my parts were affected to the point of removal. The egg had implanted on my ovary near my tube and when it ruptured the two came apart. she just had to clean me out, put me back together again and here I am today.
I think I have scarring that has closed my tube because I had 2 chemicals before my EP and I've had nothing since then.
I tried to upload a link to my chart to show you the temp erraticness, but can't figure it out...:dohh:

Dont worry yourself sick over this though. Just try and stay chilled out until you can get your Quantatitive done. Then you will have a more definitive answer, and be able to make decisions from there.

FX for you and I am really praying you do not have a reoccourance of an EP.
Hi Ladies, I am new to this site, but have found this thread very interesting. I am currently on an anxious 2ww, but if we have no joy, I am defo buying these soft cups and the p[re-seed for an extra good measure:flower:
Thanks Anteater- I feel kinds still unsure about it. I do believe in these scoftcups though- I am praying you get yours soon. I tested before AF was late do you think you will also? I have other issues- ie the ectopic which does put me at high risk- and this takes away the :happydance:

I can understand this. I can't help but think if I get pregnant again it will end in mc because that is my only experience of pregnancy. I know this is just in my head though.

I (luckily) don't know much about ectopic pregnancy. I didn't know doctors could tell anything about it through blood tests and I've no idea what Premont means about seeing it in her charting:shrug: It's strange how these things are just a mystery until you go through it yourself (like mc was to me until I had one).

I agree Minimin I want the softcup magic to work for us all. One day I want to read through this thread again and add up all the people who got pregnant using them (apparently in the first month for quite a few I seem to remember):dust:

Hey Anteater, I would love to hear your progress, as you are almost in the same cycle as me, aslo, from reading the softcups threat, I noticed that your husband was 50, and you 35. My position is almost the same. I am 33 (almost 34) and my husband 49 (almost 50), so if you fancy a TTC buddy let me know.

Minimin~ Your chart is a bit different but I think I got the jist of it. When was your EP? Did you have surgery? Did you have to have an ovary or tube removed?

The main thing I saw in my chart after the fact was that my post BFP temps were ALL over the place.
Also- I spotted when I was due for af. I thought this was ok as other laides had this happen and nothing came of it. So I though as long as it's not red or gushing its not a big deal.

I started having pains on a wednesday night that I though were gas or BM related. (I should have known otherwise because it woke me out of a sound sleep. :dohh:) But I attributed it to IBS as it was on my left side, and I have had IBS pain before that felt similar. 3 days later with no releif, I went to the ER. I had ruptured but from what my dr said none of my parts were affected to the point of removal. The egg had implanted on my ovary near my tube and when it ruptured the two came apart. she just had to clean me out, put me back together again and here I am today.
I think I have scarring that has closed my tube because I had 2 chemicals before my EP and I've had nothing since then.
I tried to upload a link to my chart to show you the temp erraticness, but can't figure it out...:dohh:

Dont worry yourself sick over this though. Just try and stay chilled out until you can get your Quantatitive done. Then you will have a more definitive answer, and be able to make decisions from there.

FX for you and I am really praying you do not have a reoccourance of an EP.

Hey Premont,
I had to have a tube removed- right one. I found I was pregnant about 5 weeks and picked up on Superdrug and CBD and then the docs nurse said BFN. I waited to see Doc two days later and still could get hpt to work but docs still no so she sent me for bloods on the friday. I didnt get results until the monday but by then I had started bleeding. I knew something was wrong and thought I would be miscarrying.

after more bloods for another two weeks, and a few scans they eventually said it was an EP and I had it removed that evening at around 8 wks. I only had the top part of the tube and all the pregnancy removed. They said I was lucky as it could have ruptured and resulted in internal bleeding.

I was told the other tube (this is post op consultation) had some external scarring but they removed as much as they could. They said to try naturally and they would see me in six months (appt in June) but they hoped I would be cancelling it! I asked about hsg to see if they remaining tube is blocked but we decided to wait and see what happens at least until Feb- Mar 2010.

When you mentioned your temps were erratic... how up and down did they go. Mine seem above 36.4 and before ov they were much lower so I am hoping this is ok.

I am glad nothing had to be removed in your case. I am so aware of the fact I am one tube down- still we only need one tube, ovary and :spermy: !!

I havent made docs appt as yet. I will call at 8am tomorrow and see- I may see the doc if space available or they may make me wait until the Nurse is available at 4pm. I hope not! as I would like bloods drawn tomorrow---

Keep you posted hun xxx

minimin- my temps dipped below my coverline. ( i am not really sure how to figure that out but I think you take all your temps pre ov and average them to find the cover line. Fertility friend figured that out for me that cycle) They were way up one day and way down the next. :shrug:
I am surprised that you didn't have any pain associated with your EP. I suppose that happens with a rupture. (I had aparently ruptured on wed slightly then fully came undone either on the way to the ER or at the ER. LOTS of internal bleeding. Very anemic afterwards)

The only thing I can say is keep positive. Be wary of possible signs, but as you said before enjoy being pregnant. And see your Dr ASAP for Bloods. :hugs:

As for me- I think I am around 8DPO and as usual, my PMA has dissapeared. Been checking my CP and it has not exibited the same symptoms as it did when I was PG with the EP before (high, firm but subtle, and Very Closed.)
So I am just feeling like it didn't happen again. :sad2: hopefully things will turn around soon.
:dust: to all!
minimin- my temps dipped below my coverline. ( i am not really sure how to figure that out but I think you take all your temps pre ov and average them to find the cover line. Fertility friend figured that out for me that cycle) They were way up one day and way down the next. :shrug:
I am surprised that you didn't have any pain associated with your EP. I suppose that happens with a rupture. (I had aparently ruptured on wed slightly then fully came undone either on the way to the ER or at the ER. LOTS of internal bleeding. Very anemic afterwards)

The only thing I can say is keep positive. Be wary of possible signs, but as you said before enjoy being pregnant. And see your Dr ASAP for Bloods. :hugs:

As for me- I think I am around 8DPO and as usual, my PMA has dissapeared. Been checking my CP and it has not exibited the same symptoms as it did when I was PG with the EP before (high, firm but subtle, and Very Closed.)
So I am just feeling like it didn't happen again. :sad2: hopefully things will turn around soon.
:dust: to all!

Hey Premont!
I think your right with re: to pain. I was sooo lucky it hadnt ruptured and so I didnt lose blood and wasnt in any pain. I am of course monitoring every tweak and twang.

I am with you on losing PMA- but we have to keep it up. 8dpo is still early- yet. I havent monitored my CP at all and think I just recently actually felt my CP- so must have been pretty low- I am still thinking and praying for you.

So when I went to the nurse on 12dpo she tested and got a :bfn:. As I wasnt late for AF (AF due 14dpo) she said to return today-which I did and again she has a :bfn: at 16dpo???

I was expecting to be monitored as I am at risk of another ectopic and instead was told to come back next week!!! :growlmad: Surely this is not the way to monitor and Ectopic pregnancy sufferer? I will be about 5w3d then. I started to spot bleed and then properly bleed by this time with my ectopic so I am wondering if this is what they are waiting to see happens?
I am concerned now that my hCG is low that it is isnt detect at 4w 3d and wonder if it can still be a health viable pregnancy. This has too many hallmarks of m ectopic and it is so hard to keep it all together and not worry. I would have thought- and partly was given the impression I would be closely monitored as soon as I was late for AF- despite me having faint positives last week I was sent away- told to come back next week and referred then. Now they tell me to go back a week later?????

I am wondering as my Doc was the one who sent me for bloods first when I last was pregnant with the EP. I dont want to Pee anyone off (namely the nurse- she is lovely) but shall I just make an appointment to see the Doctor on Monday morning rather than the nurse?

Too boot, I am not really feeling any symptoms now- No sore boobs- slight on the edges but think that is the underwiring in my bra- I dont have weird tastes, twinges and tweaks are getting less and I am sleeping less at night- Could I know be going through a chemical/mmc and hence the nurse' test was negative. I havent done a hpt as yet today and mow FMU has gone-(nurse) so will wait until tomorrow if I do one. Starting to think it is probably best to wait it out and not poas anymore. Have any of you ladies had a healthy happy pregnancy with no symptoms at around 4w???

So I am no where nearer or clearer in knowing what is going on?????????
If you can help or have any idea what I should do please help.

And to round it all up- DH and I have had a massive blow out and I am about to pack and leave. I told him not to start arguing as I didnt want to ge stressed and he still did. I walked away and cooped upstairs for about two days- and he came up and started again before bed last night. I am so angry at him for risking it and frustrated more than ever as he seems to think of only himself and not of what I may be going through!

I dont know if it is worth going to stay at my Mum's for a while on the other side of town or to sit out this side as I am closer to EPU/AE if I need to this week.

Thanks ladies- I feel better for having ranted a little.:blush:

Hey hun when i was preg with my son i had no preg symptoms-none what so ever i just had a feeling i was so i was testing and bfn went to drs bfn i was two weeks late for af before i had a bfp i had slow rising hcg but i went onto have a healthy pg and a health lo i hope everything works out ok 4 u
Yes minimin- every pg is so different. Some gals have every symptom under the sun and some get none at all.
I am going to play devils advocate and say you need to demand bloods. If you are getting faint positives on HPTs- even if they are getting BFNs at the drs they need to take it seriously, and not shove you off. The tests they use are prob not as sensitive, or the nurse who looked at the test follows the "if its not as dark as the control its not a positive" rule.
Bring in your HPTs. Take another if you can, and bring it in with you to show them. Also print off your chart and bring that as well. My dr took me much more seriously when I brought my charts in.
Make an appt with the dr who told you he would do bloods and bring him the evidence!
I hate ignorant healthcare providers!! Look where it leads us! :hissy:
Call the office and set up an appt with the dr and let us know how it goes. :hug:
Minimin - I really feel for you:hugs: It's so unfair isn't it. Having a baby should be the most natural thing in the world but for us it seems to be linked with a lot of stress and uncertainty.

I don't understand why at the GP surgery people get a BFN when with a HPT they get a BFP. Surely the GP uses tests that are as sensitive. When I was pregnant my GP told me there was no point her doing a test as the HPT are the same so she just took my word for it.

As for lack of symptoms, don't worry about it. When I conceived I didn't have any symptoms at all (except lack of AF) until 7 weeks when the morning sickness and bloating kicked in.

My OH and I argued all the time when I was pregnant. It seems like it's quite a normal thing to happen. I guess it was my fault because I was the one that was going through change but it sure didn't feel like it was my fault:winkwink:
If you can, I would sit quietly for a moment, take a few deep breaths and see how you feel. Would you be better at your mum's away from a pressure cooker situation or would you be better to stay in your own home and see if you can sort things out with your DH?
I know I always felt like I needed to get away but never did. I think it might have been better if I had, but I would have had to explain very carefully to my OH that I still loved him and just needed some time on my own for both our sakes. It all depends on how each individual relationship works. I hate arguing and always think it's the end of the world, other couples argue regularly and don't have a problem with it. All I know is that it is a very stressful time for us girls.

Good luck with it all, my dear:dust:

jojomac - Hello. It's good to here of someone in a similar situation. How long have you been TTC? Are you using the softcups?

I met my DH 2 years ago. We bought a house together in May and got married in October. We started TTC in January 09 and I fell pregnant in May. Sadly I had a mc at 11 weeks:cry: I have felt very negative about getting pg since we started TTC again in Sept. I have just felt as though it will never happen but trying the softcups has made me feel much more positive.

I'm 8 DPO today. I will probably test on Wed, although if I had the willpower I would rather wait until AF is due on the 11th because I don't want to go through the heartache of a chemical pg if it were to happen (see what I mean about negative attitude:dohh:) When will you test?

Premomt - I know what you mean about losing your PMA. I find the 2WW the hardest thing. I just want to know! I argue with myself all the time: 'This could be the month' - 'Don't be silly, it probably won't be' etc. etc. I'm like Gollum in Lord of the Rings.

Good luck everyone, with whatever stage you are at:flower:
Minimin - I really feel for you:hugs: It's so unfair isn't it. Having a baby should be the most natural thing in the world but for us it seems to be linked with a lot of stress and uncertainty.

I don't understand why at the GP surgery people get a BFN when with a HPT they get a BFP. Surely the GP uses tests that are as sensitive. When I was pregnant my GP told me there was no point her doing a test as the HPT are the same so she just took my word for it.

As for lack of symptoms, don't worry about it. When I conceived I didn't have any symptoms at all (except lack of AF) until 7 weeks when the morning sickness and bloating kicked in.

My OH and I argued all the time when I was pregnant. It seems like it's quite a normal thing to happen. I guess it was my fault because I was the one that was going through change but it sure didn't feel like it was my fault:winkwink:
If you can, I would sit quietly for a moment, take a few deep breaths and see how you feel. Would you be better at your mum's away from a pressure cooker situation or would you be better to stay in your own home and see if you can sort things out with your DH?
I know I always felt like I needed to get away but never did. I think it might have been better if I had, but I would have had to explain very carefully to my OH that I still loved him and just needed some time on my own for both our sakes. It all depends on how each individual relationship works. I hate arguing and always think it's the end of the world, other couples argue regularly and don't have a problem with it. All I know is that it is a very stressful time for us girls.

Good luck with it all, my dear:dust:

jojomac - Hello. It's good to here of someone in a similar situation. How long have you been TTC? Are you using the softcups?

I met my DH 2 years ago. We bought a house together in May and got married in October. We started TTC in January 09 and I fell pregnant in May. Sadly I had a mc at 11 weeks:cry: I have felt very negative about getting pg since we started TTC again in Sept. I have just felt as though it will never happen but trying the softcups has made me feel much more positive.

I'm 8 DPO today. I will probably test on Wed, although if I had the willpower I would rather wait until AF is due on the 11th because I don't want to go through the heartache of a chemical pg if it were to happen (see what I mean about negative attitude:dohh:) When will you test?

Premomt - I know what you mean about losing your PMA. I find the 2WW the hardest thing. I just want to know! I argue with myself all the time: 'This could be the month' - 'Don't be silly, it probably won't be' etc. etc. I'm like Gollum in Lord of the Rings.

Good luck everyone, with whatever stage you are at:flower:

Hi Anteater

Oh You are testing so fingers are crossed for you. I am testing around 11th, but am hoping am feeling some signs, been cramping a lot, some localised pain on my right, sore bb's, and have had terrible heartburn and burping (lol) over the past 2 days. So fingers crossed, its not my mind playing tricks.

Keep us updated.
Jo xx
Hey ladies

Anteater- your comment about Gollum makes me laugh- I can so relate to that and thought it was just me making myself go mad- but glad to know we all do it!

Premont and Emz87- Thanks for taking the time to calm me down and give me some sensible advice... I did exactly that!

DH and I needed time away so I did go to my Mums- but that escape didnt last long!

After my nurse' yesterday I called the Docs today and for some reason the receptionists didnt answer and it was the actual Doctor. I spoke to her and said I had an ectopi previously and was late for :witch: and had :bfn: with the nurse twice and not at home. She didnt even bother asking me to come in. Said there will be a referral for bloodwork at the reception desk and to come and get it. So! I had to leg it back home-(so much for getting away from DH :blush:](*,)- but this is more important of course!) Well legged it home, got the form and then to the hospital to get bloods done. Just made it in for today so I should get the results tomorrow. Fxd crossed please![-o<

I agree our hormones are all over the place. I only realised the extent of it when I was at Mum's and my nephew was over. I love him to bits but little things were getting me so annoyed at him- bless. I am tearing up thinking about how I shouted at him--- oh and he is so young and only wanted to play!
Darn Hormones!

Are you testing soon Anteater?
minimin i have my fingers tightly crossed for you and hope that the blood work proves that you are infact preggo, good luck for 2morro x

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