hey girls hope you're all ok today?! Cat love your new siggie! Oh don't worry about deleting me (how rude

) just kidding!
So I've had a very stressful 24 hours....
Last night had a row with OH - stupid argument he spoke to me like shit over something completely not worth mentioning and I got upset, to the point I couldnt stop crying. He came and apologised and we're fine and I said he can't be getting me upset like that cos its not good for me or the baby.
Anyway spoke to my mum this morning while she was on her way to work just for a moan really as you do, and said I'd had some stabbing pains this morning which I'm sure are normal but they'd worried me a bit since I was so upset last night. She was like "oh for goodness sake stop being stupid" and basically was telling me that I'll push Mark away if I worry about the baby and that I'm getting myself worked up for nothing. I told her I was out of breath talking and walking to work which was true anyway she said she had to go.
She text me to say sorry but was not the best time to call as she was running late and I was irate and it annoyed her and stuff. I text her back just saying all I wanted were some words of comfort from my mum i.e. don't worry baby will be fine and Mark was just being a dick and I didnt understand why that was so hard. She basically has slagged me off over text telling me I'm OTT, dramatic, pathetic and hard to talk to....WTF?! I'm pregnant of course I'm going to be anxious, I said given she's had 4 kids I thought she'd be a bit more understanding especially being my mum and it was sad I got more support from a group of women I'd never actually met before.
She sent me a text saying "I still love you and think we need to meet up for a chat" and I said I thought it was best to wait until my hormones had settled a bit as I'm clearly too much for her right now and I don't want to be made to feel like shit every time I have a worry or feel anxious about the pregnancy. She text me back and said
"As I said drama fukin queen."
I was so upset, I can't believe she acted this way! It's a good job I have you guys or I'd feel so alone through this!
Now I just feel slightly astounded that a 45 year old woman could react like this.
The thing that makes it worse is that we're very close and it makes it even worse. I've decided I don't want her to be my birthing partner cos she'll just call me pathetic and a drama queen in the delivery room and I don't need that.
It's so sad