Aaisrie- I'm 12dpo as of today, and I've NEVER felt like this before! I started getting really anxious around 7dpo as well, but tried to keep myself occupied. I think I may have "implanted" on the night of the 7dpo because I had some very strange tugging/twinge pains in my lower abdomen. I got really discouraged yesterday because I was having something that felt similar to period cramps but they went away, and I didn't start

I started getting tired at 7dpo as well... Your symptoms sound great! My most prominent symtom right now is my insane sense of smell, and my boobs are sooooo sore. I have trouble getting comfortable at night because of it. I have also been more edgy than usual, things just set me off the last few days. I know what you mean about going to bed at 10:30 though, I'm a night person and usually get to bed between 12-2. I've been ready by 9:30-10:30 lately. Some of my symptoms weren't convincing to me, because they can be for AF too.. but i'm telling you. My boobs have never ever hurt like this before.
Thanks Laura, Only a few more days till I can either do a

or pout, straighten up and prepare to try again. =] Gosh, I hope this is it. Oh!! And those niggles/cramps that you felt, I had those too!

no shame in symptom spotting.
Minimin- It was a blue dye test

Dammit. But I have some pink dye ones that I'll be using for my "official" testing day

It's gonna take everything in me to NOT test again today, but I need to stop testing so early, it just gets me discouraged before I'm even counted out.