Hells bells laura is that your baby? jeeesus christ almighty look at the size he looks like a fully formed baby, it looks like a 20 weeks scan!!!!!!!! im saying boy hun, i dunno why, the features look boyish (i hope if he is a girl u dont slap me one for saying that

) he/she is a bloody cutie either way!!!
helly thankyou for the lyrics, they fit perfectly, id love to add it to his page but still eint figured it out...i think i need to find someon with coldplays album, give them the password and let them do it for me
ness beany is staying put for 9 months, tomorrow will pass and before we know it you'll be like laura 13 weeks!!!
ladies im having some symtoms but i dunno if im having pretend ones yano?
aching back
sore throat
my eyes feel stuffy/slight runny nose
itchy right ear that feels wet
and stabbing pains in my womb...
now if AF comes im gonna go fricken maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad cuz ive not had these symtoms since kaden