
Hi Anteater

Oh You are testing so fingers are crossed for you. I am testing around 11th, but am hoping am feeling some signs, been cramping a lot, some localised pain on my right, sore bb's, and have had terrible heartburn and burping (lol) over the past 2 days. So fingers crossed, its not my mind playing tricks.

Keep us updated.
Jo xx

You are very restrained Jo, waiting to test until the 11th. I am trying desperately not to symptom spot. The further into the 2WW that I get the more stressy I am. I hate not knowing and I can't bear the thought of the disappointment again.

Minimin, my fingers are firmly crossed for you. Good luck my dear. I am going to test tomorrow at 10 DPO. I know I shouldn't and I will only be disappointed but next Monday, when AF is due, seems like an eternity away.
Hi Anteater

Oh You are testing so fingers are crossed for you. I am testing around 11th, but am hoping am feeling some signs, been cramping a lot, some localised pain on my right, sore bb's, and have had terrible heartburn and burping (lol) over the past 2 days. So fingers crossed, its not my mind playing tricks.

Keep us updated.
Jo xx

You are very restrained Jo, waiting to test until the 11th. I am trying desperately not to symptom spot. The further into the 2WW that I get the more stressy I am. I hate not knowing and I can't bear the thought of the disappointment again.

Minimin, my fingers are firmly crossed for you. Good luck my dear. I am going to test tomorrow at 10 DPO. I know I shouldn't and I will only be disappointed but next Monday, when AF is due, seems like an eternity away.

i know exactly what you mean about the not knowing the first week of the 2ww was easy i didnt do any symptom spotting but now i cant help it and id love 2 know im 10dpo tomorro aswell af due tues tho and i will be testing aswell i know im in for a bfn but i have to do it!!
i know exactly what you mean about the not knowing the first week of the 2ww was easy i didnt do any symptom spotting but now i cant help it and id love 2 know im 10dpo tomorro aswell af due tues tho and i will be testing aswell i know im in for a bfn but i have to do it!!

I'm sooo with you sister. Good luck:hugs:
emz87 and Anteater- I am rooting for you!! We shall all be poas addicts tomorrow!
Thanks for you support ladies. I would be even more neurotic without you- errr is that possible?:blush:
tbh i dont even know why im testing well i do its because of my addiction lol but im soooo out. Minimin when will you have your results back? i hope u have some answers!!
Well I've read the entire thread and by pg 20 I ordered some for when I ov in approx 2 weeks.
Hi to all the others ttc. I've been engrossed in your stories all night. Especially Minimin. I really hope your lil bean sticks.
By the way, what does fx'd mean ??? Sorry, I'm a newbie!!
Em x
Hey ladies and welcome newbies!

Embo78-I hope your SC come soon! Are you going to be able to use them soon? Fxd means Fingers crossed babe.
Emz87- I think the labs will have the results today and the GP can access them this afternoon. I think I will call about 4-5pm to see if she has them. From my last experience with the EP they were supposed to get them by close of the day but didnt and I had to wait until the following work day which was after the weekend!! argghh.. but tomorrow should be at the lattest.
So my Clear blue digital from this morning:

:bfp: at 18dpo. I will be 4w and 5days by my calculations!

I am still nervous until we get my bloods monitored.

BUT!!! Softcups so DO work!!! Come ladies- get testing!! Looking forward to all those testing soon. Fxd super million times. And those getting some :sex: in- happy times :)

emz87 and anteater- how did it go.. ?????



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Good luck Minimin. It must be reassuring to see that :bfp: I hope you get those results today and all is well:hugs:

I got a BFN, of course:cry: This is where I start to feel really negative.

My DH isn't very well so he went to bed early. I sat downstairs and cried and cried because I so want to conceive. The trouble is my DH has been ill for 8 weeks (he has a chronic illness anyway but he's having a bad flare up) so BD is not always possible. We did BD over the time I was OVing this month but not regularly through the whole cycle, like you are supposed to. If it's a BFN this month I don't think the chances of TTC are great for next month. I get so down about it.

Also, I keep hearing everywhere that the best way to conceive is to relax about it all. All those stories about women getting pregnant when they stopped TTC. How does that work? How can I stop wanting it and relax about it? I think I did OK this month, I didn't use the OPKs, but I sure feel desperate about it now.

Sorry for the rant:wacko:
Good luck Minimin. It must be reassuring to see that :bfp: I hope you get those results today and all is well:hugs:

I got a BFN, of course:cry: This is where I start to feel really negative.

My DH isn't very well so he went to bed early. I sat downstairs and cried and cried because I so want to conceive. The trouble is my DH has been ill for 8 weeks (he has a chronic illness anyway but he's having a bad flare up) so BD is not always possible. We did BD over the time I was OVing this month but not regularly through the whole cycle, like you are supposed to. If it's a BFN this month I don't think the chances of TTC are great for next month. I get so down about it.

Also, I keep hearing everywhere that the best way to conceive is to relax about it all. All those stories about women getting pregnant when they stopped TTC. How does that work? How can I stop wanting it and relax about it? I think I did OK this month, I didn't use the OPKs, but I sure feel desperate about it now.

Sorry for the rant:wacko:

Hi Anteater

I hope your BFP will come in the next day or two. I know how you feel. I was so anxious when I had my implanon removed, as my husband is 49, I am so worried that because of his age (and lifestyle- which is far from ideal) that we might not be able to conceive. It has taken me 2 years to convince him that I wanted a baby, and now he has agreed, I would be devestated that it doesn't happen.

I hope this is all of our month for :bfp: and keep the chin up.

Minimin - Congrats on your :bfp: I am so chuffed for you.

Jo xx
girls would you mind if i joined you? i ordered some soft cups yesterday. never even heard of them until someone suggested them to me (my mum lol) My OH is away this month so im planning on just inserting them as a practice trial as i have heard they can be fiddly and then next month when i start my 2nd round of clomid ill be using them again.

Thanks minimin. How great does that BFP look?????
Prayin for ya chicken and fxd it sticks!!
Although this is our official month ttc I am hoping we are lucky and catch quickly. my youngest is 8 so the gap is huge already!
Anteater - I'm so sorry you've been upset but sometes it's good to let it all out with a good bawl and a rant!! I think the theory goes because there's so many couples who get to the point where they give up, some even adopt, then lo and behold, they're pregnant. But you can't force yourself into that head space when all you want is your lil bubby.
Sorry if I'm cutting in but I just felt ur pain when I read ur post and wanted to offer you some kind words.
Hope today is brighter day for you
em x
Anteater- Hey it is still early- your not out until :witch: decides to show :hugs:. I didnt :bding: every other day through out the cycle. Just the week before I knew I was supposed to and started using SC around three days before OV- until one day after OV. I use the Clear Blue fertility monitor to help locate my peak days. I also BBT and CM monitor- BBT was crap as I dont think I am taking temps well and CM was supposed to give me highs before peak but instead went from low to peak!
I also have been taking EPO at the beginning of my cycle to help with CM.
I started off monitoring nothing and month by month I add something- It is my way of keeping positive. I hope you are feeling better and keep your chin up honey! as Ambo said- ranting and crying is good to let those darned emotions out! Remember honey- you are not out yet still--- it could be waaaayyyy to early!!! fxd :hugs:

Jojomac! Thanks for the best wishes- My DH is not ideal fitness either:dohh:- I am trying to get him to walk more and eat better- thats about all I can control thought -Men !:shrug:

Laura6914 Welcome! I hope you can get the hang of them! I cant stop raving about them! are you monitoring your cycles?

Embo78- thanks honey! Are you monitoring your cycles either? DO you know when you OV?

Good luck ladies- I hope you are keeping warm- I am freezing and contemplating going back to bed.- Seem to have a dull headache on the left side :wacko:

Minimin xxxx
hi mimimin, well i use OPKs every month to know when i OV. as im on clomid i take Robitsin to help with my CM as it can dry you up. I have just started taking my BBT so will see how that goes. Thats all really.
I ahve been TTC for over two years and my mum called me last night about SC which i had never ever heard off. Googled it an lone behold found this thread on here. :happydance:

How easy are they to get in and remove? Im a bit apprehensive to be honest. are they uncomforatble? Can you re use them? sorry for all the questions.

Anteater- Hey it is still early- your not out until :witch: decides to show :hugs:. I didnt :bding: every other day through out the cycle. Just the week before I knew I was supposed to and started using SC around three days before OV- until one day after OV. I use the Clear Blue fertility monitor to help locate my peak days. I also BBT and CM monitor- BBT was crap as I dont think I am taking temps well and CM was supposed to give me highs before peak but instead went from low to peak!
I also have been taking EPO at the beginning of my cycle to help with CM.
I started off monitoring nothing and month by month I add something- It is my way of keeping positive. I hope you are feeling better and keep your chin up honey! as Ambo said- ranting and crying is good to let those darned emotions out! Remember honey- you are not out yet still--- it could be waaaayyyy to early!!! fxd :hugs:

Jojomac! Thanks for the best wishes- My DH is not ideal fitness either:dohh:- I am trying to get him to walk more and eat better- thats about all I can control thought -Men !:shrug:

Laura6914 Welcome! I hope you can get the hang of them! I cant stop raving about them! are you monitoring your cycles?

Embo78- thanks honey! Are you monitoring your cycles either? DO you know when you OV?

Good luck ladies- I hope you are keeping warm- I am freezing and contemplating going back to bed.- Seem to have a dull headache on the left side :wacko:

Minimin xxxx

Hi Minimin...Gives me hope that there are more ladies with BFP, with those whose partners who enjoy a drink and curry a little too much lol.:haha:

Anteater - On the positive side - my firend who is now 20 weeks pregnant, never got her BFP until 15dpo, so still plenty of time....keep positive (hard I know):flower:

Good luck to all of the ladies testing in the next day or two...
It's so exciting. My ovulation and early pregnancy tests arrived this morning whoop!! Now I just need to get my thermometer and wait for my soft cups!! I ovulate around the 22nd Jan so I have a little while yet. Should I be BD for the whole month or just in that week? Do you think I should use my SC's straight away or try without at first. I'm such a novice at this and I have three children!!! With my DD who's now 13, I was 8 weeks gone when I found out, with DD who's 12 I fell pregnant 2 mths after giving birth and with DS, 8, I kept getting - until I was about 6 weeks. Even doctor was convinced I wasn't cos the two tests I had their said negative too!
I had a chemical pregnancy last summer and I and my partner were devastated that I turned out not to be, total surprise because we babies never came into our heads. We've been together three years, engaged for six months and aching for our own baby. Our lifestyles are far from perfect, I'm currently losing weight, atleast I don't smoke any more, I quit March 09, and don't drink but I'm very unfit. My children have set my up on the wii fit and I've already lost my Christmas weight!!! Yay!!
Anyway there's a little bit about me.
Em x
Laura6194 and Emb078 -
I found them easier to put in after :sex: as I was still lying in bed. I would also have to take them out in this position too. It wasnt too messy as I think most of the :spermy: had been taken up. I put them in straight after :sex: and kept them in overnight if we :sex: at night. Morning ones, again, would put in straight away and then get up shower etc. I took it out after about 8-9hours. They recommend to keep it in for 12hours max. Did you see the link for their website? There is a video of how to insert and remove them. I did find it weird as they are quiet large- but that was nerves, I couldnt feel a thing once I had it in. When I removed it- it as a bit fiddly, but once you caught the top ring it was easy enough. Have you got time to try a few times before BDing? I would suggest using them all the time around any :sex: you have near ovulation. I didnt :sex: before that- I would say I got a bit dry during the day after SC removed. I think the SC collate everything including CM-Hope that helps ladies!

Jojomac-honey I think my DH loves his Curry, Pizza, Pints, Cheese, Crisps, chocolate, desserts---- list can go on! I did make him take Multivits with Zinc as I think :spermy: use zinc to swim. We also both take Manuka honey at least once a day if possible. Have you heard of it? I read somewhere that Honey and cinnamon helped fertility! But I dont think it is medically proven!
Oh and I dont think they can be reused!
Embo78- Congrats on quitting and losing that weight! I am impressed. My sis has a Wii fit she doesnt use so I am hoping she can pass it to me. I do Yoga but over the holidays it has gone to pot :( Time to start again! I stopped drinking a week before I knew I was going to ovulate. I did notice the first few cycles post-ep my cycles were spot on and my CBFM picked up highs and peaks all most text book on time. Then the third month post-ep I started drinking and it was that month I got all high's. This month (4th post ep) I took the first week or so drinking (had some girlies over) and then stopped. Other than Chrimbo day and NY eve I have not had any! Dont know if that helped :shrug:

Anteater- hope your bearing up ok honey! lots of :hugs: to you!
Right- time for some lunch and vegging!
thanks minimin hun, yeah oh is away for 4 weeks so weont be TTC this month but that will give me enough time to practice getting them in and out.
I know this may be a really stupid question but can you reuse them? does this carry a risk of infection if you do. i have ordred 6 and if i find hem ok i will be ordering some more.
huge huge congratulations on your BFP by the way. Was it your first month using SCs?
Hey ladies, i have just orderd 6 instead cups off ebay for £5.50 plus £2.95 p&p, never used them before, hope they bring us a :bfp: :happydance:

woo woo good luck ladies :) after reading this i might give it a go. Thanks for the info Mommytokian im heading over there now! :)

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