Good morning ladies!
Raz: I wish I knew the words to say.

You are such a strong woman.
Bella and Julie: FX'd for you. I hope the

isn't up to her tricks. Bella, after a week late with BFNs maybe see the OB on Monday??
Ness: Happy to see that 3+ for you sweetie!
Cat: Just try to relax sweetie I am sure everything is fine!
Well, I want you all to know that DH and I spent a long time talking yesterday morning and we have decided to NTNP for the summer. After 16 full cycles with not so much as a faint BFP, my heart and mind just cannot take this stress anymore. We are just going to enjoy the summer together and go see the FS in the fall. It will take me a month or two to fully get out of the TTC mindset, but I really need to as this has pushed me to the edge.
However, if it's ok with you all, I am going to still lurk around here. You've all been such an encouragement to me and have come to mean so much to me in such a short time.
Love and

to you all!