Eve, lovely veggie garden, I'm impressed!!!
Minimin, I am as blind as a bat BUT I could see a line in the very top pic without even enlarging it!!! Yay!
Ness, about the playstation,

My DH is also good at PS3, when he is actually home, does that count!!!??? LMAO I can't comlain, he is a great father and a fab husband who spoils me rotten! When we used to live back home he would go to his Grandmothers (grandmas boy and momma's boy, lmao) and pick me roses and other flowers from her flower garden and bring them home for me!! Such a doll baby!!! I love my guy!
Ness, didn't you spot for a week or so before af last month? When I get my af it usually starts as a very very light brown blood into very light pink then WHAM full blown horrid AF, Boooo! IF it is af, put a "do not disturb for 9 months" sign on your body!!! Lmao Good Luck to you!

I take advil liquid gels, buy the cordless heat pads for my back and abdomen, and I go to the liquor store or beer store and have at it for a week!

Then I cry the next day while scrubbing my house from top to bottom and then pray for the next month and nap with my daughter. Same routine every month, this time though I'll have a gym to go to, just signed the yearly contract yesterday and starting there today!!! yay! Oh yea, and I also do tons of research through books and online on TTC to keep me updated and so I can add to my insanity. I may be joining you for a break though very soon. After 7 months its depressing!
CD24 6DPO and its only 820am here so nothing at all, its raining we have flood warnings since we are going to get 3-5" of rain this afternoon and then continue to rain all weekend. Daylight savings time for us is this weekend!!! Woop! More sunlight!! How is everyone? Symptoms? BFP's?!