
Morning Ladies,

Titi; How are you feeling? Any symptons as yet?

Hi Yomo,
Thanks for thinking of me. NO symptoms yet-just one weird minor thing that happened. When we were in our BD time, we got bds in on cd8, cd10,cd11. I had EWCM these days and had a +opk on cd11. Anyhow, cd12 we were getting ready to BD and I went into the bathroom to get undressed. The minute I took my bra off I realized I'd already OV'd. It was so weird-like, the minute my bra came off my nipples suddenly felt amazingly sore and I realized my breasts were getting I checked my cm and sure enough-it had been EWCM early that morning but was already creamy.
Has anyone ever "felt" that they already finished OV that quick?? Usually it takes a few DAYS for post OV symptoms to settle in.
Of course I was hoping what I felt was conception-lol.
:hugs: to you Ness. As Cat says, it may just "click" once he can see the scan! Try not to get down about it, you haven't got enough energy to be down as well as being pregnant, working full time and posting lots on BnB (I personally wonder how you fit it all in - are you actually a robot? lol)

IceFire - Hey - yes I also have cramps afterwards as well. In fact for quite a few hours. I also have quite bad gas after using them. I am unsure if this is just a coincidence. xx
thanks Cat and Starmoon!

:haha: about posting Starmoon - I'm a touch typist and can post very fast and I'm logged on most of the day but actually not looking at BandB, it's just dropped down on my computer screen so I'm actually working he he!

I feel like a bloody robot sometimes! although work has been very quiet lately so that's a blessing - I can take it steady at work!

TMI Alert! :blush:

Used my Softcups for the first time on Saturday and again Sunday. Went OK :thumbup: However, had a bit of trouble getting it out on Sunday - I just could not reach far enough - I could feel it but couldn't "hook" it :rofl: !!! OH had to get it out for me in the end which was not much fun for him!

Only left them in for an hour or so afterwards. I cannot "feel" them as such when they are in, but I sort of get like a cramping in my pelvis when they are in (hence taking them out after an hour). Has anyone else had this?

They are definitely in far enough (they wont go any further!) and as I say, I can't actually feel them as such?

I too had slight cramps after putting them in!

I think cos it sits so close to your cervix it sorta rubs against it sometimes!

Also I found that easiest way to take it out was to sit on the toilet , use middle finger cos it's longer, then bear down like you're having a poo and then you can hook your finger over it and slide out horizontal with the floor, never pull straight down xx
Morning Ladies,

Titi; How are you feeling? Any symptons as yet?

Hi Yomo,
Thanks for thinking of me. NO symptoms yet-just one weird minor thing that happened. When we were in our BD time, we got bds in on cd8, cd10,cd11. I had EWCM these days and had a +opk on cd11. Anyhow, cd12 we were getting ready to BD and I went into the bathroom to get undressed. The minute I took my bra off I realized I'd already OV'd. It was so weird-like, the minute my bra came off my nipples suddenly felt amazingly sore and I realized my breasts were getting I checked my cm and sure enough-it had been EWCM early that morning but was already creamy.
Has anyone ever "felt" that they already finished OV that quick?? Usually it takes a few DAYS for post OV symptoms to settle in.
Of course I was hoping what I felt was conception-lol.

Maybe thats a good thing babes, you were no thinking this is the time etc.

Fingers crossed for you, You OV early don't you? I normally get a +opk on day 14, I always feel under pressure on that day. My nipples normally go a purlpe colour afer OV (strange I know!)

Nothing to report for me, felt a little pulling feeling on Saturday but I think that would have been due to the HSG on wed.

Fingers crossed for you babes, hopefully we shall be joining Cat and Ness! :happydance::happydance:
Good to know its not just me then. I suppose I will get used to it in time (although hopefully it won't be that long before I get my BFP and I can do away with the yukky things!)

I really should go to bed, I have been up all night at work but this website is so very addictive.
Hi girls!!

Oooh a cruise Yomo?! I'm jealous! At least you won't be affected by the volcanic ash hey?!

Cat glad Kian is doing better now!

I'm feeling fed up today, just hormones but Mark did my head in - he's so damn clumsy and it's like the baby never crosses his mind, he's dead rough with me and careless like he jumped on the bed early hours after having a wee and nearly landed on my stomach then he pulled me in by my boobs for a cuddle and I nearly hit the roof it was so painful! I told him that and he just friggin grunted and was like "Yeah alright then" in a right pissed off sorta way like he's fed up of me having to say go steady or be careful. Err well friggin go carefully and I wouldnt have to keep saying it!

I got really upset this morning. Just said to him that although he can't see it right now, it's in there and it's the most important time when you have to be careful and I'm shattered and it's gonna get worse so I need his support and to help me out around the house - not sit and watch me struggle carrying washing up the stairs nearly tripping up.

Grrr - he apologised anyway but I still feel like shit, bought him a book called "The Blokes Guide to Pregnancy" and he ain't even picked it up to even look at it he doesnt even ask how I'm feeling or any questions about the pregnancy. I know he wants the baby and will be more excited when I get a bump but it's hard going through this on your own feeling like you ain't got any support!

Sorry girls rant over, don't mean to bring everyone down with me this morning!!

Can't wait for Julie and Yomo to test! !! :happydance: xx

Hi Ness,

Sorry you are feeling a little down today, Don't worry it's easy for you to get your head around as you have your baby growing inside you, but I think it takes a little getting used to with Men. I am sure when you are a bit further along it shall become more real to him.

A cruise isn't really my idea of a hol but my mum has split up with her fella and they booked it, so I am going along with her...really looking forward to spending some time with her just the two of us x
Ness, sorry you are feeling down at the moment, he will change as soon as he see the heart beat, I am sure, at your first appt.

Well ladies I am crushed and probably will be taking a BnB break soon. My FRER was negative this morning and when I checked my cervix there was a spot of light pinkish/brown cm up there. I have not had spotting between period since I did 6 years ago when I got pregnant with dd, so yes, truthfully I am torn apart. :sad2: I thought this was it, for real, finally.
AF was due either yesterday or today. My boobs, especially my left one is very sore. Well I felt very watery yesterday like I do before AF. I guess I had the thought in my mind about AF showing, but with the possible IB I was so hopeful. :nope:

Will catch up soon.
Yomo-Well pulling sounds hopeful! FX'd for you as well that it is NOT from HSG! I don't know anything about either.

-M2K-yay! So happy ur immune and no worries!

-Ness, hun sorry your dh is being daft right now. If it makes you feel any better-my DH is sooooo ready to be a daddy and more involved in TTC then any man I ever met-and so supportive. BUT I would never be able to get him to read a book on anything. Reading just isn't his nature. As into it as he is, he would much rather that I, the bookworm, do the reading and share what I learn with him. Over a year ago, when we first TTC and I literally devoured THREE pregnancy books in the first 3 weeks TTC and was spending all my time on the internet learning about TTC, I was really hurt that he wasn't doing any research. Now that he has been so amazing all this time I realize it doesn't mean he is into it any less, we are just different and he would so much rather sit down with me and talk about the things I've read then to read on his own.

Also-maybe your poor dh is a little ignorant about a newly pg women. He really might just not understand what is different yet and how he should be? It might of hurt his feelings when you yelled at him? Men are so different, I swear.
Ness, sorry you are feeling down at the moment, he will change as soon as he see the heart beat, I am sure, at your first appt.

Well ladies I am crushed and probably will be taking a BnB break soon. My FRER was negative this morning and when I checked my cervix there was a spot of light pinkish/brown cm up there. I have not had spotting between period since I did 6 years ago when I got pregnant with dd, so yes, truthfully I am torn apart. :sad2: I thought this was it, for real, finally.
AF was due either yesterday or today. My boobs, especially my left one is very sore. Well I felt very watery yesterday like I do before AF. I guess I had the thought in my mind about AF showing, but with the possible IB I was so hopeful. :nope:

Will catch up soon.

Oh hun-I'm really sorry. I felt for sure this was it for you too. I am really going to hope that it was just a weird spotting not af!
Ok hi girls, Can I join this very large thread?

I took the plunge and bought softcups which arrived so I shall be using them, however they kind of scare me. :wacko:

I am on cycle day 11 but will not :sex: until cycle day 13 (SMEP)

For next month if need to would you start using them soon as you get a high day on CBFM or closely to OV? I get them in a 6 pack

Ness - Hey hun. Dont worry I think men just dont have that kind of connection mine was exactly the same until the scan and to say it was mind blowing was an understatement I didnt even think I had a baby in my tummy til I seen him on the scan. And Mark really will freak when he see's its little leg trying to escape from your tummy lol.... I think he just needs to get used to the adjustment as its only been you and him. And dont feel bad it had to be said :hugs:

Does anyone know how to post a lonk on your signature for you Journal?

Thank you my lovelies I would truly go insane if I didnt have you all!! :hugs:

I would post in First Tri but my friends are all here in TTC! Not that everyone isn't lovely over there but as I say my good friends are in here and I'm waiting for you to join me!

Yeah you're all right, I know I shouldn't be so hard on him and that it is truly different for men especially at this early stage. He just pissed me off more than anything. I mean I just spoke to him and he said that the reason he ignored me and snapped was that I "pissed him off because I was so over dramatic" eh?! I've told him how sore my boobs are I could barely rub cream in them over the weekend! OK I'll admit they're not as sore as that today but you squeeze them and yeah it freaking kills!

Titi he's defo not a book person - I even tried reading out the book to him while we were sat in the garden and he was just like "oh yeah that's nice" and went back to his computer! I give up lol.

Anyway enough of my moaning you gals have your own stuff to worry about without me rambling on about my OH!

Julie - oh my gosh I hope that AF isn't coming :cry: I'm heartbroken for you if she does, selfish cowbag, I pray like mad that it's just spotting and that your bfp is gonna come slowly cos you have a shy beanie :hugs:

Yomo - aww that will be lovely spending time with your mum! And you'll see some lovely sunshine too - bring me some back! I just found my journal and right clicked over the address bar and pressed "copy" then pasted in to my signature

Thank you Shona - great to see you in here! I think he defo needs to see the baby for him to believe it though it's quite sad that some OH's it doesnt even cross their mind! I mean he was going on about spending £295 on some golf course sessions......errr we have a baby on the way mate!
haha Mark has alot to learn lol..... I have one of my own and a stepson and my OH still managed to wrangle golf clubs and a £700 pc I guess thats why we are here to rein them in. I think its just that men see things very black and white and once it happens then they go into daddy mode. My DH didnt get excited until I was actually in labour, taking bags etc till I properly started showing stuff like that and I tried to get him into books but he just didnt bother with all of that. I think not all but most of the time it is the women that are emotional and attached to the baby as I guess we are going through it physically and just cant understand how men dont feel the same but I guess thats where men and women differ. They do care really they just dont like to show it too often but I think with Mark hun hes just getting used to it. We dont realise how expensive it is until the baby is here.

Any advice on the softcups?
Thanks Shona and lol at the golf clubs and PC - funny they find money for that but not to take us out hey?!

Errm tips....

well, easiest way to insert is still laying down on the bed, squeeze the sides of the softcup with forefinger and thumb and insert downards towards the bed then using your middle finger, push up until you can feel it sitting on your pelvic bone. Voila! If you can feel it, it's not in right. Also I'd recommend having a couple of test runs before the actual crucial time of your cycle so you know you're able to pop them in right.

Taking out, sit on the toilet, insert middle finger and bear down like your having a poo, you should be able to hook your middle finger over the rim and pull out horizontal to the floor, never pull downwards as your vaj slopes backwards (but sure you knew that anyway :haha:)

I left mine in overnight - you can leave them in for up to 12 hours :thumbup:

Cat - great news hon x

Julie - so sorry, hopefully as its brown blood it may be nothing but I understand how you are feeling, were here for you no matter what.

Ness - my suggestion would be a boot to the balls (he might get the sore boob thing then) and tell him if he is happy to spend money on golf lessons, its only fair you spend £70 on an early scan too, the scan might put him off spending money on golf lessons! But hey Im a cow dont listen to me! :D
morning ladies!

:cry:Julie I am so sorry dear. I know exactly how you feel. Just try to hang on and know that I am here if you need to talk, cry, or whatever. :hugs:

Ness I am sorry that OH is being a jerk! Makes it so much more annoying when you are all hormonal!

FX'd for you yomo, and thanks for the support:flower:

Cat I am so glad the tests were ok! Yay for immunity! I hope Kian is feeling better!

AFM, doing pretty well. Mostly just annoyed with crap going on at work--ugh so frustrating!!

Love and :dust: to all!
thanks Ness I have put one in to try not sure if put it in properly or not but sure I will know after bedding tomorrow. They look so daunting but not that bad.

How is everyone?

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