Sigh, so ladies. I am having some difficulty with how/where/when to put in my soft cup after BDing. I am mainly BDing with me lying on my stomach (I've heard it's better for women with retroverted uteruses - uteri?), and I can't figure out two things.
1. Do I wait a few minutes before putting in the cup, or do I put it in right away?
2. Should I put in the cup in the exact same position we used to BD? Or is it OK for me to flip over and put it in while I lie on my back, then flip back over onto my tummy for a while?
I've been trying to put it in while lying on my stomach, but I'm having issues doing that, I find it really confusing, plus it's hard to reach - last night was a total disaster. After BDing, I tried to put on the soft cup while still on my stomach, but I'm having issues because in that position, I get kind of disoriented as to where the cup should be in relation to me, how it should be directed, which way is up, etc. !!!

So anyway, I popped it in and as I was lying on my tummy, I started worrying that I put it in wrong, like maybe it was at an angle, or maybe I put it in upside down...!! So then I went feeling for it, and I felt it in there, but the rim felt different to me, so then I really started worrying I put it in upside down, and then I started worrying that it was going to be really hard to get out. So I started to pull on it a little to see if I could grab it, and I couldn't. PANIC. So then I said fudge it, and went to the bathroom and managed to pull it out when bearing down. And guess what? It was in the right way all along. Guess what else? There was a ton of "stuff" I lost just minutes after BDing because I freaked myself out!!! Ahhahhahah! SO annoyed with myself.

What a waste of swimmers! I have tried the flip onto my back method, but I am worried about leakage with moving around. I did notice some leakage the one time I tried that, but it might have already been there even before flipping over. Not sure.
Anyway, I'm trying to figure this out asap, as I'm in prime fertile time. Expecting to O soon, in the next 2-3 days. Any advice?