Eve- ahh that explains things! DH is kissing ass tonight, cuz I haven't been talking much. I like it


But honestly Chris needs to quit being a shit. What's his deal?
Minimin- I would love to come over for a glass of wine! Especially if we lived in the same country and it wasn't during the 2WW lol. I wish I was just filthy rich, that way I could catch a flight to anywhere anytime.

I had Garlic butter fish fillets with lemon, Spinach and a baked potato with sour cream. Yumm.

Oh my, I seriously lol'd at that one. Yes this thread strips you of shame, it's always just real talk in here. It's refreshing! Sounds like your CM will be perfectly obedient to do the job though.

Enjoy yourself with the babymakin'

And I ALWAYS wonder what our baby will look like for that reason! Its constantly on my mind.

I can't wait to meet our peanut and I haven't even conceived him/her yet!
Kimmie- Enjoy Twilight! I read the books before they were "cool" lol.. And I adored them. The movies have got nothing on the books!
Yomo- No problem hun.. I can imagine the day you get your BFP is full of so many emotions, the LAST one you need to experience is worry. Just chillax, take one in the morning.. and post a pic of your BFP for us
Allie- Did I mention my daughters name is going to be ellie? I love that name! We heard it on a TV show awhile back and it just stuck with us both.. so we decided that'll be the one for peanut if its a girl! Yeah the house to yourself is always enjoyable. Have a good nap hun.
Eve- Yeah hun, Helly was in here earlier today
Oh & I honestly think if I conceived this month it was due to the amazing sex we had that one night. Lol.. We went ALL out.. He tied me up and everything! Ooolala.

How's that for TMI? But I solemly swear if this isn't the month then I'm checking into a TTC addiction clinic.. or at least quitting. Cuz I've had feelings in my tummy/pelvis today that i've never experienced in my life. Along with other stuff. My brain is either being pathetically cruel or this will be the month. I'm sticking with this will be the month! *crosses fingers really really hard*