I started reading this thread about FIVE days ago, just becasue I wanted to know what Softcups were. From the first page I couldnt stop reading! It has taken me soooo long to get through, and I have been reading it morning, noon and night! I am a total Softcup stalker!!
It has been amazing, and I feel like I know you all really well (and maybe too much of some of you

LAURA: Your story was so fantastic. I knew you were pregnant from the start of the thread by your profile picture, and it was great reading your posts, saying you didnt think you were pregnant etc etc. I just wanted to scream at you "YOU ARE!! YOU ARE!"
EVE and BELLE: I too have a Chihuahua!!!! Well, three of them!! Oscar, Lady and Sid! Sid is the naughty one!
Honestly, what a great thread! I have laughed so much, and my OH thinks I am mad.
Can I just ask a couple of things? Isnt PreeSeed the only gel to be proven not to kill sperm, AND make them live longer? And the other ones all have a down fall, like it kills a few of them or something?
And Re the "Orgasm after sex to suck the sperm up". I wondered about this too a few weeks ago. I read somewhere that apparently, this used to be considered true, however, in the 50's, a group of scientists decided to test it. They made a "man goo" like liquid, but put dye in it, and put it in the vagina of a group of women. The women all made themselves orgasm, and when they looked at the goo, ot hadnt moved. Also, apprently, the CEREVIX makes the EWCM, but when you orgasm, its the VAGINA that makes that that (for want of a better word) "lube" and this can be quite acidic, and actually have the OPPOSITE effect!

Im not sure if this is all true, as we never are with most of the stuff scientists spout at us, but I know I didnt orgasm when i got pregnant with my two (the first one took 6 months, although i had been

at all the wrong times for the first 5 months, and thought that you O'd just before AF. But the 6th month was the first time I tried properly, no orgasm, got pregnant.
And with my second son, I got pregnant in the first month, again, no orgasm.
Too be honest, it probably doesnt make much if any difference, because if every time a woman orgasmed, it killed all the sperm, I think the human race would have trouble surviving!
Anyway, sorry for the long post, got a bit carried away.
What a great thread!! Hope you dont mind if I keep stalking you??
M2K: I hope you dont mind me saying, you are so strong. The "Gone to soon" tribute is heartbreaking. And it is true what you said, "You dont know how strong you are until you have to be."
Ok, will leave you all alone now. Hope you dont mind if I keep Softcup stalking?
Keep up the good work guys!!!
Rebecca x