So after reading so many success stories I decided to try these this cycle. I happen to be being visted byat the moment so figured I would practice while she is here....first of all I must say, yes easy to insert...but soooo gross taking out!
My question is this, as long as I am sure it is behind my pelvic bone and I can't feel it after I put it in, then Im good right? I am so paranoid that its in wrong and I'd blocking thefrom getting to my cervix! Is it possible to do that? I can't feel it once its in, and each time I go pee I check to make sure its still behind my pelvic bone and so far it hasn't moved...I havent had any leaking either (except when I had a BM, but I read its normal for that to happen as when you are bearing down there can be leaking...sorry if TMI!)
So hoping for awith these! Any advice would be great!
Hi everyone!
I read some, but not all of the posts on here (there's too many!!). I had a miscarriage on the 2nd of March, and I am hoping to get pregnant again asap. I always really wanted kids, but the miscarriage made me realize I wanted it more then I even knew. I started spotting a couple days ago so it seems AF is on her way, so we must have missed the egg this month
. Hopefully once it is done we can start trying again. I bought a pack of softcups and hoping it will help this month. I tried them before with AF and wasn't able get it in right (is it possible to have a vagina that's too small???), so I hope I can figure it out this time around!