
*hugs* back atcha Bella! I just got a *touch* of heartburn... just a touch but the only time I ever had it was when I was pregnant and with my MC
Morning ladies how are we all today? :flower:

I feel so stupid writing down these symtoms because i no the cow bag will just turn up an make me look like a right liar but here goes! :blush:

major headache that lasted all day yesterday
sharp stabbing cramping pains

Thats it so far i think
but they are probably sign of AF comming and i probably always get them but never acknowledged them before lol


M2K more likely to be implantation cramps if you still have 7 days til AF?

I had a BFN today, yesterday I had lost all my symptoms until last night I got a touch of heartburn, just a little, just licking at the back of my throat - the only time I ever had heartburn was pregnant with my DD and with my MC. Having had very little nausea at all yesterday I thought it was all over until I got up this morning and feel on the verge of puking... even my DD toast is making me wanna hurl eugh

How are you this morning M2K
Hey hun ur symtoms sound very promising! what dpo are u?

my period is due feb 1st and hoping she stays away! so yeh 1 week left :happydance:

im ok thankyou im stil very hungry, im about to make me 2 cheese on toast smotherd in redsauce :thumbup: im gonna put on so much weight if i carry on! :blush: when i wake i feel like i have hungar pains! maybe im having a growth spurt, can u still get them at age 27? :rofl:
I'm 11DPO today, BFN though... I swear I just had cramps... can't tell if it's AF cramps or wind... *freaks out* probably AF on it's way
Wow! What an obvious idea, Ive never heard of this softcups before! Ive orderd some but a slightly different version, being 'moon cup' Ive been meaning to get one for ages anyway I just hadnt got round to it. The Moon Cup has a little tag that you pull to get it out, I found it diconcerting that the soft cups didnt have this.

This is cool, Im not ov for nother 3-4 weeks so I've a while to wait to use it.

Can I join you girls on your soft cup ttc mission please? xxxx
Morning Ladies,

Sorry i aint been on for a little while i have been busy, real busy! ovulation over with i have put 110% in this month, used softcups done charting used ovulation kits took mutli vits, Pregnecare, angus you name it i have done it. I have never wanted anything so much!

Aaisrie_ Don't give up! by the sounds of it you may have it in the bag this month, the heartburn is a good sign i have fx's for you.

Mommy2kian_ got my fingers crossed for you, it the worst wait ever aint it, you can try a clearblue 4 days b4 the witch, that cuts off 4 days of the waiting game.

@ Aaisrie: yay; glad symptoms are back :P :dust: for a BFP!!

@ Yomo and other ppl who are using softcups; it would be great if you could post your testing dates on so we can see if softcups are helping with BFPs :D
Hi all-
Sorry I'm missing right at Ov. -One of the worst weekends of my entire life. Rushed our 4 month French Bulldog Marlow to the animal ER Friday night with sudden seizures and loss of body functions. She was getting over pnemonia but seemed almost all better-She has been foaming at the mouth/nose and seizures/head shakes all weekend long. They do not know what is wrong yet but fear distemper or serious neurological damage. Right at my OV time and was there through most the night Friday- have been stressed, so upset and not sleeping good. Also in no mood to BD. First month I just don't really even care about TTC I am in so much pain and such a zombie praying that my little 4 month furbaby-who was such a joy in the meantime of this LTTTC to take care of and love will somehow miraculously pull through all this. If you don't mind I am going to copy and paste this to a few of my other steady threads as I can't barely think straight right now and is too hard to do much of anything. I tried to read through some threads and am so sorry for BFNs and welcome to new girl/s.
Awwww Titi I'm so sorry - it does sound like something neurological with the seizures and foaming stuff going on - possibly epilepsy or something... I hope she's okay!

Thanks for all the baby dust guys, right back atcha with it!!
Titi --:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Hope your puppy gets better very soon. I have a fur baby too ( a BIG fur baby - German Shepard mix). If we didn't have him to keep us company, I think we'd be far more stressed out with the TTC stuff. So, I totally understand how hard what you're going through must be.

You'll be in my thoughts! Hope to read some good news soon!
aww titi hun i hope your dog gets weel soon:flower:

hows all you other ladies doing? anyone heard from laura i think she was testing today too, fx'd for you all ladies :dust:

Hi all :wave:


im still having these crampy sharp stabbing pains, i even said ouch out loud in the car, ross was like whats wrong :shock:

i hope it's a good sign, but i dont feel positive :nope: im not imagining them so if she does show up then its obviously down to getting ready for AF :wacko:

Hows u all feeling? xXx
Bit crappy... having AF type cramps today... think the witch is on her way, I think I'm gonna be out this month *sighs*
M2K I wish... the cramps are feeling more and more AF-like right now... I wouldn't be surprised if she comes early and comes today...
how are all my favorite ladies doing?

Ive just got back from a hotel weekend with the OH. It was great.

Temp had a lovely rise this morning so im realy hapy with that. Boobs are sore, worse than ive ever had and ive been in bed by 9:30 for the past 2 night which is really out of character for me. Hoping these area ll good signs.

I took a test about half a hour ago with a 10miu test and BFN i know its still soooo early but i couldnt help myself. lol.
Ihavent read back through the post, who are we all doing?

Hey laura glad u had a lovely time at hotel,and sorry about the bfn BUT like u say it is early :lol:

i think ill take a sneaky test thursday at 11dpo, i was 11dpo when i got a positive with kaden!


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