Kita, I think there wouldn't be a problem with using the softcups that way, thats what I was looking into too!! I feel I won't miss a drop, less messy and good for him. For some reason he doesn't find it AS pleasureable to release 'inside' I think because all these years we used the pull out method and I grabbed him to finish him and it just feels better for him, HOWEVER we are trying to conceive so he'll do what he needs to do BUT when I mentioned we can do things his way and then I'll just hold the SC there he said "Ummm No!" LOL (This just may be Too Much Info for you ladies!)

And sperm lives for several hours ourside the body as long as its warm such as on the skin! Since this is your TTC efforts and your body, do whatever you are comfortable with!

it's still early for you. You BD so much this month that I can't imagine that the egg wouldv'e had a chance to dodge any sperm at all!!!!
Sabrina, paps are fun aren't they? NOT! Good Luck and it's over in a few minutes! How are you feeling? I hope you are feeling much better!
CD20 and 2DPO and my cervix is still open but only slightly. My opk from this morning is just as super positive as it was two days ago on CD18. I swear I am going to take a picture of my opk's when I use them up! I have to use them because they won't be good for next cycle since they expire 30 days after opening. But I have heard of many women having positive opks for days after O. Just interesting to watch!
I need to

and do

then I hope to straighten my house up and get out and do something!! I, solemly swear, I will not sit and obsess throughout my 2WW!!! Yeah Right!