Hello everyone. I am new to the forum. Some advice would really be helpful.
I tracked my cycles for two months so far.
For the first cycle, the first bleed began on Thursday May 20th and ended on Tuesday June 16 (27 day cycle). The LH surge ovulation test was positive on Tuesday June 1.
For the second cycle, the first bleed began on Wednesday June 17th and ended on Sunday July 11 (26 day cycle). The LH surge ovulation test was positive on Tuesday June 29.
The third cycle started Monday July 12th.
So far, the LH surge ovulation test seem to be consistent, occurring every fourth Tuesday, even though the day of the first bleed seem to be inconsistent. For the next cycle, should I assume that the positive LH surge ovulation test will occur two weeks from Tuesday and plan the artificial insemination then, on the day that the positive LH surge is detected?
Also, who here is using softcups for artificial insemination? For those who are, what steps do you take?
Also for artificial insemination, when should the artificial insemination be done once you get a positive LH surge ovulation test? Should it be done immediately after the positive LH surge is detected?
I had a question about artificial insemination steps, and if I am doing it correctly. What steps do you take to defrost and warm up the sperm? What steps to avoid to keep from damaging the sperm?
lastly, does everyone get a consistent period or inconsistent period in terms of the first bleed, or in terms of the positive LH surge detection?