wow this thread moves so quickly.
And Ness..... you aswell...... oh this is all so exciting. I hope tis is your BFP. You girls have me in tears today. lol.
Just so you know i never got a strong BFP on an IC. have you tried a FRER? xxx
and even if I am pregnant. I'm not moving out of the softcups thread for awhile either.. that makes me sad to think about!
yeah ness that is very very early hun. i was testing everyday for a week and slowly very slowly watched them get darker. best to do a digi. even though my tests were so faint it came up positive right away. they are really good.
Bella you not testing again at all. wow you must have a lot of will power. I done enough to open my own pharmacy.
and even if I am pregnant. I'm not moving out of the softcups thread for awhile either.. that makes me sad to think about!
I know me too - I wont be going anywhere for a while if I am pregnant!! x
Hi laura! How are you? Good to see you here again! Hope your doing well. Feed our symptom addiction and tell us yours! LOL oh and I think IC are sometimes not good at picking up anything.Did you do a branded test as well as IC and the branded gave you a postive?
Bella- I think I am on you on this- I have done one at 10dpo and 12dpo and AF due Friday so I think the weekend will be my next test. I need to see a dark line on a branded test to make me believe I am not going to have an early MC like last time.
Ness! I think your right bout not really knowing when we have ovulated and if the dip is Implantation. I am over analysing my charts when i should be out running errands! LMAO
yeah ness that is very very early hun. i was testing everyday for a week and slowly very slowly watched them get darker. best to do a digi. even though my tests were so faint it came up positive right away. they are really good.
Bella you not testing again at all. wow you must have a lot of will power. I done enough to open my own pharmacy.
Laura I will be doing then every day still til I'm sure ha ha!
I will wait til AF is due before I do a digi, she's due on Saturday!
I could go get a Tesco one but I don't know what Miu they are. I'm getting nothing on Superdrug at the moment and they're supposed to be more sensitive than FRER's xx
oh ness i had that hip thing to. In fact i have had really ad problems with my hips. They feel like they are cramping then i have shooting pains right down to m groin. Not nice.
Im having really bad headaches now. Didnt have them until a few days ago and appearently its a sign of having a boy.