
Oh Bella, I'm so sorry. I have had cycles where I had every symptom (I think-I've never been pg) under the moon and got crushing BFNs-it happens-but also it could be too early to test with afternoon Pee! you never know hang in there.
Ah Bella, how cruel to get a BFN! Like everyone says though, you're not out yet, will continue to hope for a BFP for you x

Aaisirie - thanks! So when people say EWCM they dont mean its clear like water its a milky colour, i geddit, had that days a go then lol. But I have memory problems and wont be able to recall which days, so I guess Im going to have to just not know this month and if no BFP try harder to chart next month.
Thanks girls. I'm just gonna chin up and work on other things for a few days, if AF doesn't show i'll take it from there. just sucks getting all psyched for nothing.. dunno why I do it to myself.:dohh: I've never been pregnant either titi :( hope we get some beautiful bfp's in here soon! * XxX
Ah Bella, how cruel to get a BFN! Like everyone says though, you're not out yet, will continue to hope for a BFP for you x

Aaisirie - thanks! So when people say EWCM they dont mean its clear like water its a milky colour, i geddit, had that days a go then lol. But I have memory problems and wont be able to recall which days, so I guess Im going to have to just not know this month and if no BFP try harder to chart next month.

nooooooooooo EWCM=EGG WHITE cm. It looks JUST like RAW egg whites..........clear thick and stretchy.
Helly the EWCM tends to be clear but if it was a bit coloured it wouldn't matter so much - it's the consistency of it you are checking more than anything else!!
Sorry to hear about the BFN Bella - but don't give up hope just yet :)

Not much happening on my side apart that we've giving up on the WTT like we were supposed to for this cycle :D So had "fun" using the softcups; still not 100% sure I'm putting them in the right place lol, I did watch the videos etc; hope I'm doing it right, found plenty of swimmers in the one I took out last night but I was still leaking quite a bit. They do seem great though, I'll try them for AF too and see how that goes (well hopefully I won't need to...)
:hugs: Bella

i got a clear bfn no faint line or anything then the next day a whopping :bfp: so like others have said, u eint out the game just yet hun! :thumbup: xXx
Well girls i didnt have a temp rise this morning. It stayed the same as yesterday so ive lost all hope for this month as i think that if you are pregnant you tempt continues to increase. I may have to ask on the charting thread to try and get some PMA back.
Hope you are all well.


Just found this chart, so to prove that charting isn't the be all and end all and that they CAN be erratic and what it says in the textbook isn't necessarily what happens but just an indication

Don't know whose chart it is, it's just proof!
:hugs: Thanks girls! In the meantime, lets see some BFP's.. :) Bring em out! I'm feeling tons better today.. still playin it safe so won't be having *toO* much fun this weekend. Probably just chillin in with DH.. watchin movies or something. What's everyone doing this weekend?
:hugs:morning ladies..

we'll probably take my little boy to see his nanny then home to play on the nintendo wii or watch some films, ross said he gonna treat us to a take away so i dont have to cook :shock:

5dpo :wacko:
when does implantation begin if i am indeed pregnant (wishful thinking) xXx
morning all.

Aaisrie thanks for that link. Tha is an erratic chart if ever ive seen one. lol.

Bellablue how are you feeling today hun? What CD are you on again?

I had a temp rise this morning which is good to see. :happydance:. in a way better mood than i was yesterday.

Going to Northamptom tomorrow to see the OH and we are stayin in a hotel for the night. As he isnt allowed home i thought i would drive and see him. Im so excited.

He is doing a march from Scotland to London with his regiminent to raise money for the army benevolent fund. Such a great cause.
Laura- I'm great today, hun! No sign of AF yet, no cramps or anything.. today is 14dpo.. so I suppose we'll see. I haven't been temping as I "should" be.. but out of curiousity when I remember.. it was 98.1 for 3 days in a row before ovulation. And the last few days when I've taken it... it's been 99.0 or 99.1 .. I don't know if that means period is coming or pregnant. But I haven't been reliable about it, so it could mean absolutely nothing. If this month doesn't work out I'm gonna start keeping track of temps reliably! I need to get a basal thermometer though, cuz I just used a normal one. Lol

Mommy2Kian- I think implantation is anywhere between 6-12dpo, :) :hugs:
^ Oh and hotels and take-out? Sounds like it will be a nice relaxing weekend for you both! Hope you enjoy yourselves, it sounds to me like DH wants us to go to a friends house to play spades, woohoo. Better than staying home and doing nothing I suppose, I love playing cards ;)
with out a chart to look at i cant be certain hun but high temps after OV mean that you ovulated so i dont know. Hopefully you wont need to start doing it next month, fingers crossed for you. Glad your feeling ok and no sign of AF, thats great news.

Yeah im really looking forward to tomorrow. Nice relaxing weekend i think. :happydance:

I have never played spades, or heard of it but i love playing poker. We used to have poker nights all the time. Great fun.

Texas holdem or other types? That's way cool :) I like to play too but I always.. (and i mean always) get my butt kicked.
texas holdem, i love it. I am quite good butr only cause im good at bluffin my way through it. :rofl:
I havent played for a while but must start holding the poker night again. They are fun. espec when i get everone drunk, reduce their chances of winning and i win even when im playing appaulingly. :rofl:
lmao :lol: ... it's always fun when you have drinks with it! That's MY problem, I get to sippin, and I forget to win... :) or.. that's my story and I'm stickin to it! So you're on 7 dpo? Any distinct symptoms or anything?
Morning girls!

Bella that's exciting that you aren't having any AF symptoms yet! FXed!!

Laura I told you charts were weird!!

Talking of weird charts, I think I must have slept with my mouth open last night because my nose is all blocked up. Stayed with my best friend last night and took my temp this morning to find it had dropped below the coverline - BIG DROP..... Not impressed.....
LMAO! I like it.

Nothing major a few cramps on and of. like AF cramps but not painful. Had these last cycle to but think that was down to the clomid. And boobs are getting increasingly sore. Very very sore today. Again a normal sign for me. Nothing out of the norm to oin point though. My chart is looking good though. How about you hun? Anything?

Im trying to get your chart up but comp is playing up and is too slow. at 9DP that could be an implantation dip hun. It has to drop by at least .3 for it to mean implantation. Fingers crossed you get a major rise tomorrow.


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