Hey helly i have midwife appointment at 1:00 tomorrow

it will be just filling in pregnancy notes i guess and choosing which hospital i want to go to, although i think ill be at the same hospital, sitting in the fetal medicine department, its going to bring so many memories back of last year, but i can deal with that as long as little pip is fine
i wasnt ever sick with kian or kaden, but i do usually suffer with nausea, and tiredness...i cant wait to start showing, at leaste i eint gotta keep breathing in my baby fat now, cus if anyone does ask when im due i can actually say a date
i feel like i got cold symtoms, like runny nose and watery tired eyes but thats about all.
Bella, we only live in a 2 bedroom house so if anything, baby will have to share with mommy and daddy untill we can move into a 3 bedroom house...im pretty sure im having another boy, i just cant see me being a girl mom yano? probably because im used to hearing "its a boy"

im having images of xmas already